AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL1 AOD Tutorial These slides can be found in ppt in /tutorial/Tutorial_AOD_100305.ppt.


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Presentation transcript:

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL1 AOD Tutorial These slides can be found in ppt in /tutorial/Tutorial_AOD_ ppt In pdf /tutorial/Tutorial_AOD_ pdf

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL2 AOD Tutorial Outline Transferring files via DonQuixote Exercise 1: Copy a file via DonQuixote Overview of ESD/AOD production Interactive AOD session Exercise 2: Basic set-up Exercise 3: Look at AOD interactively Exercise 4: Basic set-up retrieve electron container and plot some quantities Useful tools four-momentum, particle, navigable Exercise 5: plot invariant Z-mass Some more useful tools Exercise 6: Use some tools to plot Z-mass

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL3 Transferring files via DonQuixote Most of ESD/AOD prod for Rome will be centrally produced via GRID To find out about the Status of Rome productions and available samples Files can be transferred via DonQuixote What is it ATLAS Experiment Data Management System integrate all Grid data management services used by ATLAS provide production managers and physicists access to file-resident event data implementing data flow as defined by the ATLAS Computing Model In short: mean to access “official” ATLAS data produced on the GRID Documentation how to use it in To transfer files you need a GRID certificate and be registered with ATLAS VO You can install DonQuixote in your lab on a machine with GRID UI

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL4 Basic GRID set-up At CERN lxplus can act as a GRID machine To be able to run there we have to export the keys and get them on lxplus This was the exercise to do prior to the tutorial. If you havn’t done so, follow the instructions and watch over someone else’s shoulder documentation.pdf To enable your lxplus session to act as UI  source /afs/ profile.d/  source /afs/ profile.d/ Obtain temporary grid proxy certificate  grid-proxy-init -valid Hours:Minutes (if you don’t give the time, you’ll get 8h) At the end of your session  grid-proxy-destroy

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL5 Export your key to CERN Follow indications “how to export your key” in esc-documentation.pdf Then let’s install it to CERN (instructions in web page out-dated, so let’s do it together) 0.html Log on lxplus7 and in your home directory, do the following, assuming the key is called: MyKeys.pfx  source /afs/ profile.d/  openssl pkcs12 -in MyKeys.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out usercert.pem  openssl pkcs12 -in MyKeys.pfx -nocerts -out userkey.pem  chmod 400 userkey.pem  chmod 444 usercert.pem  mkdir.globus/  mv *.pem.globus/

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL6 How to use DonQuixote at CERN Set up lxplus7 to act as GRID UI and identify yourself to the grid Note: DonQuixote version 2 only works under RH7, version 3 about to come  source /afs/ profile.d/  grid-proxy-init The python script you need to use is installed at CERN /afs/ Basic commands you are likely to use are: Search for a dataset  search ‘rome digit.B4_jets17filter*’  search ‘rome digit.B4_jets17filter*’ > dijet.out (more convenient) Copy data to castor (for LCG files)  get ‘rome digit.B4_jets17filter._02010.pool.root’ -–remote  get ‘rome digit.B4_jets17filter*’ --copy –-remote -–multiple For files from grid3 or NorduGrid (ng)  –g grid3 or –g ng

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL7 Exercise 1: copy a file via Grid Install your GRID key at CERN Execute the grid-init Ok, let’s try to see which files for dataset “rome digit.B4_jets17filter*’” was produced Now copy one of the files to CERN Note: in the CERN setup the datafile will automatically end up in the castor grid directory /castor/ / = dc1, dc2, rome = evgen, simul, digit, reco Note: at the end of the copy there will be some error messages, however, the copy probably worked Check you see it in the castor directory Don Quixote is a bit buggy, so sometimes you have to try again, some datasets such as digitcalib doesn’t seem to be accepted by the tool. Very likely we don’t have to worry for the large scale AOD Rome productions The files will be available at CERN from a castor scratch area

