1 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION INIS Training Seminar 2-6 June 2003 Vienna, Austria S eyda R ieder Renate Eder Bibliographic Control Unit, INIS International Atomic Energy Agency
2 TRN (Temporary Record Number) (Tag 001) u unique number assigned to the record by the National Input Center u after processing at INIS, TRN is changed to a permanent Reference Number (RN)
3 … TRN composed of 9 characters: u First two characters: ISO code of your country 2 following characters: calendar year during which the record is generated u next 5 characters: for consecutive numbering assigned by the input center examples: AR DE03FA345 MK NL03C0080
4 RN (Reference Number) u Unique number assigned to each TRN during the central process when the input has been included into the INIS Database first two digits: volume (eg.: 33) u 6 digits are assigned by the system during database processing (eg.: ) example :
5 Tag 008: Bibliographic Control Data Contains 5 sub-sections: u Subject Category Code(s) u Number of Abstracts u Type of Record u Bibliographic Level(s) u Literary Indicator(s)
6 Tag 008: Bibliographic Control Data u the sub-sections are separated with one slash / u multi-entries of subject categories are separated with one ; example: 008^S23;S24/01/J/AS/KN
7 Tag 008: S ubject Category Code(s) u 3-digit standardized codes, eg.: S33 S61 u represent the subject contents of the publication described u assigned by subject specialist u mandatory: at least one subject category code u most relevant code: ‘primary’ code u ‘secondary‘ codes: optional
8 Tag 008: Number of Abstracts u is used to indicate how many abstracts are included in the record u it must contain two digits u example : 01 if there is only one abstract u if no abstract is included, enter 00 and the Literary Indicator E
9 Tag 008: Type of Record u one-letter code u indicates the type of publication u only one type can be applied to each publication u Types of Record: BFIJPRT
10 Type of Record: B Book u a literary work, in print or non-print form u published separately and exists independently u commercially available u contains text and can also include illustrations examples: - book examples: - book - - chapter of a book - - conference proceedings (commercially available)
11 Type of Record: F Audiovisual Material u non-print materials in audio and/or visual formats examples: - film - video - examples: - film - video - slide - - sound recording
12 Type of Record: I Miscellaneous u Publications which are not commercially available and are not scientific and technical reports examples: - examples: - conference proceedings - conference programs - collections of abstracts - pamphlets, brochures
13 Type of Record: J Journal article definition: u a publication in print and/or non-print form u issued in successive parts u continues indefinitely u has more than one issue a year u has numerical or chronological designation
14 Type of Record: P Patent Patent Patent: A specification concerning the designs or manufacture of something which is protected by letters Patent and secured for the exclusive profit of the designer or inventor for a limited number of years
15 Type of Record: R Report Report Report: a document stating the results of scientific or technical activities of an individual or an organization u Generally cannot be obtained commercially
16 Type of Record: T Computer Medium u information that is recorded on a: diskette CD-ROM DVD magnetic tape DAT tape etc.
17 Type of Records: B, F, J, T u are considered conventional literature not u copies of these publications must not be supplied to INIS
18 Type of Records: I, P, R N on- C onventional Literature (NCL) u are considered N on- C onventional Literature (NCL) copies of the full text (in paper or electronic form) must be supplied to INIS with the bibliographic records u will be included in the INIS NCL Database on CD-ROM and be made available in electronic form through the INIS Clearinghouse or your national INIS Centre
19 Type of Records: I, P, R If copies of non-conventional literature cannot be submitted to INIS: u assign the Literary indicator X in the last sub-section of Tag u at Tag 611 (Availability Note) indicate from where a copy of the document can be obtained
20 Bibliographic Levels u contain one, two or three single letters that represent the bibliographic level assigned to the publication A M S C u at least one level must be present
21 Bibliographic Level: A (Analytic) u analytical level is used for publications which are part of a larger bibliographic entity u the analytic level can never stand alone example: - chapter of a book example: - chapter of a book - - journal article - - article in a report - - article in conference proceedings
22 Bibliographic Level: M (Monographic) u Used for publications which are independently published self-contained units u They are complete at the time they are issued or are to be issued as part of a series examples: - books examples: - books - reports - - patents - - monographs - pre-conference papers
23 Bibliographic Level: S (Series) examples: - - annual reports u It is used for publications (in printed or electronic form) that are considered as journals or periodical publications examples: - journals (serials) - annual reports from societies, companies, etc. - yearly publications - - monographic series
24 Bibliographic Level: C (Collection) u publications that are composed of a group of papers with an individual number examples: - examples: - all the papers are from one author in one or more volumes - - collections of reports, patents, etc.
