REPAIR HISTORY Students may play each other or you may divide the class in half and the teams play against one another. The first person draws a card and reads the statement and then read the statement again substituting words to make the statement correct. They may not use the word “not”. If they repair the historical statement correctly, they can keep that card and the play moves to the next person. If they can not correctly repair the statement, the other person (team)gets a chance to fix it and keep the card. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Repair History Materials Needed: Repair History Cards Preparation: Two to four players. Objective: Be the player with most playing cards at the end of the game. Procedure: Students may play each other or you may divide the class in half and the teams play against one another. The first person draws a card and reads the statement and then read the statement again substituting words to make the statement correct. They may not use the word “not”. If they repair the historical statement correctly, they can keep that card and the play moves to the next person. If they cannot correctly repair the statement, the other person (team) gets a chance to fix it and keep the card. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
The United States is located on the continent of South America. The Pacific Ocean borders Virginia. Maryland borders Virginia to the south. There are seven states that border Virginia. The Fall Line is found between the Piedmont and the Blue Ridge Mountain regions The Piedmont region includes the Eastern Shore
Tidewater means the land at the foot of the mountains. The Valley and Ridge region is east of the Blue Ridge Mountains A plateau is a large low area that is flat on top. Alexandria is on the Rappahannock River Algonquian was spoken in the Ridge and Valley region Christopher Columbus named the people Native Americans when he landed
Virginia’s Indians are called Plains Indians In the winter the Indians fished and picked berries Jamestown was primarily a religious venture Jamestown was settled in 1619 Only adult men and women were considered citizens in 1619 The economy of the Virginia colony depended upon craftsman
The Assembly included four “burgesses”) from each of the divisions of Virginia, the governor’s council, and the governor. In 1619, all people were considered citizens. By the 1460s, the burgesses became a separate legislative body, called the Virginia House of Burgesses. The Virginia House of Burgesses was the first declared legislative body in America giving settlers the opportunity to control their own government. The Virginia House of Burgesses became the Virginia Assembly, and it continues today. The arrival of women in 1920 made it possible for the settlers to establish families and a more permanent settlement at Jamestown.
The settlers chose the site of Jamestown because it could be easily defended from attack by the French Navy. The water along the shores of Jamestown was shallow enough for ships to dock. The settlers “believed” they had a good supply of fresh carrots. The Virginia Company of London had the ability to grant charters. The charters extended Spanish rights to the colonists. In 1619, the governor of Virginia called a meeting of the General Assembly.
England wanted to establish an American colony to decrease her wealth and power. England hoped to find rubber and garbage in America. The King of England financed the settlement of Jamestown. Jamestown became the third permanent English settlement in North America. When the settlers arrived in 1607, Jamestown was located on a island in the James River. Today, Jamestown is located on a peninsula bordered on three sides by the James River.
The kinds of food they ate, the clothing they wore, and the shelters they had depended upon the seasons. In summer, the Indians hunted birds and animals. In fall, the Indians grew crops (corn, beans, squash) In spring, the Indians harvested crops. Indians used plastic for clothing. Eastern Woodland Indians made their shelter from materials they bought from the store.
Powhatan Indians lived in the southwestern part of Virginia and spoke Iroquoian. Cherokee Indians lived in the Piedmont region and spoke Sioux. Monacan Indians lived in the Coastal Plain region and spoke Algonquian. The climate of Virginia is relatively mild with no distinct seasons. Piedmont region is known for its seafood. Virginia’s Indians are called Eastern Woodland Indians because most of Virginia is covered by swamps.
Neighbor location may be described using terms that show connections between two places such as “next to,” “near,” “bordering.” Blue Ridge Mountain Region has flat land and is east of the fall line. Coastal Plain regions is the source of many rivers. An island is a piece of land bordered by water on three sides. The James River forms the border between Virginia and Maryland Magazines such as arrowheads, pottery, and other tools that have been found tell a lot about the people who lived in Virginia.
Africans arrived in Jamestown in 1619, by their own choice. Slaves were given their freedom after working, without pay, for a period of 5 to 7 years. The arrival of Africans made it possible to cut down on the tobacco economy. The site the settlers chose for Jamestown was dry and had plenty of fresh drinking water. Many settlers died of old age and stupidity. Captain John Rolfe provided strong leadership that helped the colony survive.
Captain John Smith initiated trading with the Cherokee Indians. The Powhatans traded phones, couches, and televisions with the English in exchange for tools, pots, guns, and other goods. The Powhatan people realized the English settlement would continue to end quickly. Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Monacan, thought the American Indians and English could live in harmony. The Powhatans introduced new crops to the English, including tomatoes and cucumbers. The Powhatans saw the colonists as invaders that would take over their friends.