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL8 Brief Overview of ESD/AOD production ESD : Event Summary Data Detailed output of reconstruction Contains main reconstruction objects, such a EM clusters, track particles, muons, taus, jets… Gives as well list of cells belonging to a cluster, space-points belonging to a track…. Thus refinements of combined reco. e.g. particle id, track refitting, jet calibration possible Things such as re-doing pattern recognition, re-calibration of cells not possible AOD: Analysis Object Data Only necessary information to perform most analysis available data organised into analysis objects whose classes have physical meaning Electron, photon, jet, tau, muon, … Also TrackParticle essential aspect is truth association, which directly links the original Monte Carlo data to the reconstructed objects AOD is formed from the ESD through the use of AOD Builders Back-navigation to ESD information possible

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL9

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL10

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL11

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL12 LVL1 calo variables, LVL2 calo + track variables

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL13 How to produce an ESD Some pre-defined jobOptions available  get_files  doWriteESD = True # ESD persistency flag  DetDescrVersion = "Rome-Initial" # Detector description  EvtMax = 5 #number of Event to process  doCBNT = False # suppress ntuple  doHist = False # suppress histos  PoolRDOInput = ["rfio:/castor/ MyAOD.pool.root" ]  # the input raw data file  PoolESDOutput = “ESD.pool.root” # output ESD name To run  Similar you can run together with the file from the TriggerRelease area and produce an ESD with offline and trigger information

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL14 How to produce an AOD Some pre-defined jobOptions available  get_files  athena  AllAlgs = False # Do not re-run the reco.  readESD = True # Read the ESD  doWriteAOD = True # AOD persistency output  DetDescrVersion = "Rome-Initial" # Detector description  doHist = False # suppress histograms  PoolESDInput = [ "ESD.pool.root" ] # ESD input file  PoolAODOutput = "AOD.pool.root“ # AOD output file  from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags # Detector Flags  DetFlags.detdescr.ID_setOn()  DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_setOn()  DetFlags.detdescr.Muon_setOn()  # switch AOD streaming - we are not interested in that here  from ParticleEventAthenaPool.AODFlags import AODFlags  AODFlags.Streaming = False

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL15 How to produce an AOD In addition something similar exists for ATLFAST I don’t think we should try to do this here, but have a look at AOD

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL16 Ok, let’s try to look at an AOD and do basic set-up This tutorial is based on release 10 Though AOD’s are from Not everything can be tested due to changes in persistified classes E.g. back navigation doesn’t work Let’s start with the basic set-up Ask for Release in cmt requirements file  source /afs/ /mgr/  cmt config  source –tag=opt create Tutorial area (where ever it’s convenient) cd to your tutorial area  cmt co -r UserAnalysis PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis  cmt co Control/AthenaServices  cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/ UserAnalysis /src  cp ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/AnalysisSkeleton.cxx.  cd../UserAnalysis

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL17 Exercise 2: Basic set-up for tutorial  cp ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/AnalysisSkeleton.h.  cd../cmt  Add AthenaServices to your requirements  Use AthenaServices AthenaServices-* Control  cmt bro cmt config  source  cmt bro gmake  cd../run  cp ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/PoolFileCatalog.xml.  get_files PDGTABLE.MeV  cp ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/  cp ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/ Let’s look at an ESD and AOD by just opening the pool file and see what persistified object are in there Open ESD file with root ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/ESD.pool.root Do you see some trigger stuff? Open AOD file with root ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/AOD.pool.root

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL18 Interactive AOD session Unfortunately it only works under RH73 and doesn’t run out of the box in 10  cmt co Control/AthenaServices (already done) Only works on AOD’s not directly on ESD’s (though possible via back- navigation)  get_files -jo  pool_insertFileToCatalog /afs/ edit the jobO (if needed) e.g., change input file  EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "AOD.pool.root" ] To  EventSelector.InputCollections = [ “/afs/" ] Or  EventSelector.InputCollections = [ “rfio/castor/" ]  EventSelector.InputCollections =  ["AOD.pool_1.root“, “AOD.pool_2.root”]

