U NIQUE ID ENTIFICATION (UID) Unique Identification (UID) of Tangible Items March 4, 2004 NDIA - 20 th Annual National Logistics Conference Presented by: Rob Leibrandt Deputy Program Manager, UID
2 UID & Network Centric Collaboration Industry U.S. Agencies & External Governments (e.g., UK, Australian, Canadian, Dutch) Unique Identification PeopleItemLocationEnterpriseData Network Centric Collaboration
3 To implement a policy establishing a strategic imperative for uniquely identifying tangible items relying to the maximum extent practical on international standards and commercial item markings and while not imposing unique government data requirements. Uniquely identified (UID) tangible items will facilitate item tracking in DoD business systems and provide reliable and accurate data for management, financial, accountability and asset management purposes. DoD Vision for Unique Item Marking
4 Enhance the Business Enterprise Architecture Clean Audit Opinions on Property, Plant and Equipment & Operating Materials and Supplies UID Role - Business Enterprise Architecture Enhance Total Asset Visibility
5 Unique IDentification (UID) of Items is: UID is the set of data for tangible assets that is globally unique and unambiguous, ensures data integrity and data quality throughout life, and supports multi-faceted business applications and users. EID 12V Orig. Part No. 1P1234 Serial No. S786950
6 A UID IsA UID Is Not A Data Element A Unique Identifier for an Item Globally Unique Unambiguous Permanent Created by Concatenating Specific Data Elements A Device for Communicating Data, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags, Contact Memory Buttons, Linear Bar Codes, or 2-D Data Matrices(RFID) A Replacement for the National Stock Number Intelligent Data that Yields Information About the Item Defining the Scope of UID
7 Require the UID Which Items Require a Unique Identifier (UID)? 14
8 BUSINESS RULES The UID shall be derived from its discrete component data elements. The UID is not required to be marked on the item as a separate data element. * 1 This example uses MH Data Identifiers. EIDSerial No.Orig. Part No. IAC UID Construct #2 UN UID Construct #1 D1 0CVA CAGE + Serial No. IAC UID Construct #2 1 EID 12V Orig. Part No. 1P1234 Serial No. S EID 18S0CVA5 Serial No UID Construct #1 1 * If the enterprise chooses to mark the UID as a discrete data element on the item, the component data elements must also be marked on the item as discrete data elements, in addition to the UID. Create and Generate the UID
9 UID Collaborative Solution Issue Using the syntax of ISO/IEC 15434, the collaborative solution provides for three interoperable formats: (Format has to be assigned by SC 31, all 2-digit numbers used or reserved) Until SC 31 assigns “xx” format code for use of TEIs use interim DoD format code “DD” in ISO/IEC syntax Formats: Text Element Identifiers: [)> R S DD G S MFR 0CVA5 G S SER 674A36458 R S E o T EAN.UCC: Application Identifiers [)> R S 05 G S A0B9C3D6 R S E o T MH : Data Identifiers [)> R S 06 G S 17V0CVA5 G S 1P1234 G S S R S E o T 0CVA
10 Leveraging UID Data Capture/Use Level 1 Processes Level 2 Processes Level 3 UID Transactions Systems Design, Development and Manufacture Inspection/ Acceptance/ Receipt Transportation MRO Disposal/ Sale/ Change of Ownership Configuration Mgmt Requirements Mgmt Supplier Mgmt Procurement Inventory Mgmt Manufacturing Part Marking Assembly Packaging Distribution/Shipping Inspection Acceptance Receiving Payment Validation Loading Hauling Tracking Unloading Inventory Mgmt Repair Upgrade/Modification Preventative Maintenance Failure Analysis Inventory Mgmt Part Marking/Remarking Configuration Mgmt Consumption Demilitarize FMS Intra-gov’t transfer Inter-gov’t transfer Scrap Populate Registry Update Inventory Update Registry Update Inventory Record in PM system Update Registry Update Inventory Update Maint. DB Update CM system Update PM system Mark Scan Populate Ship Notice Populate DID/CDRL Populate CM system Update Inventory Populate Trans. Doc. User
11 Failure Reporting/Analysis & Targeted Repair (Reactive and Predictive) Recall or Latent Defect Resolution Maximizing Capability While Minimizing Logistics Reliability studies to determine best equipment available Tracking and redirecting as necessary in route Planned Maintenance Repair Supplier Performance Parts (end items and spares) Logistics support Use Cases
12 Receiv e Inspect & Store Contract Award Functional Inspect Determine what items need to be marked Determine mark method and location Create MBOM and MPP Make Item Mark Item, Capture UID(s) Record UID Data Delivery Requirements Ship, DD250 Final Inspection Buy ItemSubcontract SOW with UID Requirements Retrieve from Stock Record UID, Integrate into end Product MBOM – Manufacturing Bill Of Materials MPP – Manufacturing Process Planning Issue: Existing marking processes must be able to accommodate UID requirements. Impact: Existing investments in marking infrastructure are leveraged. UID Vendor Perspective
