Instructional Strategies and Technologies: Motivating Students to Learn Chapter 5
Instructional Strategies Teaching methods that help students 1) Understand a particular concept 2) Develop and practice a specific life skill or health goal
Lecture Strategies 1.Plan lecture to contain a motivating beginning, factual content, and summary 2.Use audiovisuals 3.Add anecdotes, humor, and fascinating stories 4.Use cards or separate sheets for notes 5.Give students an outline for taking notes on lecture materials 6.Select specific students to gauge the pace of your lecture 7.Vary your pace, posture, and voice to avoid monotony Used when many facts need to be covered quickly and can accommodate large groups
Lecture and Discussion An instructional strategy combining a verbal presentation with student dialogue Student interaction is included when discussion is added to the lecture method Students can interact with other students, facilitated by the instructor
Role Play An instructional strategy that students play assigned roles to show how they might act in specific situations Two kinds of role plays 1) Students who have been assigned roles and given specific scripts 2) Students who have been assigned roles and situations but no script (spontaneous) Role-reversal techniques can be used for both types of role plays
Brainstorming Instructional strategy in which a variety of responses to the same question are requested Two ways to proceed with brainstorming –Teacher states the questions and facilitate the session to generate responses –Teacher can state the question and has students break into smaller groups to generate a list of responses Brainstorming can help students learn to make responsible decisions
Buzz Groups Instructional strategy that allows students to discuss a topic in small groups Provides one of the best opportunities for students to practice skills in effective communication This concept is a component of health literacy
Panel Discussions Instructional strategy in which two or more students research and report on a topic/issue Panel members speak for an allotted time period or interact with each other The audience may participate if given the opportunity
Debate Instructional strategy in which an issue is presented Students identify and defend an approach, solution, or choice Provides the opportunity for students to recognize the importance of being well informed
Cooperative Learning Instructional strategy in which students work together to understand a particular concept or develop a life skill Provides the opportunity for students to practice communication skills that promote health literacy Affords the opportunity for students with diverse backgrounds to dialogue and gain further understanding of one another Provides students with different skills to share these with others as they work together
Decision Making Instructional strategy in which students are given a situation for which a choice must be made They are asked to apply a series of steps to determine which choice leads to actions that are responsible The “Responsible Decision-Making Model” are steps that: –Promote health –Protect safety –Obey laws –Show respect for self and others –Follow guidelines set by responsible adults
Self-Appraisals and Health Behavior Inventories Personal assessment tool Contains a list of actions that students respond to positively or negatively Positive response (+) indicates a choice to practice ideal health principles Negative response (-) indicates a choice that interferes with ideal health principles
Student Presentations Instructional strategy in which a student makes an oral presentation The student has researched the topic with good depth Helps students develop effective communication skills Assists with gathering and evaluating health information
Field Trips Instructional strategy in which students visit a site outside the school Information is gathered or a life skill is developed This may involve a trip to the health museum, a health agency, a waste treatment plant, or a fire department
Demonstrations Instructional strategy in which the teacher or other appropriate person demonstrates a concept or life skill Materials can be used to depict forms of health behavior, positive or negative After the demonstration, have the students replicate the skill or concept
Guest Speaker A person who speaks about his/her expertise or experience regarding a health topic or life skill Demonstrations of the concept may occur Health care professionals and health educators are available as guest speakers Using guest speakers can provide a change of pace for the students and peak their interest
Educational Technologies Teaching methods that involve the use of high-tech equipment Enhances a curriculum by making learning relevant and interactive (Farrington, 1994) Can be used to support students’ learning Utilized by teachers as a management and communication tool
Types of Educational Technology Used by Health Education Teachers Computer hardware Specific types of software Telecommunications – –World Wide Web –Chat rooms –Bulletin boards –Discussion groups (Usenet)
Educational Technologies (cont’d) Multi-media Virtual reality DVD Digital camera LCD projector Smartboards (computer boards)
Chapter 5 Instructional Strategies and Technologies: Motivating Students to Learn