South East Texas Homeland Security SETRPC (Funding) LEPC (Education) SNCA (Response) How the SNCA fits into South East Texas Homeland Security
Founded – February 9, 1949 (60+ Years) Process began in 1947 prior to the Texas City disaster First meeting - 4 Fire Departments and 5 Industrial Facilities Recognized founding fathers – Mr. Buck Wilson and Mr. Ralph Merchant
Fire Departments Police Departments Public Works Departments Industrial Members Emergency Management Municipal, County, State, & Federal Coast Guard, Texas GLO, National Weather Service, FBI, ATF, RLO, Texas DPS EMS Health Departments, Hospitals Red Cross/Salvation Army Lamar University & Safety Vendors SETRPC
To organize disaster response & preparedness teams for industrial or natural disasters.
Community protection against major conflagration. Concentration of Hazardous Materials (Petrochemical Plants). Evacuation problems (Geography). Responsibility and accountability of facilities, municipalities. Vast resources already in place.
Unite for mutual aid assistance in emergencies. Exchange technical information and developments in disaster control, firefighting, etc. Unite with law enforcement agencies for better protection. Encourage community service to those we serve Discourage the Association from taking an active part in any political activities.
Provides the community or member plant in need with equipment, manpower, area mobilization, communications, and incident management.
501(c) 4 Organization Business Based on a “Gentleman’s Agreement”
Constitution By-Laws Strategic Plan Guidelines
Elected Officers and Board of Directors Board Make up: 4 – Executive Board (Pres, VP, Sec/Tres, Sgt Arms) 2 – Municipal Fire Departments 2 – Industrial Fire Departments 2 – Law Enforcement 1 – EMS 1 -- Health 1 – At Large Monthly Meeting hosted by different members.
Chemical Plant Fires Refinery Fires Ship Fires Roadway Hazardous Materials Train Derailments Major Building Fires Biological Emergencies Hurricanes, Tornados, Ice Storms
Huntsman Thanked Sabine-Neches Chiefs’ Association Leyton Brown, manager of Safety and Security for Huntsman Corp., with members of the Sabine-Neches Chiefs’ Association, who Brown was thanking for their help with the April 29, 2006 explosion and fire at the Huntsman Port Arthur plant. The Port Arthur News
1. Through normal radio Mutual Aid requests 1. Outside of Region requests through Beaumont Fire Dispatch 2. Beaumont Dispatch contacts SNCA Board member 3. Communication and Coordination goes from there 4. Example: High Island Tank Farm fire.
Foam Pumpers Aerial Trucks Pumpers Large Volume Hoses Rescue Vans Hazardous Materials Equipment Communication Vans SCBA’s 80,000 Gal. Foam Concentrate Disaster Trailer for MCI Oil Spill Equipment
Responders Pick Up Own Tab (No Wages, O.T. Bills, etc.). Requestor Reimburses for Consumables Requestor Reimburses for Damages
FY2001 Reorganization (included Hardin County) New Members classified by Response Capability Required all members to host Implemented Strategic Plan Hold 3 Strategic Planning Meetings each year Implemented Incident Management Teams Implemented New Dues Structure
Following the National Incident Management System, the SNCA is for assistance only, not to take over command. SNCA used as MACC. The IMT assists with: Equipment Supplies Apparatus Command Logistics Finance Operations
First Strategic Plan on June 2006 Strategic Plan up-dated every 2 years SNCA holds 3 Strategic Planning Meetings each year.
Response Equipment Data Base (Access) Incident Management Teams SNCA Special Needs Tracking Software SNCA sponsors Web Sitewww.setinfo.org SNCA Golf Tournament Funds go to LIT for scholarships for Fire, Police, EMS, and Corrections officers SNCA Web site Emergency Response
New Federal Challenges (Natural, Man-made, or Terrorism) Membership (Growth & Change) Response (Commitments & Capability) LNG Budget Needs Presidential Directives State, Federal, LEPC & Drill Coordination
A Resounding YES! We Have the Size & a Successful History Diverse Organization South East Texas Helping “Mind Set” Need Still Exists Increasing Community Expectations Increasing Community Expansions RMP & LEPC Requirements Downsizing “Do More w/Less” National Incident Management System National Response Plan
“A MUTUAL AID ORGANIZATION THAT WORKS” Questions or Comments Send us an at