25 Literary Indicators u used to emphasize certain literary characteristics of a publication u independent of the type of record u assign as many codes as are applicable to the publication u there are 11 indicators (= each indicator is a single letter)
26 Literary Indicators ENo Abstract Prepared K Conference N Numerical Data Q Legislative Material TTranslation U Thesis VComputer Program Description WStandard or Specification XNon-conventional Literature not available from INIS YProgress Report ZBibliography
27 Tag 100: Personal Author u the person, including the inventor of a patent, chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual content of a piece of literature 1) Surname is entered first 2) Full forenames or initials follow the surname 3) Separated from each other by a comma and a space
28 Examples u Awad, Fawzia Ibrahim u Awad, Fawzia Ibrahim or u Awad, F.I. u Fukazawa, Takeyasu u Fukazawa, Takeyasu or u Fukazawa, T. u Sejmenova-Gicevska, Marija u Sejmenova-Gicevska, Marija or u Sejmenova-Gicevska, M.
29 Affiliation affiliation provides the name and location of the laboratory or other organization where the author was employed when carrying out the work u affiliation is enclosed in parentheses u country name or code is MANDATORY u follows the name of the author(s) u separator for more than one author: u semicolon and a space
30 examples eg: Oviedo Rivero, Iraida; Gonzalez Sanchez, Katia (Centro de Informacion de la Energia Nuclear, Habana, Cuba) Agyeman, E.A. (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Accra, Ghana) Al-Shanaa, Raek (Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, Damascus, Syrian Arab Rep.)
31 Multiple Authors & Affiliations examples: ; Oviedo Rivero, Iraida; Gonzalez Sanchez, K. (Centro de Informacion de la Energia Nuclear, Habana (CU)); Agyeman, E.A. (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Accra (GH); Al-Shanaa, Raek (Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, Damascus (SY))
32 Multiple authors & samples in Tag ^Ferreira, E. (Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Inst. De Fisica). Maor, U. (Tel-Aviv Univ., Ramat Aviv (Israel). School of Physics). E- mail: 100^Burgos, M. (Uruguay Catholic University, Engeneering Faculty, Montevideo(Uruguay)). E Berne, P. (Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (FR)).
33 Multiple authors & samples in Tag ^Milosevic, M. (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, NET-150, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)). Ljubenov, V.Lj. (Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences P. O. Box 522, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)) ^Patel, Jamshed R
34 address samples in Tag 109 & ^Oesterreichische Elektrizitaetswirtschafts- Aktiengesellschaft (Austria) ^Fakultaet fuer Physik, Muenchen Univ. (DE). muenchen.de/elektronischedissertationen/physik/strobelKlaus.pdf
35 Tag 109: Funding Organizations Tag 110: Corporate Entry & Tag 109: Funding Organizations non-personal The name and location of the corporate body (non-personal, i.e. organization) responsible for the publication which: performed, funded, monitored the work issued the publication reporting the work u sponsored, organized, co-ordinated a scientific meeting u assignee(s) of a patent academic institutions granting a degree
36 Tag 110: Corporate Entry 1) name of the organization as it appears on the publication, incl. all sub-elements 2) followed by the country name or code in parentesis 3) multiple organizations are separated by a semicolon and a space Note: same rules used for the identification and entry of Corporate Bodies apply to Funding Organizations (Tag 109)
37 Examples Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden) Ministry of Economy, Nuclear Energy Div., Vilnius (LI) Univ. of Rochester, NY (United States). Radiation Safety Unit Ministry of Health, Radiation Protection Dept., Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Makerere Univ., Dept. of Physics, National Radiation Protection Service, Kampala (Uganda)
38 Multiple Corporate Entry Examples 110^Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden); Ministry of Economy, Nuclear Energy Div., Vilnius (LI); Univ. of Rochester, NY (United States). Radiation Safety Unit; Ministry of Health, Radiation Protection Dept., Dubai (United Arab Emirates); Makerere Univ., Department of Physics, National Radiation Protection Service, Kampala (Uganda); Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission, Scientific and Technical Information Office, Hanoi (VN)
39 Tag 200: Primary Title Distinguishing or identifying name of a publication in English (or translated into English) u The words in the title must be entered as they appear on the publication. u No changes or substitutions (except for correcting misspelt words)
40 Tag 200 u Several titles may appear on the title page of a publication (report, book) u specific title destinctive title u other titles non-distinctive title or sub-title s enter first: distinctive title s a period and a space s then enter: non-distinctive or sub-title
