LowHigh Discovery Collaboration Low High One of the first questions to ask is “How do you want your students to learn?” A professor identifies a problem and directs a group of students to brainstorm options for solution A team of students completes a team project by developing a design for a new product. A faculty member delivers a lecture on art history with multiple choice tests two days later A student researches the Civil War as part of an undergraduate thesis
LowHigh Discovery Collaboration Low High Campuses have a range of learning spaces that help or hinder learning options U-shaped classroom and case room Conference room Multi-purpose room Science lab Media lab Traditional classroom and lecture hall Project room Classroom with breakout space
LowHigh Technology-enabled space Learner-centered principles Low High Traditional classroom and lecture hall Are there ways to change the learning experience by changing pedagogy or using technology? U-shaped classroom and case room Conference room Multi-purpose room Science lab Media lab Project room Classroom with breakout space
LowHigh Low High Traditional classroom and lecture hall Are there different space designs that better fit our educational goals? Classroom with breakout space Reconfigurable classroom Videoconference and telecast Conference room Multi-purpose room Online course Technology-enabled space Science lab Media lab Project room U-shaped classroom and case room Learner-centered principles
Tools of learning spaces SpacePedagogy Technology
Technology-enabled learning spaceTools of learning spaces SpacePedagogyTechnology Deeper Learning Experience Space Pedagogy Technology
Current environment Science labs, studios, computer labs, performance spaces Other spaces (library, student union, dorms, hallways, conversation areas, outdoors) Easily supports learner-centered principles Classrooms (lecture, seminar, discussion, or small classroom)
Why start here? Science labs, studios, computer labs, performance spaces Traditional institutional investment in instruction (facilities, faculty, equipment) Classrooms (lecture, seminar, discussion, or small classroom) Currently the highest leverage points for change Other spaces
A different perspective Other spaces Faculty comfort level Classrooms (lecture, seminar, discussion, or small classroom) Science labs, studios, computer labs, performance spaces
Focus of this session Science labs, studios, computer labs, performance spaces Easily supports learner-centered principles Classrooms (lecture, seminar, discussion, or small classroom) Current Other spaces
Focus of the 2005 session Science labs, studios, computer labs, performance spaces Easily supports learner-centered principles High Classrooms (lecture, seminar, discussion, or small classroom) Current Other spaces (library, student union, dorms, hallways, conversation areas, outdoors)