Characteristics of Algae Photosynthesizing Both uni and multicellular Contain chlorophyll and pigments that give them a variety of colors
Six Phyla of Algae 1.Euglenoids Unicellular, aquatic protists Have both plant and animal characteristics Move with flagella
2. Diatoms “Golden Algae” Unicellular, photosynthetic Live in freshwater and marine ecosystems Store food as oils instead of starches Reproduce asexually
3. Dinoflagellates Have cell walls Come in a variety of shapes/styles (some look like helmets or suits of armor) Most live in marine environments Cause a “Red Tide”
4. Red Algae Mostly multicellular marine seaweed Have a body called a “thallus” Live in deep water where other seaweed cannot survive
5. Brown Algae Live in cool, marine waters Have an air bladder to float on water’s surface Ex. Kelp
6. Green Algae Most diverse algae Mostly live in fresh water (live in oceans, soil, tree trunks, snow, and fur of sloths Reproduce sexually and asexually
Fragmentation Form of reproduction used by some green algae An individual breaks into pieces and each piece grows into a new individual
Alternation of Generation Life cycle pattern of some algae and all plants where the organism alternates between existing as a haploid and diploid; creating two different generations
Gametophyte The haploid form of the organism; produces gametes Sporophyte The diploid form of the organism Page 516, Figure 19