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL19 start an interactive session  athena -i -l FATAL  Don’t forget -i option!!  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy DMuonCatchAll  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy IDETIonization  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy IDETDecay  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy IDETConversion  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy IDETBrems  MCTruth::TruthStrategyManager: registered strategy CALOCatchAll  ==> New TileCablingService created  Loaded dictionary PyAnalysisCoreDict  Loaded dictionary PyParticleToolsDict  Loaded dictionary PyTriggerToolsDict  Loaded dictionary PyKernelDict Initialize application manager  athena> theApp.initialize() Run 1 event  athena> theApp.nextEvent()

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL20 Basic commands in interactive AOD session Retrieve ElectronCollection  athena> econ = PyParticleTools.getElectrons("ElectronCollection") where “ElectronCollection” is key name in the StoreGate. Other methods are defined in PyParticleToolsPyParticleTools e.g., for Muon, PyParticleTools.getMuons(”MuonCollection”) Number of electrons  athena> len(econ)  5 Get the first electron  athena> e = econ[0] See pT  athena>  Create and fill a ROOT histogram on the fly:  plot("ElectronContainer#ElectronCollection","$",nEvent=5) nEvent has to be less than the number of events in the file… Only works once, then you’re at the end of the file and we don’t know how to re-start, unless you re-start your interactive session

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL21 Get a list of methods  athena> dir(e)  ['Electron', 'Navigable', 'P4EEtaPhiM', '_C_instance', '_C_metaclass', '__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__weakref__', '_empty_instance', '_made_in_Python', 'author', 'begin', 'charge', 'contains', 'cosTh', 'cotTh', 'd0wrtPrimVtx', 'dataType', 'e', 'eg', 'end', 'et', 'eta', 'fillToken', 'getContainer', 'getEgammaWeight', 'getIndex', 'getParameter', 'hasCharge', 'hasPdgId', 'hasTrack', 'hlv', 'iPt', 'isEM', 'm', 'm_author', 'm_charge', 'm_constituents', 'm_dataType', 'm_e', 'm_eta', 'm_hasCharge', 'm_hasPdgId', 'm_hasTrack', 'm_isEM', 'm_m', 'm_origin', 'm_parameters', 'm_pdgId', 'm_phi', 'm_track', 'numberOfBLayerHits', 'numberOfPixelHits', 'numberOfSCTHits', 'numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits', 'numberOfTRTHits', 'origin', 'p', 'parameter', 'pdgId', 'phi', 'pt', 'putElement', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'remove', 'removeAll', 'set4Mom', 'setE', 'setEta', 'setM', 'setPhi', 'set_all', 'set_charge', 'set_dataType', 'set_eg', 'set_isEM', 'set_origin', 'set_parameter', 'set_pdgId', 'set_track', 'sinTh', 'size', 'track', 'z0wrtPrimVtx', '~Electron', '~I4Momentum', '~INavigable', '~INavigable4Momentum', '~IParticle', '~Navigable', '~P4EEtaPhiM', '~P4EEtaPhiMBase', '~ParticleBase'] Unfortunately you don’t just see the members, but as well all method provided by the class

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL22 See AOD contents using PyPoolBrowser  athena> include ("PyAnalysisExamples/") double-click “/” click “+” of ElectronCollection → “+” on 0 → double click on “pt”, then you will see a histogram for pT distribution of electrons Doesn’t really work in Be patient… very slow Unfortunately only works on AOD’s right now, not on ESD’s Use Ctrl-D to exit

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL23 Exercise 2: Interactive AOD session Do basic set-up Run interactive AOD session and try out some of the commands For more examples/possibilities, see Allows navigation via ElementLink going from electron  track  track quantities Allows navigation back to ESD e.g. electron  egammaObject in ESD

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL24 How to access the Container Just as you do in the reconstruction Retrieve via StoreGate Example:  std::string m_electronContainerName = "ElectronCollection"; ...  const ElectronContainer* elecTES;  sc=m_storeGate->retrieve( elecTES, m_electronContainerName );  if( sc.isFailure() || !elecTES ) {  mLog << MSG::WARNING << "No AOD electron container" << endreq;  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }  mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "ElectronContainer retrieved" << endreq; ...  // iterators over the container  ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItr = elecTES->begin(); ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItrE = elecTES->end();  for (; elecItr != elecItrE; ++elecItr) {  double pT = (*elecItr)->pt(); ...

