P RAIRIE B IOME Sarah S, Sarah M, Adam S, James H Image By:
D ECOMPOSER k.com/event/article /id/50148/publishe r_ID/5/#sthash.DZ OFXL4y.dpuf Image: s.com/w/page/ /Vermicompos ting%20in%20Pap aya%20Production % A decomposer in the prairie biome is the earthworm. A type of Earthworm that lives in prairies in the night crawler. The soil in that biome is apparently heavy in organic material. These worms create something called micro pores, which help plants. Earthworms create castings, which help with the growth of microbial. These casting have nitrate, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium. There urine makes a good fertilizer.
Grass Producer Prairie Dog Primary Consumer