13 EI PN 200H0028 SN * Item Markings EI PN 218H2861 SN * Item Markings EI PN 210H0611 SN * EI PN 216H1439 SN * Prime Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Enterprise Supply ChainUnique ItemsProduct Data End Item Specs Subassembly Specs Component Specs Part Specs PN 210H0611 PN 200H0028 PN 216H1439 PN 218H2861 Item Markings UN H Delivery to Govt UID ** UN H UN H UN H Delivery to Govt Spares End Item UID = Unique Identifier; EI = Enterprise Identifier PN = Part Number; SN = Serial Number * Serialized within the part number using DUNS **UN = Issuing Agency Code for DUNS UID in the Supply Chain
14 UID Data Capture DoD Apps Vendors UDF Direct Web User Interface Invoice, Receiving Report, UID Data UID XML Invoice, Receiving Report Mark Items with UID Data Elements Shipment Notice Invoice Wide Area Workflow EDI UID Registry Key: New Enhanced No change EDI – Electronic Data Interchange UDF – User Defined Format ACMS BSM CAPS EBIZ IAPS MOCAS MOCAS-RS One Pay SABRS SAMMS
15 The UID registry will serve as an acquisition gateway to… Identify what the item is Identify who owns the item originally Identify the initial value of the item Identify procuring activity and acceptance timing Intersect with other systems (e.g., property management, logistics, inventory management) Enable chaos; embrace multiple UID equivalents; allow multiple standards to thrive The UID registry will not… Track where the item is Track who uses the item Track on-going configuration management UID Registry
16 UID “Pedigree” Data End Item Data (15) UID (Concatenated) Descriptive Data –UID Data Elements (5) –Item Description –Unit of measure Acquisition Data –Contractor –Contract Number –CLIN/SLIN/ELIN –Price –Acceptance Code (identifies acceptor) –Acceptance Date –Ship to code Embedded Items of End Items (10) UID (Concatenated) Descriptive Data –UID Data Elements (5) –Item Description –Unit of measure Parent UID as of delivery date GFP flag Item Tracking (TBD) Current parent “As of” date
17 ANSI X12 EFT WAWF with UID DFAS Pay Systems DFAS Accounting Systems notices sent to next workflow user DCMA Office Source Inspection & Acceptance Receiving Activity Destination Acceptance Local Processing Document Certification Pay Official Payment Processing Contractor Document Creation Wide Area Workflow EDACCR/ DAASC DCAA Voucher Approval Contracting Officer Financing Acceptance Logistics Systems Transportation Systems Property Systems UID Registry Other Systems Logisticians Depot/Destination Receiving Property Mgmt. View Only Web, EDI, and FTP “Intake” Transporters View Only Program Mgmt. View Only
18 Issue: Existing marking processes must be able to accommodate UID requirements. Impact: Existing investments in marking infrastructure are leveraged. UID Receipt and Acceptance Process
19 UID/ Logistics Outcomes Comprehensive, timely data about each uniquely identified item throughout the supply chain –Generation, collection and analysis of maintenance data –End-to-end tracking and traceability of unique items –Reliability and maintainability information on each item throughout its life cycle Improved supply chain efficiency –Administrative cost reduction –Reduced stock levels –Simplicity, standardization, speed and certainty in automated data capture and electronic information exchange Integrated transportation and movement of individually identified items Leveraged commercial technologies and practices
20 Specific ItemGeneral ItemUnknown Item Manufacturer’s Part Number Standard Description (e.g. NSN) Form, Fit, Function Performance Requirements Performance Specification Brand Name Increase Competition in Production Increase Use of Commercial Descriptions Use Commercial Registries as Source of Description (e.g. UCCNET) Use In-House Registry Map Commercial Items to Standard Descriptions (e.g. RosettaNet, UNSPC) Item Identification Methodology Business Intelligence Item Description Continuum
21 Financial Management X-6X G 25POLI P68EY78945J123 POLI Lines of Accounting X-6X G 25POLI P68EY78945J145 POLI DoD Budget Submission Appropriations Commitment Obligation Expenditure Requirement Property, Logistics, and Transportation Contract Need Inspection Delivered Item Acceptance Line Item Requisition Shipping Notice Transportation Receiving Property Log Enterprise UID Digital Data Flow Potential Acquisition
22 Key DoD & External UID Stakeholders DoD Stakeholders OSD All Services Joint Staff Defense Contract Management Agency Defense Logistics Information Service UK MoD Industry Stakeholders Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) Government Electronics Association (GEIA) Uniform Code Council (UCC) Air Transport Association (ATA) Various AIT suppliers New York City Transit Authority UK Council for Electronic Business UID background materials and actions items are available