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL25 StoreGate keys for AOD Container (1) Container NameName of collectioncomment ElectronContainerElectronCollection PhotonContainerPhotonCollection MuonContainerMuonCollection TauJetContainerTauJetCollection BJetContainerBCandidatesto be removed after JetTagContainerBJetCollectionsince ParticleJetContainer up to 9.4.0/9.0.4 ParticleJetContainersKtTowerParticleJets, Cone4TowerParticleJet s, ConeTowerJets since Missing Et objectMET_Base Missing Et calibrated object MET_Calib Missing Et Truth objectMET_Truth Missing Et Muon objectMET_Muon Missing Et Final objectMET_Final Missing Et Cryostat correction MET_Cryosince

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL26 StoreGate keys for AOD Container (2) Container NameName of collectioncomment TruthParticleContainerSpclMC Inner Detector TrackParticlesTrackParticleCandidate Muonboy TrackParticles STACO TrackParticlesStacoTrackParticles MOORE TrackParticlesMooreTrackParticles MuID StandAlone TrackParticles MuidStandAloneTrackParticles MuID Combined TrackParticlesMuidCombnoSeedTrackParticles Slimmed McEventCollectionGEN_AOD TrackParticleTruthCollection CTP DecisionCTP_Decision LVL1 RoILVL1_ROI Vertex ContainerVxPrimaryCandidate Track Record CollectionMuonEntryRecord Truth ParticleJetContainersKtTruthParticleJets, Cone4TruthParticleJets, ConeTruthJets since

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL27 StoreGate keys for Atlfast AOD Container Container NameName of collection ElectronContainerAtlfastElectronCollection PhotonContainerAtlfastPhotonCollection MuonContainerAtlfastMuonCollection TauJetContainerAtlfastTauJetContainer BJetContainerAtlfastBJetContainer ParticleJetContainerAtlfastParticleJetContainer Missing Et objectAtlfastMissingEt TruthParticleContainerSpclMC

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL28 Glimpse at one of the classes: Electron Electron.h in PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/ParticleEvent  class Electron : public ParticleBase,ElectronParticleBase  public P4EEtaPhiM,P4EEtaPhiM  public Navigable {NavigableegammaContainer  int isEM() const { return m_isEM; }  bool hasTrack() const { return m_hasTrack; }  const Rec::TrackParticle* track() constRectrack  { return ((m_hasTrack) ? (*m_track) : 0) ; }  Via navigation to track (e.g. (*m_track)->trackSummary()->get( Trk::numberOfBLayerHits ) )get TrknumberOfBLayerHits  double z0wrtPrimVtx() const ;z0wrtPrimVtx  double d0wrtPrimVtx() const ;d0wrtPrimVtx  int numberOfBLayerHits() constnumberOfBLayerHits  int numberOfPixelHits() const;numberOfPixelHits  int numberOfSCTHits() const;numberOfSCTHits  int numberOfTRTHits() const;numberOfTRTHits  int numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits() const;numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL29 Glimpse at one of the classes: Electron ElectronParamDefs.h  enum ParamDef {  // common enums  EoverP = 0, EoverP  // Enum's for egamma  etaBE2 = 1,  et37 = 2,  e237 = 3,  e277 = 4,  ethad1 = 5,  weta1 = 6,  weta2 = 7,  f1 = 8,  e2tsts1 = 9,  emins1 = 10,  wtots1 = 11,  fracs1 = 12,  epiNN = 13,  // Enum's for softe  etaCorrMag = 1,  f1core = 2,  f3core = 3,  Pos7 = 4,  Iso = 5,  Widths2 = 6,  emWeight = 7,  pionWeight = 8 Access via  (*elec)->parameter(ElectronParameters::EoverP)

