작품번호: PW19-1007
MB Korea Unlike any other IMC Strategy for Mercedes Benz Korea
What is Mercedes Benz? World Wide Sales Strong global market position in luxury car segment. Won the most M/S in Japan, notorious for its strong barriers against imported cars. Compared to BMW and LEXUS, MB gained the upper hand in many areas, such as performance, design, and safety. units
Unlike any other countries ` Korea Sales In Korea, BMW and even LEXUS outsells MB. units
Unlike any other countries MBK unlike any other Q: ‘Why?’
Unlike any other countries A: One reason can be found in Korea, not in Mercedes Benz itself.
Enter KOREA Market Product
Recent Characteristics of Korea market Korean market, unlike any other Recent Characteristics of Korea market GROWTH Rapid increase in imported car market ATTITUDE Weakening of negative attitude to imported cars Highly Diverse Demand Expect increase in demand in SUV, Sports car segment
“I have a BENZ” “I have a BENZ E class” Korean market, unlike any other Market forecast GROWTH This trend will damage one of the primary benefits of buying an imported car, the exclusivity of the brand itself. “I have a BENZ” “I have a BENZ E class” Need to strengthen the recognition of the sub brands by giving distinctive values
Korean market, unlike any other Market forecast POSITIVE ATTITUDE This trend will encourage the rise of potential purchase on lower classes at price range 50-75million won. Conversion of Core target Age group 40-65 Age group mid 30’s Need to have appropriate brand positioning of lower classes such as C-class
Korean market, unlike any other Market forecast HIGHLY DIVERSED DEMAND This trend will encourage the rise of the SUV and sports car segments. Luxury Near Luxury Mercedes Benz = Luxury SUV Sports car Need to let targets recognize the various models of MB.
Korean market, unlike any other Q: Are we ready for it?
Product Lineup Luxury Near Luxury SUV Sports car Mercedes Benz BMW S class E class SLK class C class M class BMW 3 series 5 series 7 series X5 Z3, Z8 LEXUS GS300 LS430 IS300 RX300 ES300 SC430 Luxury Near Luxury SUV Sports car
Product Lineup Price Category Sports Car SUV 3 series 5 series MB Price BMW Million won LEXUS 3 series 5 series 7 series X5 Z4(Z3) Z8 S class E class SLK class C class M class GS300 LS 430 IS200 RX300 ES300 SC430 100 50 Category Luxury Near Luxury Sports Car SUV
Product Lineup A: Not only BENZ but also competitors are ready for it
*One-on-one Interviews, BMW dealer shop,Jan 5 Product Lineup BENZ vs BMW We may look similar The two companies’ product line ups are varied enough to meet the diverse demands, If the brand loyalty are kept high, the next purchase in different segmentations is highly probable. Actually, we are different The faster acceleration of BMW is USP, compared to MB. The rate of same brand purchase, for the next new vehicle purchase, is expected to be higher in MB since the distinction in exterior shape between C-E class is larger than 3-5 series.* *One-on-one Interviews, BMW dealer shop,Jan 5
*One-on-one Interviews, Lexus dealer shop,Jan 4 Product Lineup BENZ vs LEXUS We may look similar The distinction in line ups is high in both brands The rate of Same brand purchase, for next new vehicle purchase, is high in both brands. Actually, we are different LEXUS might satisfy small portion of market, which is a unique group risen within market diversification. It is generally regarded that MB is a cut above LEXUS. * Last year’s Big hit of ES300 focusing on demand from young professionals is caused from satisfying unique users in price and in -. Which means mb is cut over than lexus and result of trend to look for another luxury brand other than benz, bmw. *One-on-one Interviews, Lexus dealer shop,Jan 4
Obviously,we are different Product Lineup BENZ vs US motors Obviously,we are different Different price range With regarding to the brand value and perception, US motors are no match.
