US History Unit 13 SECTION 21
Overview America’s technological development and economic growth from the end of World War II through 1975 pushed the United States from an insular nation to a world leader, both politically and economically.
Baby Boom The Great Depression and World War II caused many families to delay marriage and child bearing. As WWII came to a close and soldiers returned home, the birth rate skyrocketed = Baby Boom! Approximately 79 million babies were born during this era.
Baby Boom Graph
Baby Boom cont… The Baby Boom profoundly affected the economy in 3 areas.
1. GI Bill of Rights 1. GI Bill of Rights Created to protect and reward returning servicemen Provided low interest loans (home and business) Grants for education These loans caused a housing boom the creation of the first suburban housing developments Ex…Levittown, New York Levittown became the model for future subdivisions standard home designs that were easily erected in 27 steps
2. Consumer Spending 2. Consumer Spending Spending increased due to the fact that household furniture, appliances, and goods were now needed Consumer demand became the driving force of the US economy after World War II
3. Government Infrastructure 3. Demand for government infrastructure increased Schools, highways, water, sewer, and power grids were needed to accompany the larger population The Interstate Highway Act (1956) – passed by President Eisenhower to build a highway system to effectively move troops and military supplies The new, larger population outgrew the 2 lane roads and the IHA forever changed population patterns allowing for the growth of suburbia and cementing America’s dependence on the automobile
Ticket Out The Door 1. What 2 factors caused people to delay marriage and child bearing? 2. What was the name of the time period from when over 79 million American babies were born? 3. List the three areas where the Baby Boom affected the US economy. 4. What was the name of the first housing development in New York? 5. What act was passed by President Eisenhower that greatly expand the US road system?
Ticket Out The Door 1. What 2 factors caused people to delay marriage and child bearing? Great Depression and World War II 2. What was the name of the time period from when over 79 million American babies were born? Baby Boom 3. List the three areas where the Baby Boom affected the US economy. GI Bill of Rights, Consumer Spending, and Government Infrastructure 4. What was the name of the first housing development in New York? Levittown 5. What act was passed by President Eisenhower that greatly expand the US road system? Interstate Highway Act
Television During World War II the radio and print media were still the predominate medium for news, entertainment, and marketing By the late 1950’s the television had replaced the radio only 7,000 tv’s had been purchased by 1959 over 67 million tv’s were sold Many Americans watched the same programs creating a common national culture Television news impacted political and social events
Television cont…
2 Major Events Affected by TV There were 2 major events affected through television 1. Kennedy/Nixon Debates (1960) During the 1960 Presidential race John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon agreed to 4 tv debates The campaigns were relatively the same however the men were quite different Kennedy = young, tanned, clean-cut and physically fit Nixon = older, underweight, not particularly handsome, prone to sweat TV watchers saw Kennedy as the victor while radio listeners saw Nixon as the winner
Kennedy/Nixon Debates
2 Major Events Affected by TV 2. Civil Rights Movement Nightly news broadcasts brought frequent reminders of the on-going struggle for civil rights in the South News footage of attack dogs biting demonstrators or fire hoses blasting children made for dramatic tv and caused Americans to question segregation laws The Selma March where the Alabama State Patrol attacked demonstrators received a massive amount of tv coverage MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech” was viewed by a live audience in 1963
Attack Dogs
Fire Hoses
Selma March
Technology on American Life New vaccines meant an end to childhood diseases such as polio, measles and whooping cough Air conditioning led businesses and population to spread to the deep South and the southwest Communication satellites allowed for long distance phone calls and improved weather forecasting World War II experiments in aeronautics led to the growth of the airline industry By the 1970’s early versions of personal computers and crude networks (internet-like) were changing communication and business
Sputnik I On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite – Sputnik I The public and political outcry of being beaten to space by the Soviets led to 5 important developments in the US 1. dramatic investment in science and math education 2. the creation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 3. inspired a generation of new technology including the internet 4. the fear that Soviets had more missiles that the US caused the US to drastically improve military spending and creating nuclear weapons 5. new military strategies 1. domino theory – led to invention in Vietnam and 2. massive retaliation – US would respond to any military attack with all out military and atomic capacity