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL30 To find out which objects in each class Hopefully soon via PAT web page ls At least that’s promised for in the next weeks Via interactive python session Unfortunately you get more than just the class members, also all methods But probably the easiest way right now Via doxigen Look directly at class in release area Some members in Kyle’s talk Ask an “expert”

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL31 More about 4-momentum Most particles such as electrons, photons, muon, tau, jets inherit from I4Momentum For example:  for (; elecItr != elecItrE; ++elecItr) {  if( (*elecItr)->pt()> m_etElecCut ) {  double electronEta = (*elecItr)->eta(); ... Complete list double px(), py(), pz(), m() double p(), eta(), phi() double e(), et(), pt(), double iPt() double cosTh(), sinTh(), cotTh() HepLorentzVector hlv()

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL32 HepLorentzVector xxx

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL33 Exercise 4 Modify AnalysisSkeleton.cxx and plot some histograms of quantities in the ElectronContainer Retrieve ElectronContainer Plot size of it Plot pT, eta and EoverP of the electron candidates with pT>20GeV Run and check your histograms with root Watch out for the fix me in the code!

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL34 More about Particle Particle have a 4-momentum representation (see more on next slide) Particles have constituents (e.g. are navigable) Daughters from particle decay Reconstruction-level object methods of IParticle ParticleDataType::DataType dataType() Enum with {Data = 0, Full = 1, FastShower = 2, Fast = 3, True = 4} Trk::RecVertex* origin() RecVertex corresponding to particle Origin bool hasCharge() check if charge information is available ChargeType charge()Returns charge bool hasPdgId() check if particle id information is available PDG::pidType pdgId()PDG code

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL35 in Event/EventKernel

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL36

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL37 Navigation Navigation to Constituents from AOD back to ESD:  CompositeParticle* W = new CompositeParticle();  W->add(jetContainer, jet1, jet2);  If (!W->contains(jet3)) { do something;}  NavigationToken * cellToken = new NavigationToken ();  jet->fillToken(*cellToken);  NavigationToken ::const_iterator c = cellToken->begin();  NavigationToken ::const_iterator cend = cellToken->end();  for(; c != cend; ++c) {  const CaloCell* thisCell = *c;  double weight = jet->getParameter(thisCell); //  double weight = (*c).second;  double et = weight * thisCell->et();  ….

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL38 Exercise 5: Plot inv. Z-mass Add to AnalysisSkeleton.cxx Use 4-vector method to combine 2 electrons with pT>20GeV and put it in histo Run and check histo

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL39 Analysis Tools, Utilities The following tools are currently available – Look in CVS: offline/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/ AnalysisUtils AnalysisTools Main tools Combination Permutation DeltaR matching Selector Filter Special Utilities Navigation Association

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL40 IAnalysisTools Delta phi between two particles  deltaPhi (const INavigable4Momentum *p1, const INavigable4Momentum *p2) Delta R between 2 particles  double deltaR (const INavigable4Momentum *p1, const INavigable4Momentum *p2) Invariant mass between 2 particles  imass2 (const INavigable4Momentum *p1, const INavigable4Momentum *p2) Invariant mass between 4 particles  imass4 (const INavigable4Momentum *p1, const INavigable4Momentum *p2, const INavigable4Momentum *p3, const INavigable4Momentum *p4)

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL41 IAnalysisTools find the closest (in R) element in a collection to an INavigable4Momentum  bool matchR (const INavigable4Momentum *t, COLL *coll, int &index, double &deltaR)matchR  bool matchR (const INavigable4Momentum *t, COLL *coll, ELEMENT *element, double &deltaR)matchRINavigable4MomentumelementdeltaR  bool matchR (const INavigable4Momentum *t, COLL *coll, int &index, double &deltaR, const int pdg)matchR sort by pT, eta, phi  sortPT (COLL *coll)  sortEta (COLL *coll)  sortPhi (COLL *coll) classify by charge (pos, neg)  classifyCharge (const COLL *coll, std::vector &pos, std::vector &neg)