Product itself does not matter Ours is even better than competitors’ Korean market, unlike any other Product itself does not matter Ours is even better than competitors’
Perception does matter
What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? Issue#1 PAST(before mid90s) Due to high expense, the gap between imported cars and domestic cars was large. BENZ has been memorized as a representative brand of imported cars. The image actually has helped to sell a luxury segment s-class. IMPORTED CAR = Luxury Car = Mercedes Benz S-class
What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? Issue#1 PAST(before mid90s) PRESENT = Luxury Car Mercedes Benz IMPORTED CAR = = Mercedes Benz Near Luxury SUV Sports car Luxury Car = Mercedes Benz S-class
Impetuous Disposition Ultimate Driving Machine What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? Issue#2 Koreans’ Impetuous Disposition NEEDS in Korea Faster acceleration & Faster Braking (Shorter Braking Distance) CONSUMER PERCEPTION PERFORMANCE LUXURY * MB Luxury elegant BMW Ultimate Driving Machine Mercedes Benz S-class Providing Korean USP * The LAW of the Word, AL Lies [Immutable laws of branding]
Perception really does matter What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? Perception really does matter
* What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? * “It’s the Top Foreign Brand Car” On the hand, “It’s the Top Foreign Brand Car” “It’s safe and reliable” “It’s prestigious” * Mercedes Benz = Highly rated Car * One-on-one Interviews, Cheil Communication
* What is Mercedes Benz in Korea? * “It’s not for me, yet.” On the other hand, “It’s not for me, yet.” “The image is too heavy for me” “It would be fitting as one of my final cars.” * Mercedes Benz = Most desirable Car * One-on-one Interviews, Cheil Communication
Highly rated Car Most Desirable Car VS Most Desirable Car
Mercedes Benz is not on the wish list. BAD NEWS Mercedes Benz is not on the wish list.
“Desirability” “A sense of distance“ “Purchase intention” Most Desirable Car PURCHASE consideration“ “Desirability” Highly Rated Car “Possession Imagination” “A sense of distance“ “Purchase Deferment” Image statements Process of Purchase decision
Change of Perception
Change. Unlike any other THE MISSION Highly Rated Cars Most Desirable Car
Q: Change of perception? A: Change of image (?) Change. Unlike any other Q: Change of perception? A: Change of image (?)
We are likely to lose too many priceless things we built up. Change. Unlike any other We are likely to lose too many priceless things we built up. DO NOT MISS IT To catch lower, SUV and sports car segments DO NOT miss the firm grips on S-class Segment.
Q: Change of perception? A: Change of image (?) Change. Unlike any other Q: Change of perception? A: Change of image (?) Inappropriate
Tactical Method in Perception change ‘PURCHASING POINT IN TIME’ Change. Unlike any other Tactical Method in Perception change SHIFT of ‘PURCHASING POINT IN TIME’
Shift of purchasing point in time Change. Unlike any other Shift of purchasing point in time Most Desirable Car Highly Rated Car The point when I reach the highest point in my carrier when the world think I am successful The point when I am satisfied with myself when I am successful in my mind Social Image Personal ‘ I ’
Reinterpretation needed! Change. Unlike any other The point when I am satisfied with myself when I am successful in my mind when I have professional consciousness of my own worth when I have a discerning eye for arts, clothes and music etc…. Reinterpretation needed!