41 Tag 200: examples Nuclear power reactors in the world. Final report Main pumps loss incident in the nuclear power plant Atucha I. Modelling with RELAP5/MOD3.2
42 Conference Tags (210, 211, 213, 215) u Tag 210: Conference Title (English) u Tag 211: Conference Place u Tag 213: Conference Date u Tag 215: Original Conference Title (non-English) When to enter? If publication being described: s contains proceedings, abstracts, programme, etc. of a conference or s is an individual article that has been presented at a conference
43 Tag 210: Conference Title (English) English-language version of the official name of the conference translation When no English title is available, a translation has to be provided eg: Regional Congress on Radiological and Nuclear Safety
44 Tag 211: Conference Place u Mandatory entry or s name or code of country where conference was held u Optional entry s place (city and/or state) u name or code of country: always enclosed in parentesis Beijing (China)Beijing (CN) eg. Beijing (China) or Beijing (CN) Cairo (Egypt)Cairo (EG) Cairo (Egypt) or Cairo (EG)
45 Tag 213: Conference Date u Exact conference dates are entered u start and end of the conference day(s) month(s) year(s) (English version) u only first 3 letters of the month (English version) u year u year must be entered as 4 digits Jan 2003 Aut 2003 (= autumn, fall) eg. Jan 2003 Aut 2003 (= autumn, fall) Oct 2003 Sum 2003 (= summer) Oct 2003 Sum 2003 (= summer)
46...Tag 213: Conference Date u separator for dates in the same month: hyphen, no spaces, eg. 5-8 Feb 2003 u separator for dates in different months: hyphen and spaces, eg. 28 Sep - 4 Oct 2003 u separator for multiple dates: semicolon and a space ; eg. 5-8 Feb 2003; May 2003
47 Tag 215: Original Conference Title (Non-English) u Enter the ‘non-English’ (original) language version of the name of the conference : eg. 1. Congreso regional sobre seguridad radiologica y nuclear
48 Entry of titles for more than one Conference Possible versions: u same time & same place u different times but same place u same time but different places u different times & different places
49 … possible versions eg. 210^ ICNC '91: International Conference on Nuclear Criticality safety; International conference on radiation and society 211^ Rome (Italy); Paris (France) 213^ 2-5 Feb 2003; 29 May - 2 Jun 2003
50 Tag 229: Full Journal Title u Standardized version of the Journal Title u used for Type of Record J, in S Level only u mandatory for journal records u IAEA-INIS-11: Authority List for Journal Titles: check standardized version of your country’s journals u S Level of J Type of Records must contain: s Full Journal Title (Tag 229) plus n ISSN (Tag 320) or n CODEN (Tag 321)
51 New Journal Titles IAEA-INIS-11 (Authority for Journal Titles), When submitting input from a new journal = not listed in IAEA-INIS-11 (Authority for Journal Titles), you must provide INIS with: u a photocopy of the cover page of the journal u any other pages with publishing information s showing title, if available, ISSN or CODEN for verification purposes
52 New Journal Titles If new journal has no ISSN or CODEN: u INIS will contact the ISSN International ( France) or Chemical Abstracts Service (USA) u obtain the missing code on behalf of your centre = free of charge u as soon as the code is assigned, the records enter INIS Database IAEA-INIS-11 u new journal will appear in next Cumulative Supplement to IAEA-INIS-11 Journal the INIS Secretariat
53 Tag 320: ISBN (International Stardard Book Number) u Standardized identification code for books (identifies the title, edition and publisher of a book) u also assigned to publications available on CD-ROM u composed of 13 characteres, incl. spaces or hyphens u last digit is a control digit, can be an X (representing the number10) eg: ISBN
54 Tag 320: ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) u Standardized unique code for identification of journal title (serials) u assigned by the ISSN International Centre (in France) or by national or regional ISSN centres u composed of : s the word ISSN and one space s four digits s one hyphen s four digits eg. ISSN
55 Tag 320: IPC (International Patent Classification Code) u Standardized classification codes u assigned to patent literature only Entry rules: s Int.Cl. and one space s code as it appears in INID 51 on document s multiple codes separated by semicolon and one space eg.Int.Cl. G21d 3/02; G21d 3/05
56 Tag 321: CODEN u Standardized unique code for identification of journal title (periodical publications) u 6 characters (alphanumeric) u assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (USA) eg: PJNEF6
57 Tag 300: Report/Patent Number Alphanumeric identification number that is assigned to a report by the organization that: u publishes u edits u makes it available
58 Tag 300: Report Number Report Number is composed of 2 parts: u Report Prefix u Report Prefix (alphabetic part) u Report Suffix u Report Suffix (numeric part) 2 parts are separated by 2 hyphens ( -- )