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL42 DeltaR Matching Get a handle on the tools in the initialize() method:  IAlgTool *tmp_analysisTools;  sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("AnalysisTools",tmp_analysisTools);  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != sc) {  mLog << MSG::ERROR << "Can't get handle on ana tools" << endreq;  return StatusCode::FAILURE; } Then in execute  m_analysisTools=dynamic_cast (tmp_analysisTools);  int index = -1;  double deltaRMatch;  /// find a match to this electron in the MC truth container  /// the index and deltaR are returned  bool findAMatch = m_analysisTools->matchR((*elecItr), mcpartTES, index, deltaRMatch, (*elecItr)->pdgId());  /// the matched object and deltaR are returned  bool findAMatch = m_analysisTools->matchR((*elecItr), mcpartTES, element, deltaRMatch, (*elecItr)->pdgId());

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL43 Combination Example: W  jj  AnalysisUtils::Combination comb(jetTDS,2); get all the combinations of 2 jets  std::vector jj;  while (comb.get(jj)) {  double mjj = (jj[0]->hlv()+jj[1]->hlv()).m();  m_jj->fill(mjj,m_eventWeight);  if ( fabs(mjj-mW) < m_deltaMjj ) {  CompositeParticle * Wjj = new CompositeParticle();  Jet* newJet = new Jet( oldjet )  Wjj->add(jetTDS,jj[0],jj[1]);  Wjj->set_charge(1);  Wjj->set_pdgId(PDG::W_plus);  Wjj->set_dataType(m_dataType);  m_WjjContainer->push_back(Wjj); } } }

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL44 Special Utility for Neutrino In some analyses, you want to reconstruct neutrino NeutrinoIParticle To help you in PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/SpecialUtils candidatesFromWMass(lepton, pxMiss, pyMiss, neutrinoContainer) neutrinosFromColinearApproximation(particleA, particleB, pxMiss, pyMiss, neutrinoContainer) Objective is: each user does not have to write the same piece of code for general solutions to a subclass of problem Example: use the W mass constraint for the pz solution of the neutrino momentum  for (; leptonItr != leptonItrE; ++leptonItr) { bool findNeutrino = NeutrinoUtils::candidatesFromWMass((*leptonItr), m_pxMiss, m_pyMiss, (*m_neutrinoContainer)); if (findNeutrino) { do something …} }

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL45 Special Particle: CompositeParticle CompositeParticle is made up of other IParticles add two particles to make a composite particle In (need symlink with ParticleBaseContainer) CompositeParticle* myZ = new CompositeParticle myZ->add(myBJetContainer, oldEle ) In (no need for container, but need to make a copy before adding) CompositeParticle* myZ = new CompositeParticle Electron* newEle = new Electron( oldEle ) Composite particles can Navigate to its daughters

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL46 Creating Your Own Containers MuonContainer * muonContainer = new MuonContainer(); Muon * newMuon = new Muon(); newMuon  set_IDTrack(…); newMuon  set4Mom(HepLorentzVector(px,py,pz,e)); … muonContainer->push_back(newMuon); m_storeGate  record(muonContainer, “containerName”); The muonContainer “owns” all the newMuon inside it: Delete muonContainer; will also delete all the newMuon

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL47 Some caveats if you put particles in your container PhotonContainer* photonContainer= new PhotonContainer(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS); photonContainer  push_back(newPhoton); photonContainer does not own the newPhoton inside it Delete photonContainer; will NOT delete the newPhotons The AOD container that you retrieve from POOL owns its AOD If you create your own container of pre-selected AOD, be careful: m_userElectronContainer->push_back(*elecItr); *elecItr is pointer to an Electron AOD in original electron AOD container: that container own *elecItr: m_userElectronContainer can NOT own *elecItr. So m_userElectronContainer must be previously created with “View elements” Container ownership: SG::OWN_ELEMENTS, SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL48

