USA history exam review answer sheet.
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USA HISTORY EXAM 1) __washington___ ____ ADams Jefferson 2)___madison __________ Monroe Quincy Adams
USA HISTORY EXAM 3)Buchanan ____lincoln________ ___ Johnson 4)Roosevelt Taft ___wilson________ ( wwi )
USA HISTORY EXAM 5)FDR __truman_________ Eisenhower 6)JFK Johnson __nixon___________ ___
USA HISTORY EXAM 7)Ford __carter_________ Reagan 8) Bush __clinton__________ _ Bush
USA HISTORY EXAM 9) ___lincoln_________ _ said “all the slaves are free” 10) __madison_______ said “we will invade canada” in 1812.
USA HISTORY EXAM 11) __tr________ said “walk softly but carry a big stick” 12) ____jfk_______ said “ ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
USA HISTORY EXAM 13)__fdr________ was the president during wwii 14) __truman_____ was the president during korea.
USA HISTORY EXAM 15) ___nixon__________ was the president during watergate. 16)___bush sr_____ was the president during the gulf war ( part i )
USA HISTORY EXAM 17) the pilgrims came to the USA aboard the __mayflower_______ __. ( name of boat ) 18)__sam adams___________ led the Boston Tea Party
USA HISTORY EXAM 19)Thomas Paine declared that everyone was either a patriot or a _loyalist___________ ___. 20)__paul revere___________ said “the red coats are coming.”
USA HISTORY EXAM 21)9 of the _13_____ colonies had to ratify the constitution. 22)The first 10 amendments to the constitution are called the __bill of rights___________.
USA HISTORY EXAM 23)In Washington’s farewell address, he encouraged the USA to take an active role in the foreign affairs of other countries. true or false 24)The last battle of the War of 1812 was in _new orleans__________... it was fought after the peace treaty was signed in europe.
USA HISTORY EXAM 25)North had an industrial economy and the south’s economy was based on _agricultural_______ ___. 26)the underground railroad encouraged runaway slaves to escape slavery and travel north across the __ohio________ river.
USA HISTORY EXAM 27) The ___alamo______ was a major battle in the war with Mexico. 28) The south seceded right after _lincoln__________ was elected President.
USA HISTORY EXAM 29) The leader of the south was __jefferson davis_____________ _____________. 30)The biggest battle was _gettysburg________ _ where a huge monument is still there today.
USA HISTORY EXAM 31)__lee________ surrendered to end the civil war.
USA HISTORY EXAM 32) Lincoln was killed in __wash_________ ( city ) a few days later.
USA HISTORY EXAM 33)__isolationism ___________ is the concept where you stay out of foreign affairs almost entirely. 34)The USA entered WWI after __lusitania, zimmerman telegram__________ _______________.
USA HISTORY EXAM 35) Wilson’s big legacy was supposed to be the __league of nations_________ _________ after the treaty of versailles. 36) FDR implemented the ___new deal___________ ( also known as the Alphabet soup )
USA HISTORY EXAM 37)___ph_______ got the USA involved in wwii.
USA HISTORY EXAM 38)VJ day was a few days after the bombing of ___hiroshima______ _______.
USA HISTORY EXAM 39)The USA was at in ____korea_______ from ) The USA was at war in __vietnam________ from
USA HISTORY EXAM 41) The biggest concert of the 60’s was at ___woodstock______ _. 42) JFK was assassinated in Dallas and __johnson_________ _ succeeded him as President
USA HISTORY EXAM 43)Lyndon Baines Johnson withdrew all the US troops from Vietnam. True or false
USA HISTORY EXAM 44)Watergate caused the demise of Richard Nixon. True or false
USA HISTORY EXAM 45)Gerald Ford was elected to become the President of the USA True or false 46)__carter_______ won the election of 1976.
USA HISTORY EXAM 47) Ronald Reagan was the governor of __california________ __ before he became President.
USA HISTORY EXAM 48) Bush Sr was the vice-president for ___reagan_________ __.
USA HISTORY EXAM 49)Bill Clinton was the governor of __arkansas________ _ before he became President
USA HISTORY EXAM 50) George Bush Jr. won the election of 2000 because of the state of ___florida_________ - his brother’s state.