59 Tag 300: Report Number eg: ARNL--25/98 CEA-Conf IAEA-TECDOC--888 JAERI-Tech KFKI SKI-R
60 2 Specific Cases with Type of Record ‘R’ and Tag 300 u Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) normally carries a Report Number and a copy of the full text is sent to INIS for inclusion in INIS NCL collection on CD-ROM What to do if: 1) the publication has no Report Number, but you wish to send the full text to INIS
61 no 1) publication has no Report Number, but you will send full text to INIS assign your own ‘Report Prefix’: u INIS u followed by the code of your country u next available number from your collection INIS-UG--001 eg: INIS-UG--001INIS-EG--156INIS-MK--030
62 What to do if: 2) cannot What to do if: 2) You cannot send fulltext to INIS u assign Literary Indicator X at Tag 008 (to indicate that you do not send a copy to INIS) another source u enter information about the availability of publication from another source at Tag 611 eg: Tag 611 Available from National Council for Science and Technology, P.O.Box 30623, Nairobi, Kenya
63 Tag 300: Patent Number Is composed of: u country code u words ‘Patent Document’ u number assigned to the patent eg: FR Patent Document /A/
64 Tag 310: Secondary Number(s) u some organizations assign two or more identification numbers to reports. Primary Number 300 u most important number = Primary Number: entered at Tag 300 u any other identification number = Secondary Number: entered at Tag 310 separator for multi numbers: semicolon and a space e g: AECL--9234; DOE-ER ; KFK--8432
65 Tag 401: Place of Publication Is used to enter: u name of city (if known) u standardized name or code of country in parentheses u see list of country names & codes in IAEA-INIS-1(Rev.8) eg: Cairo (EG) or Cairo (Egypt) Tashkent (UZ) or Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
66 Tag 402: Name of Publisher u Enter the name of the publisher eg: World Scientific Elsevier Springer Verlag
67 Tag 403: Date of Publication u name of month or season in English first 3 letters only u year of publication (always in 4 digits ) eg: Jan 2003 Spr 2003 u journal dates are entered in parentheses u dates in different months are separated with a hyphen and a space: (Jan - Mar 2003)
68 Tag 500: Physical Description Describes the physical dimensions of print or non-print literature Printed literature Printed literature: u When the publication is described as a whole, the complete page number is entered: 100 p. eg.: 100 p.
69 Tag 500: Physical Description When a specific article from a publication is described, the page range is entered for journal article or parts of a larger document (book, report, etc.) p eg: p
70 … Tag 500 u Entry of data for journal articles in Levels A & S: pagination of the journal article: at A level volume & issue information of the Journal: at S level no (Note: total pagination of the journal is not entered) eg. A Level, Tag 500^p S Level, Tag 500^v. 97(12)
71 … Tag 500 Non-Print literature Non-Print literature: CD-ROM, PDF, html, microform, tape, etc. publications on CD-ROM ( eg. Conference proceedings ) l enter number of CD-ROMs, eg. 1 CD-ROM l size of file, if known, eg. 85 KB u magnetic tape: eg. 9 track, 1600 BPI u diskettes: eg. 3.5 double-sided, high density diskette u microfiche: eg. 8 mf
72 Tag 600: Publication Language u standardized code(s) or name(s) for the language(s) in which the publication is written u enclosed in parentheses (EN) eg: (EN) (English) or (English) u max. 8 languages allowed u separator: comma and a space (EN, JP, SP) eg: (EN, JP, SP) (English, Japanese, Spanish) or (English, Japanese, Spanish)
73 Tag 611: Availability u provide information about the availability of the publication u include sufficient information for the publication to be obtained world-wide u no entry needed if availability is obvious from other information in the record eg. books, journals, some conference proceedings (ISBN, ISSN sufficient to identify via bookstores)
74 Tag 611 must be completed for: u Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) è when the full text of the publication cannot be sent to INIS for inclusion in NCL Database on CD- ROM 1) assign Literary Indicator X (= not available from INIS) at Tag 008 2) enter mailing address, address or URL from which the full text can be obtained
75 Tag 611 Mandatory - samples: Examples: Available from Bibliotheque Scientifique, DIST, CEA/Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) Available from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo (Egypt) Available from of author: Available from PURL:
76 … Tag 611 may be optionally completed... u to provide additional availability information when the publication can also be obtained from another source Examples: Also available at the SKI homepage in PDF-format ( Also available from Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate, Sermuksniu 3, 2600 Vilnius, Lithuania; contact Also available Available from OSTI as DE ; NTIS; US. Govt. Printing Office Dept.
