Organisms NN TransOrganic Matter Soil Taxonomy
N Transformation of organic N to inorganic N. Mineralization
N- 200 Leaching, volatilization, denitrification, immobilization N losses
N Gaseous loss of N under high moisture situations in the presence of a C source Denitrification
N- 400 Stable compost releases N through this process Mineralization
N Recalcitrant compounds of high molecular weight resulting from the breakdown of plant residues and the microbial biomass Humus
Taxonomy The great group Haplaquolls belongs to this soil order. Mollisols!!! And you Better know this one
Taxonomy The great group Hapludoll belongs to this soil order, soil moisture regime, and will support this major crop. Mollisols, udic, corn
Taxonomy When comparing these two soil subgroups, which one is the “wettest?” Typic Haplaquolls Aquic Hapludolls Typic Haplaquolls
Taxonomy- 400 Place the following three soils in correct order from high to low elevation in a soil toposequence. Clarion—Typic Hapludolls Webster—Typic Haplaquolls Nicollet—Aquic Hapludolls Clarion, Nicollet, Webster
Taxonomy Place the following three soils in correct order from high to low elevation in a soil toposequence. Clarion—Typic Hapludolls Markey—Typic Borosaprists Webster—Typic Haplaquolls Nicollet—Aquic Hapludolls Clarion, Nicollet, Webster, Markey
Organic Matter Tillage causes the loss of this compound Carbon dioxide—CO 2
Organic Matter Catalyse reactions but are not consumed by the reactions. Chroma Enzymes
Organic Matter An aerobic process whereby C:N ratios decrease through microbial degradation Composting
Organic Matter Filamentous organism that attach to plant roots thereby providing increased root mass and nutrient uptake Mycorrhizal fungi
Organic Matter- 500 a C:N ratio common in soil 10:1
N Transformations N loss as nitrate out of the bottom of the root zone Leaching
N Transformations N loss resulting from surface application of urea Volatilization
N Transformations Transformation of inorganic N to organic N Immobilization
N Transformations Process by which most of the N fertilizer is made Haber Bosch
N Transformations N losses from surface applied poultry litter Volatilization
Organisms – 100 Prokaryotes Organisms whose DNA is not found within a membrane bound nucleus
Organisms – 200 Lichen This organism is a symbiotic relationship between an alga and a fungus
Organisms – 300 Heterotrophs Derive energy from preformed C compounds
Organisms – 400 Autotrophs Derive energy from carbon dioxide
Organisms – 500 Fungi Are filamentous organisms important to degradation of cellulose and lignin