Why Do We Want to Build Your Soil? Does Your Fertility Program Make Cents? What Can a Farmer Control? Judge Approves Historic EPA Settlement in Florida. Is There an Alternative To Conventional Farming? Contact Information
By getting a balanced soil you can eliminate most use of pesticides and herbicides. Getting to know your soil.
Estimated Numbers of Common Organisms Found in Agricultural Soils Bacteria3,000,000 to 500,000,000 in 1g. Actinomycetes1,000,000 to 20,000,000 in 1g. Fungi 5,000 to 1,000,000 in 1g. Yeasts 1,000 to 100,000 in 1g. Protozoa 1,000 to 500,000 in 1g. Algae 1,000 to 500,000 in 1g. Nematodes10 to 5,000 in 100 g. In addition, there are large numbers of microbial viruses, slime molds, insects, and earthworms.
1. Decomposition of organic residues will cause the release of nutrient elements. 2. Formation of soil humus. 3. Improvement of soil’s physical properties. 4. Release of plant nutrient elements from insoluble inorganic soil minerals. 5. Fixation of nitrogen. 6. Improved plant nutrition through mycorrhizal relationships. 7. Destroys plant pathogens.
Food, feedstuff, and plant quality are directly related to the quality of the soil. We look at the problems instead of the cures. Problems With the Soil. 1. Compaction 2. Uneven Stands 3. Poor Root Development 4. Moisture Stress 5. Low Biological Activity 6. Mineral Imbalances 7. Declining Yields With High Input Costs
1. Do you have to apply more fertilizer each year to achieve the same amount of yield? 2. Is there still crop residual that hasn’t broken down from your cover crop? 3. Do you have problems with standing water in your fields? 4. Is your crop under stress during low rainfall periods?
5. Are you required to use additional herbicides and pesticides to gain the same control as in prior years? 6. Are you seeing a lack of organic matter building up in your soil? 7. Are you seeing crusting of the soil after heavy rainfall?
8. When you are examining the root structure of your crops, do you have one large tap root or very little hair roots? 9. Since a farmer can only control input cost, would you be interested in saving from 25% to 50% of your input costs.
Can a farmer control the weather? Can a farmer control the cost of their equipment? Can a farmer control the cost of their land? Can a farmer control the market for his product? Can a farmer control their input cost? NO YES The only thing a farmer can control is their input cost.
November 16 th, A federal judge in Tallahassee approved a historic consent decree which requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to set legal limits for the widespread nutrient poisoning that triggers harmful algae blooms in Florida waters. The change in federal policy comes thirteen months after five environmental groups filed a major lawsuit to compel the federal government to set strict limits on nutrient poisoning in public waters. This ruling has nationwide implications. Currently, Florida and most other states have only vague limits regulating nutrient pollution. The U.S. EPA will now begin the process of imposing quantifiable and enforceable water quality standards to tackle nutrient pollution, using data collected by the Florida DEP.
Yes, there are alternatives. Working with soil tests, to balance the soil Nitro/Max J&J Soil Conditioner NI/CAL Our fertility program rebuilds the natural elements in the soil, rather than destroying them.
nitro/max ® is a mixture of organic and inorganic compounds in a treated water solution. nitro/max ® will promote the efficient use of soil nitrogen in growing most crops. nitro/max ®, when used as part of a balanced soil fertility program, should reduce farming costs by reducing the amount of commercial nitrogen needed.
All J&J Products are compatible with each other and can be used separately or in combination depending on soil needs. Nitro/Max Soil Conditioner NI/CAL
J&J Soil Conditioner J&J Soil Conditioner is highly concentrated liquid surfactant used to break up the hardpan by increasing soil porosity.
Liquid nitrogen starter Immediately available form of calcium An alternative to lime Formulation of calcium nitrate plus J&J’s formula of carbon and trace elements. NI/CAL