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This is a fare warning. This is a game is about the facts of Greece. If you know the answers to these questions, you will be ready for the unit 3 assessment The prize for playing, is that you have studied for a final assessment. Credits for this game go to: ?????????????????????????
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Q’s Page 4
? Number 1 What is Ares god of? He was god of war.
? Number 2 What are two things Hades is god of? The underworld and ____________. Wealth
? Number 3 What is a religion called that has more than one god. Polytheistic
? Number 4 How did mythology influence the Greek world. Myths explained natural events, moral values, and how the world worked.
? Number 5 How did the Greeks explain natural disasters such as volcanoes, storms, and earthquakes? Mythology
? Number 6 Where did the Greek gods live? Mount Olympus
? Number 7 What was the relationship between Hera and Zeus called? Marriage
? Number 8 Which god made the horse? Poseidon
? Number 9 What was Athena’s temple called? This temple is a ruin on the acropolis in Athens, Greece. The Parthenon
? Number 10 What are the big 3 Greek gods‘ names? Zeus Poseidon Hades
? Number 11 How did people in one city-state get to and communicate with another city-state on the other side of the Greek mountain? By water.
? Number 12 What is the general physical Description of Greece? Rocky, Mountains, Peninsulas, and small islands.
? Number 13 What continent is Greece part of? Europe
? Number 14 What is that best way to go Up/Down steep mountain? Carefully
? Number 15 What dots the seas around Greece That are also Greek lands? Islands
? Number 16 What happened on the island of Thira that destroyed the Minoan culture on the island of Crete? There was a volcano that erupted.
? Number 17 Why did some Greek city-states have colonies off the mainland of Greece? To have flat land to grow food on.
? Number 18 What separated the Greek city-states? The Mountains.
? Number 19 What domestic animals were raised In Greece that could live on the Steep slopes of the mountains? goats
? Number 20 What three seas surround Greece? Ionian Aegean Mediterranean
? Number 21 What is oligarchy? A form of government where people are ruled by a few wealthy people, aristocrats. Government
? Number 22 What is the form of government where the people are ruled by a strong leader who is backed with A military army? tyranny
? Number 23 What kind of government is said to have been “born” in Greece? Democracy
? Number 24 What is the right to vote, the right to Assemble, the right for free speech? Civil Liberties
? Number 25 A democracy in which citizens vote directly rather than through representatives? Direct Democracy
? Number 26 A form of government where total rule is by one person who inherits the position for life? Monarchy
? Number 27 When more than 50% agree? Majority Rule
? Number 28 Things that are influenced by Greek ideas, for example architecture, wines, democracy, art and theater are called? Hellenistic
? Number 29 What famous Macedonian did Aristotle teach? Alexander the Great
? Number 30 What Greek city-state emphazed A powerful military? Sparta
? Number 31 What Greek city-state emphased Literature, philosophy, learning, and the arts? Athens
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