In the classical era, metallurgy was least developed in Classical era, Africa and America had an unequal population distribution, most people lived in A major factor in the collapse of the Maya civilization 9 Century CE The absence of pastoral societies in America was because they lacked Language spoken by the groups of people who had spread throughout most of southern and eastern Africa by the classical era? Here the cities operated without the coercive authority of a state (Africa) The Maya and Axum were similar in that both Christianity in Axum - identified with which church? The decline of Meroë and the rise of Axum were both connected to Shift of long-distance trade from the In the classical era, metallurgy was least developed in
Animals capable of domestication Long-term drought Eurasia written language Niger Valley civilization Bantu America Nile Valley to the Red Sea Coptic Church in Egypt
Bantu settlements in Africa had this as a commonality / North America east of the Mississippi lacked? Civilizations of Africa Nubians also called Nubia Center 300BCE – 100 CE Monarch – sacred – held at least 10 times by women Rulers buried along with human who were sacrificed Lion god Apedemek 1,000 years Nubia was a Christian civilization using Greek language Located on the horn of Africa – south of Nubia near Red Sea Agriculture society used hoe or digging sticks 50 CE developed in to a state – added by commerce via Red Sea and Indian Ocean 40,000 people – cities but not city states Remains show little sign of despotic power, warfare or inequality among people – resemble early cities of the Indus Valley First civilizations of America From central Mexico to northern Central America Writing – pictograph, phonetic (syllabic element) Urban centers – Kings and at times queens Devine rulers – state shamans – could talk with supernatural Tikal – major city – ruins exist
Mesoamerica Kush Common language Meroe Niger River – Jenne-jeno Axum Coptic or Byzantine Olmecs and Norte Chico Mayas Mesoamerica
Contains two giant pyramids – Pyramid of the sun 550 CE population – 100,000 – 200,000 / Largest urban place in the Americas Contains two giant pyramids – Pyramid of the sun Collapsed 650 CE mystery 900 BCE settled in Andes 750 BCE a small town 2-3 thousand people – trade to both coasts and Amazon Deities – jaguars, crocodiles and snakes 100 – 800 CE – Used irrigation – maize, beans and squash – acres of cotton and anchovies Governed by warrior priests – huge pyramids – sun dried bricks Artwork suggest large scale sacrifice 3,000 BCE by 100 CE they have iron making technology Migration leads to 400 closely related languages Slow migration with families – gave this area a cultural and linguistic commonality Bantu population grew and would out number other groups They brought with them disease – killed many Iron tools and weapons also gave them an advantage Batwa or_____ forest specialists – honey, wild game, animal skins and medicinal bark and plants 900 CE included Kivas – used for ceremonies Belief that mankind emerged from the world below Local trading – Buffalo hides, copper, turquoise, sea shells, feathers and baskets North Western New Mexico – 860-1130 CE – 5 major pueblos emerged Mississippi River valley – 200-400 CE Hopewell culture Large burial mounds – some mounds aligned with moon – allowed prediction of eclipse Elite – used laborers to build huge mounds – they were buried with much wealth
Chaco Canyon Moche Chavin Teotihuacan – Valley of Mexico pigmy people Advantage to Bantu Bantu speaking people Mound Builders Chaco Canyon Pueblo
Here in the Classical Era social organization was shaped by the state Linked by scholars as a possible factor in the emergence of slavery within the First Civilizations? reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 C.E. included government loans to peasant families Here in the Classical Era social organization was shaped by the state During the classical era, slaves comprised more than one-third of the total population provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China Slaveholding was least widespread and least central to the economy of world’s first and longest lasting professional civil service here In India who you could marry was determined by what ___ you belonged “weapons of the weak”
China Wang Mang domestication of animals China Daoism Roman Empire Sabotage jati China