Describe the evolution of the helmets.
Dark Ages = 300 yrs Lose the art of writing No mention in other records (Egyptians) Arhcaic Period B.C. Greek Culture revived Writing, art, sculpture Pregnancy of Western Culture
City-States Two Groups: Free Men (families) Slaves (workers) Citizen Groups Citizens = born in Athens Politics, army, officials, jury Metics = not born in Athens No property or politics Slaves No legal rights Tyrants lead to Democracy Rich landowners – strict laws Solon the Reformer (594 B.C.) Food for poor Citizens more involved Can’t be sold into slavery 508 B.C. – Democracy introduced!
Sparta Warrior mentality Everyman must become soldier, from birth Small population All citizens in army & vote Daily Life Perioikoi – people under Spartan rule Not citizens, but free to work and trade Helots – people who resisted, forced to work the land Athens Warships Triremes Ryan Emrick
Alphabet Adapted Phoenician system Easier to learn All modern European alphabets developed from this Spoken Word Transformed Professional poets (bards), now can write down Homer most famous bard Iliad & Odyssey earliest Greek writing Homer – British Museum – Roman copy of Greek original – 1 st or 2 nd Century A.D.
Persian Empire Largest in the world Threatening Greek city states Horizon of Democracy Idea/concept of freedom and citizenship threatened at infancy Greeks understood importance – way of life 1 st Persian Invasion King Darius I Battle of Marathon 2 nd Persian Invasion King Xerxes Battle of Thermopylae & Salamis