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL49

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL50 Exercise 6: again Z mass peak This time use some of the tools you just learned 1) Use tool for combinatorics 2) Now write a selector which only selects electron with pT>20GeV and use that within the combinatorics tool Note there is the method  bool goodOnes(CALLER *caller, OUT &comb, CRITERIA criteria) with CALLER = AnalysisSkeleton OUT = std::vector > CRITERIA = bool (AnalysisSkeleton::*) (const std::vector >&), COLL = const ElectronContainer] Selection routine must be friend of AnalysisSkeleton You need something like  selectElectron(AnalysisSkeleton * self, const std::vector &ll)

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL51 More Examples Look in the package AnalysisExamples (a) Batch production of large scale ESD and AOD (b) Merging AOD files (c) Documentation (d) Single Particle Identification Example (e) Z -> 2 leptons example (f) Higgs -> 4 leptons example (g) ttbar example (h) How to use the analysis tools (i) How to do back navigation from the AOD to the ESD (j) Access to tracks (k) Interface to the interactive analysis (l) How to use ntuple and histograms in your analysis algorithms

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL52 Some words on MC Truth Aim to do a navigation between mother and daughters in Truth block very similar to HepMC Can exchange an AOD container from reconstruction with TruthParticle container User analysis can run transparently either on MC truth or on reconstructed data Within athena truth is stored as A HepMC::GenEvent, which contains HepMC::GenVertex HepMC::GenParticle Atlfast GenEvent contains truth from Event Generator Full simulation Truth from Event Generator + GEANT4 hits

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL53

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL54

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL55 Available filters for MC Truth McVtxFilter tool Usefull for selecting particles such as Z  ee, , bb..  McAODFilter.McVtxFilterTool.DecayPatterns += [ "Z[e+,e]" ] Also possible  McAODFilter.McVtxFilterTool.DecayPatterns += [ "#id 6[24,5]" ] this is the decay pattern for a t->W+ b And simple ones work as well McAODFilter.McVtxFilterTool.DecayPatterns += [ "gamma" ] Selection filter easy selection of particle by flavour/type Examples (not only MCTruth, also reco objects):  //Create a filter of electrons AnalysisUtils::Selection > eleFilter; eleFilter.set_pdgId( PDG::e_minus ); // loose cut on sign: selects both e+ and e- eleFilter.set_matchSign( false );  // Create a IParticleFilter to select jets AnalysisUtils::Selection filter; filter.set_ptMin( 60.*GeV ); std::vector myJets; filter.getObjects( jets, myJets );

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL56 Few words on ESD Same can be done on ESD’s Instead of using the electron you use the egammaObject from the reconstruction start with the AOD but then go to ESD via back navigation EventSelector.BackNavigation = True Advantage you have the particle Electron and can use 4-vector utilities But of course you can start directly from ESD Example in ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/results/ZeeOnESD.cxx If we have time and you’re still keen Just have a look at it I doesn’t work…. It crashes due to incompatibility between and Might work with new AOD/ESD’s but not sure

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL57 In principle copy ZeeOnESD.cxx to src copy ZeeOnESD.h to UserAnalysis Add to requirements  use egammaEvent egammaEvent-01-* Reconstruction Add ZeeOnESD to src/components/UserAnalysis_entries.cxx Change jobOptions  theApp.TopAlg += [ "ZeeOnESD" ] ZeeOnESD = Algorithm( "ZeeOnESD" ) ZeeOnESD.egamma  Container = "egammaCollection"  ZeeOnESD.egammaEtCut = 20.0*GeV  ZeeOnESD.egammaEtaCut = 2.5 Add ZeeOnESD to src/components/UserAnalysis_entries.cxx New AOD’s produced with release 10 available in Xxx I will try to get the Z->ee example running under 10 soon Will also give example for an analysis only on ESD level

AOD Tutorial, March 10, 2005M. Wielers, RAL58 Last remark Results of the exercises are in ~mwielers/maxidisk/tutorial_files/result