Change. Unlike any other Reinterpret in modern and personal terms the pursuit of core target the professional value of core target the wealth of core target …… and the value of MB for core target as well
I “ ” Change. Unlike any other ‘Fair and square’ ‘Worthy’ Professionals ‘Fair and square’ ‘Worthy’ “ ” I Success Mercedes Benz
Advertising Concept 당신이기에 “Because it’s you”
당신이기에 제 친구들은 프라다가 명품이라서 좋데요 저는 그 실용적인 라인이 좋은데 저희는 알고 있습니다. 남들과는 다른 안목 을 가진 당신을. 혹 같은 제품을 구입하더라도 그 이유가 다릅니다. 그 가치가 다릅니다. 가치를 제대로 아는 당신에게 전해드립니다. 벤츠 SLK 클래스
Q: Does it work? A: Concept. Unlike any other It will convert negative image of the high socio-economic status of the core targets into positive image. It will go well with the characteristics of the core targets who are highly individualistic and appreciate the self-satisfaction It will not lose the value of MB but also use it as a selling point to appeal the core targets Buying point의 전환….올드에서 영이 아니라 비싸다에서 싸다가 아니라 매너는 “벤츠가 좋으니 사라” 가 아니라 “벤츠의 구매를 한번 고려해 봐라” 왜 벤츠가 우월하다고 인식하니까 ‘구매 고려’로만 이어지면 선택율은 높을거라 예상되어짐 훨씬 설득적임. 망설이도록 만들기!!!! 밴츠의 재해석, 부의 재해석, in a positive way 벤츠가 비싸서 타는게 아니라, 의사가 돈 많이 벌어서 좋은 직업이 아니라, 내가 좋아서 하는 것 “내가” 좋아서 나만의 이유가 있어서 타는 것! 만약 당신이 그렇다면 밴츠의 구매를 한번 고려해보라.(if so, it may suit you)
당신이기에 제 아버지는 의사가 고귀한 존경 받는 직업이래요 저는 환자들의 밝은 웃음 이 좋은데. 환자들의 밝은 웃음 이 좋은데. 당신이기에 저희는 알고 있습니다. 남들과는 다른 직업의식을 가진 당신을. 혹 비슷한 일을 하더라도 당신의 프로페셔날리즘은 남들과 다릅니다..그 가치가 다릅니다. 가치를 제대로 아는 당신에게 전해드립니다. 벤츠 C 클래스
If you have great faith in yourself, Mercedes Benz may suit you Concept. Unlike any other If you love your profession, If you have great faith in yourself, If you are satisfied with yourself, Mercedes Benz may suit you
Concept. Unlike any other If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. -ANNA QUINDLEN-
Confidence on the concept
Confidence on the concept Make target ‘consider’ buying MB Avoid conflicting with a specific class Imagine an age when 10% of the overall automobile market is imported car Provide a distinctive concept from competitors
It would be fitting as one of my final cars Confidence on the concept 1. Make target ‘consider’ buying MB Benz is not for me, yet It would be fitting as one of my final cars It may suit me, right now
Confidence on the concept 2. Avoid conflicting with a specific class 당신이기에 C class S class SLK class E class M class
Confidence on the concept 3. Imagine an age when 10% of the overall automobile market is imported car The concept, emphasizing individual value, will minimize the loss of ‘exclusivity’, one of primary benefits of owning imported cars. It will allow us to be a leader in the imported car market.
Confidence on the concept 4. Provide a distinctive concept from competitors Self Expression. Unlike any other
MEDIA Strategy
For Maximization of Effect 1st ACTION Give rise to expectation 2nd ACTION Meet the expectation 3rd ACTION Degree of Intensity HIGH Experience It! MEDIUM LOW
Give rise to expectation 1st ACTION TV CINEMA Core Target General public
Meet the expectation 2nd ACTION MAGAZINE General public S class E class SLK class TARGET M class C class General public
Experience It 3rd ACTION PR Promotion CRM Core Target General public
Experience It Public Relation Faithful Professionals Publicize faithful professionals to show the fair aspects of wealth of core targets NOBLESSE OBLIGE To change the negative image of the rich, publicize the obligation of nobility to behave nobly or kindly towards others.
Invitation to ‘당신이기에’ launching show Experience It Promotion& CRM Invitation to ‘당신이기에’ launching show Hold the parties for launch of new models and cocktail party for core targets. For a certain number of participants, the chance to experience Mercedes Benz during weekends is given Invitation to ‘당신이기에’ charity concert Sponsor concerts for charity purpose and invite BENZ buyers and highly selected potential buyers.
Experience It Promotion& CRM Run the website ‘당신이기에’ For Mercedes owners and potential buyers, provide a meeting space to encourage the communication between them
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