77 … Tag 611 may be completed optionally... When reporting a technical report which has been published as a journal article, eg. Also published in: EUROJOIN-2 conference proceedings, edited by Italian Institute of Welding, Genova (IT), 1994, p u additional information on availability, price, etc.. Also available from British Library Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorks. LS23 7BQ, United Kingdom. Price 7.00 UK pounds
78 Tag 611 – new identifiers u URL (Uniform Resource Locator): address of a resource available on the Internet Points directly to the location of the resource eg. ftp://ftp.iaea.org/pub/mtcd/publi/SS115E/ u PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) = URL Points to an intermediate resolution service that associates the PURL with the actual URL and returns it to the client Additional info:
79 Tag 611 – new identifiers u DOI (Digital Object Identifier): a persistent identifier for any object of intellectual property on a digital network Additional info: eg / /ISBN /nature723 u PII (Publisher Item Identifier): unique and concise identification of individual published documents s appears in publications of: American Chemical Society, American Inst. Of Physics, American Physical Soc., Elsevier Science, IEEE eg. journal article: S book article: B Additional info:
80 Tag 611 – new identifiers u SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier Standard) : unique identification of an issue of a serial title or a contribution (eg. article) within a serial, regardless of the distribution medium (eg. paper, electronic, microform, etc.) eg. item: Library Journal Vol. 120 no.5 March 15, 2002 SICI: ( )120:5<>1.0.TX;2-V Additional info: All identifiers may be entered at: Tag 100, 109, 110, 610, 611 already exist in INIS Database, eg. PURLs in US records, DOIs in German records, PIIs in Elsevier journals
81 Tag 800: Descriptors Exact requirements discussed in Subject Analysis part of the training. Only a few points: Descriptors provide general and specific subject access to records in the INIS Database u every record must be assigned at least one valid descriptor Descriptors are separated by a semicolon ; and a space Tag 800^occupational safety; iaea; mexico; radiation doses; medicine; radiation protection eg. Tag 800^occupational safety; iaea; mexico; radiation doses; medicine; radiation protection Pls. note that same entry rules apply for Tag 810 (Proposed Descriptors)
Tag 860: Abstract u a summary of the information contained in the publication u maximum length: 6000 characters u mandatory: if document longer than 6000 characters u in addition to the English language abstract, 1 or more non-English abstracts may be provided
No Abstract Prepared Tag 860: Special Cases No Abstract Prepared without 1) Record without Abstract u if publication is less than 6000 characters and u if no abstract is available or u your Centre cannot prepare an abstract assign Literary Indicator E at Tag 008 (indicating that no abstract is submitted ) enter Number of Abstracts: 00 at Tag 008 do not enter Tag 009^X/EN do not enter Tag 860
No Abstract Prepared Tag 860: Sample Record for No Abstract Prepared 001^XA ^S23/00/J/AS/E 009^A 100^... name of author(s) 200^... title of the article... etc. 009^S 229^... Full Journal Title... etc. 009^9 800^... descriptors end of record
Abstact = full text of article Tag 860: Special Cases Abstact = full text of article 2) Full text of article entered as Abstract u when the publication (in English) itself is an abstract u is not longer than 6000 char. ( words) (attn: COPYRIGHT) start Tag 860 with the words: Full text: followed by the text of the abstract
86 INIS Character Set u Clearly defined set of rules for coding special characters and scientific symbols u necessary for computer processing u characters #, " and _ are treated as special characters during computer processing u must only be used as encoding characters
87 INIS Character Set u Logical characters comprise the Greek alphabet, eg : u scientific and technical symbols, eg.: u superscripts and subscripts a x 235 U H 2 O C 2 H 5 OH
88 INIS Character Set u Superscripts are encoded using the character ” (double score) u Subscripts are encoded using the character _ (underline) u The encoding character only applies to the immediately following character
89 INIS Character Set Examples: a x = a”x 235 U = 2”2”3”5U H 2 O= H_2O C 2 H 5 OH = C_2H_5OH
90 Always refer to INIS Reference Series Manuals for further details, eg. u IAEA-INIS-1: Guide to Bibliographic Description (Dec. 1999) u IAEA-INIS-2: Samples for Bibliographic Description (Jan. 2000) u IAEA-INIS-11: Authority for Journal Titles (Mar. 2003) and other publications in the series. Available in electronic form at the INIS Members Area: Publications to consult
91 GOOD LUCK! In case of doubts or problems, contact us: Seyda Renate