The Technological Network on HIV/AIDS Milestones and Achievements Cristina d´Almeida Executive Secretary
Milestones UNGASS, New York (September) - Brazil, South Africa and India decided to gather efforts to promote technological self-sufficiency on HIV/AIDS Interest of other developing countries (China, Nigeria and Russia) in joining this initiative XV International Aids Conference, Bangkok (July)- Signature of the Joint Declaration of Commitments amongst 6 developing countries on the scope of the fight against HIV/AIDS (Brazil, China, Nigeria, Russia, Ukraine and Thailand) 1st Round of the Technological Network on HIV/AIDS, Rio de Janeiro (January) 58th World Health Assembly, Geneva, (May) – Endorsement of the Joint Declaration establishing the Technological Network on HIV/AIDS 1st Workshop in API Synthesis and ARV Formulation, Shanghai (August)
Objectives Transfer of technology: (i) synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (ii) ARV manufacturing (iii) laboratory kits R&D Establishment of Agreements on technical-scientific cooperation with a view to strengthen capacity building Implementation of Joint initiatives directed to HIV vaccines development, including basic research, clinical trials, and production itself Legal Technical Assistance related to sanitary surveillance of HIV/AIDS products and Intellectual Property Management
Network’s Key Players Member Countries (delegations) –Focal Point (political representation) –Technical experts (R&D, manufacturing) Research Institutions (Cooperation partners) Executive Secretariat Observers External partners (WHO, ANRS, UNDP)
Country Members Argentina Brazil China Cuba Nigeria Russia Thailand Ukraine Uruguay (observer)
Donnors Ford Foundation – US$ 1 million, until March 2007 UNDP – support to the 2nd Round Brazilian STD/AIDS Program
Achievements Rules of Procedure –Establishment of member countries´ criteria –Definition of the Network´s objectives –Definition of commons commitments on Intellectual Property and Quality Control Cooperation Agenda –Definition of the main technological areas and activites for technical cooperation: –API synthesis, ARV formulation, R&D in laboratory technologies, manufacturing of condoms, R&D on vaccines and microbicides First Technical Cooperations on API synthesis and ARV formulation Technical Assess Study on Pharmaceutical Productive Capacity of Developing Countries (UNDP)
Technical Cooperation on API synthesis and ARV formulation (Shanghai, Sept 2005) Partner countriesAim of cooperation Argentina - Brazil - China API synthesis, ARV formulation, (including quality assurance and control )and research and development of intermediates Brazil - CubaResearch, development and formulation of ARV, including reference standards for quality control Brazil - NigeriaFormulation of ARV Brazil - UkraineFormulation of ARV China - NigeriaResearch and development on API synthesis China - ThailandAPI synthesis China - UkraineExploratory missions to identify possible suppliers of APIs Cuba - UkraineBioequivalence tests Nigeria - ThailandResearch, development and formulation of ARV
Technical Cooperation Proposals on Quality Assurance (Cuba, June 2006) 1.Assessment on quality assurance related to HIV/AIDS LAB to assess the state-of-the art of each country (two experts working on a consultancy basis visiting each member country in order to do the assessment. It may be necessary to use other more cost-effective strategies to gather information). To implement a data bank initiative related to LAB issues based on WHO´s and other existing initiatives 2.To implement a reference panel sample bank 3.To review existing guidelines documents related to quality assurance in order to make a joint proposal document regarding all HIV/AIDS Laboratory QC (EIA, Rapid tests, VL, CD4) 4.To define a training strategy related to the assessed issues 5.A similar assessment on antiretroviral QC issues
Next Steps ActivityResponsibleDeadline Elaboration and submission of “Umbrella” Cooperation Project Proposal TOR Elaboration Executive secretariatJuly 30th, 2006 Draf Project evaluation by Member CountriesMember countriesAugust 30th, 2006 Final Project submission to Member CountriesExecutive SecretariatSeptember 15th, 2006 Final Project Approval by Member CountriesMember countriesSeptember 30th, 2006 Project start-upMember countriesTo be determined (January, 2007) Next Meeting of the Network (meeting with Civil Society) – ARGENTINA or BRAZIL (to be defined) Executive SecretariatMarch - April, 2007