23 UID Policy Implementation Timeline Policy Final UID policy (Implementation effective Jan 2004)- July 2003 UID Clarification- Nov 2003 Issuing Agency Code (IAC) policy- Dec 2003 UID Implementation for Contracts with Govt Furnished Property- Jan 2005 DFAR Cases Advanced Notice of Public Rulemaking released- May 2003 Public Meeting- May 2003 Interim Rule Published- Oct 2003 Public Meeting- Nov 2003 Rule clarification (2 nd Interim Rule)- Dec 2003 ISO Change Request Submit “New Work Item Proposal”- Jan 2004 Gather change request support- ongoing ISO amendment issued- TBD WAWF Modifications UID Capability IOC – Firm Fixed Price-2 May 2004
24 Contact Information For further information or questions, please contact: Ms. LeAntha Sumpter at or at (703) Mr. Robert Leibrandt at or at (703) A variety of UID background materials and previous UID policy memos can be found at Note: For inquiries regarding the standards effort, please contact Lt Col Gregory Redick at (201)
26 UID Constructs The components that make up the UID are identified in the table below. Each enterprise has two options for creating the UID. UID Construct #1UID Construct #2 Based on current enterprise configurations If items are serialized within the Enterprise If items are serialized within Part Number UID is derived by concatenating the data elements IN ORDER: Issuing Agency Code* Enterprise ID Serial Number Issuing Agency Code* Enterprise ID Original Part Number Serial Number Data Identified on Assets Not Part of the UID (Separate Identifier) Current Part Number *The Issuing Agency Code (IAC) represents the registration authority that issued the enterprise identifier (e.g., Dun and Bradstreet, EAN.UCC). The IAC can be derived from the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier and does not need to be marked on the item.
27 Create and Generate the UID Data qualifiers (semantics) will define each machine-readable data element marked on the item. The data qualifier associated with the serial number will identify which UID construct is used to build the UID. Semantics Translation Between Data Identifiers (DI), Application Identifiers (AI), and Text Element Identifiers (TEI) 1 1Blank boxes indicate the need for updates to the standards. * * DUN* EUC* CAG*, MFR or SPL USN or UST PNO* SEQ* * Pending approval or publication
28 UID Data Capture and Reuse Contract (non-SAP) SAP Purchase Charge Card Coop. Agreement Internal DoD (E.g. Depots) Economy Act Acquisition Channel WAWF Purchase Log Acceptance Tool (WAWF?) DEBX Legacy Alias Registry UID Registry Domain Services Property Records Logistics Systems Configuration Management Systems UPC/UID, Description, Value, Delivery time/place/method Financial Systems UID + Description UPC/UID,Value,Delivery UPC/UID, Location, status UID+Value Enterprise Services Industry UPC/UID Directories UID/UPC Validation UPC/UID Validation Property Systems UID Validation UPC/UID Validation Map UID to baseline Industry Registries (e.g. D&B) FedReg CCR EID Validation GCSS
29 UID Data Capture UID Capture –WAWF Fixed price Third party shipping Cost type –Other collection scenarios Reporting of embedded UIDs Charge Card Non-contractual acquisition Internal DoD (Depot) marking Other government agency marking UID Data Retrieval –DoD Registry development –Registry access rules –Use of third party UID-equivalent registries
30 Outreach and Communications Working Group –AIM –Universities –Solutions Providers –DoD Stakeholders Publications –NCMA Journal –Defense AT&L Magazine Presentations Industry Partners Other
31 UID Joint Requirement Implementation Board DFARS Working Group USD (AT&L) JRB WAWF Business Rules Integration Group UID/Systems Engineering Working Group CFO Rules Group AIT Senior Steering Group AIS Technical Interface Working Group UID/Export Controls Working Group UID Registry Grants, OT Working Group UID/ Maintenance Working Group Inspection & Acceptance Working Group UID/RFID Working Group ISO Standards Working Group Integrated Acquisition Environment Enterprise Working Group TBD UID/PBL Working Group TBD BEA Domain Owners/PM UID/PC JPMO Joint Requirements Implementation Board-UID Chair: LeAntha Sumpter (Acquisition) Co-chairs: Ms. Teresa McKay (Finance) Alan Estevez (Logistics)
32 ISO Policy Update Submitted proposal to US TAG Sept 03 Withdrawn based on discussion with DoD Logistics AIT Office –US TAG strategy was to forward to ISO while not supporting the request –Debate must happen in US TAG before going to international community Developing support –Meetings with AIA leadership on US TAG (US TAG still has little aerospace representation) –Met with Embassy staffs (Sweden, France, UK, Italy, Korea, Germany) –Briefed 21-member nation MOU group –Met with Canadian MOD and SC-31 representatives – Nov 17 –Met with GSA/DOE/UCC/FAA January 13 to synchronize U.S. Government wide- strategy –Mr. Mike Wynne met with AIA commercial suppliers to address marking interoperability issues- Jan 14 Proposal resubmitted January 28 for US TAG meeting on March 2, 2004 (SC 31, May 18-20, 2004) Secured agreement from ATA, AIDC committee to recommend acceptance of ISO wrapped TEIs with ATA Spec 2000