Input/Output With File and Directory Processing
– 2 – OBJECTIVES Describe the Windows file systems (compared to UNIX/Linux) Perform sequential file processing Perform console I/O and direct access file I/O Report and analyze system call errors Describe and use Unicode characters and strings and write generic applications (both Unicode and ASCII characters) Use Windows file locking to protect files from concurrent modification by several processes Perform file and directory management
File Systems and Sequential I/O
– 4 – BASIC Windows I/O Basic Windows API file processing functions: CreateFileReadFileWriteFileCloseHandle Windows files are: binary text (lines are CR-LF terminated)
– 5 – BASIC UNIX I/O Basic UNIX file processing functions are eqiovalent: openreadwriteclose UNIX files are: Plain byte streams text lines are LF terminated
– 6 – C library I/O Basic C file processing functions are equivalent: f open freadfwritefclose
– 7 – THE FILE SYSTEMS Windows File Systems (Virtual) File Allocation Table File System (FAT, VFAT) The only disk file system for floppies and Windows 9x NTFS File System (NTFS) Very large (“huge”) files, secure, robust Supported on Windows NT (all versions) CD-ROM File System (CDFS) Custom file systems Developed by software vendors
– 8 – Windows FILE NAMING (1/2) Hierarchical Full pathname can start with a drive name A:, C:, … Or with a “share” name \\servername\sharename Pathname separator is a backslash — \ You can also use / in C Directory and file names cannot use ASCII 1–31 Or any of : " | But you can have blanks in file names Case insensitive but case retaining
– 9 – Windows FILE NAMING (2/2) File, directory names up to 255 characters long 250 in Windows 9x More with UNICODE A period. separates a file’s name from its extension The period is in the name; there can be more than one. and.. indicate the current directory and its parent No file link (as in UNIX) Alternate data stream Different logical files for the same phisical file A problem for security !!!
– 10 – UNIX file systems Ext2 and Ext3 (Linux) JFS (AIX) XFS (IRIX) Names are case-sensitive Max. name length implementation dependent Links used (hard and symbolic)
– 11 – CREATING AND OPENING FILES Windows HANDLE CreateFile (LPCTSTR lpName, DWORD dwAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa, DWORD dwCreate, DWORD dwAttrsAndFlags, HANDLE hTemplateFile) Return: A HANDLE to an open file object INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in case of failure LPCTSTR will be described in Part II
– 12 – CREATING AND OPENING (2/6) ParameterslpName Pointer to the string naming the file Length normally limited to 260 \\?\ is an escape prefix allowing long NT path namesdwAccess Access using GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE Note: Flags can be combined with |
– 13 – CREATING AND OPENING (3/6) dwShareMode 0 — Cannot be shared; not even this process can open another handle FILE_SHARE_READ — Other processes can read concurrently FILE_SHARE_WRITE — Other processes can write concurrently lpsa points to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure NULL for now
– 14 – CREATING AND OPENING (4/6) dwCreate — Create a file, overwrite one, etc. CREATE_NEW — Fails if the file exists CREATE_ALWAYS — An existing file will be overwritten OPEN_EXISTING — Fail if the file does not exist OPEN_ALWAYS — Open the file or create it if it doesn’t exist TRUNCATE_EXISTING — File length will be set to zero Note: There is no “open to append” mode You will need to position to the end of file
– 15 – CREATING AND OPENING (5/6) dwAttrsAndFlags — 16 flags and attributes including: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL — No other attributes are set FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY — Cannot write or delete FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN and FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS provide performance hints Attributes are properties of the files themselves Attributes are properties of the files themselves Flags are associated with a specific HANDLE Flags are associated with a specific HANDLE Different HANDLE s to the same file can have different flags Example: One HANDLE is “overlapped,” another not Or, one has FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN and another FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS
– 16 – CREATING AND OPENING (6/6) File processing flags include: FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE hTemplateFile — Handle of an open GENERIC_READ file Use the same attributes for the new file
– 17 – READING FILES (1/2) BOOL ReadFile (HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) Return: TRUE if the read succeeds Even if no bytes were read due to an attempt to read past the end of file FALSE indicates an invalid handle, a handle without GENERIC_READ access, etc.
– 18 – READING FILES (2/2) Parameters hFile — File handle with GENERIC_READ access lpBuffer — Me m ory buffer to receive the input data nNumberOfBytesToRead Number of bytes you expect to read * lpNumberOfBytesRead Actual number of bytes transferred Zero indicates end of filelpOverlapped Points to OVERLAPPED structure ( NULL for now)
– 19 – WRITING FILES BOOL WriteFile ( HANDLE hFile, CONST VOID *lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) Return: TRUE if the function succeeds; FALSE otherwise
– 20 – CLOSING FILES BOOL CloseHandle (HANDLE hObject) Return: TRUE if the function succeeds; FALSE otherwise This function is general purpose and will be used to close handles to many different object types
– 21 – COPYING FILES BOOL CopyFile (LPCTSTR lpExistingFile, LPCTSTR lpNewFile, BOOL fFailIfExists) If a file with the new name already exists, it will be replaced only if fFailIfExists is FALSE This is a “convenience function” and also provides performance
– 22 – Equivalent UNIX and Libc functions UNIX open, read, write, close C library fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose Data sizes are not specified in terms of bytes, but as Object size + number of objects
Character and String Encoding
– 24 – UNICODE & GENERIC CHARACTERS Windows NT supports 16-bit characters WCHAR or wchar_t To assure maximum flexibility and source portability, define all characters and strings using “generic” type TCHAR Calculate lengths using sizeof(TCHAR) Include #define UNICODE (to get WCHAR ) in all source modules (or #undef UNICODE to get CHAR ) Be consistent Define UNICODE before #include Also define _ UNICODE consistently for the generic C library
– 25 – GENERIC CHARACTERS (2/3) Use the “generic” C library for all string functions _tprintf in place of printf _stprintf in place of sprintf _tcslen in place of strlen _itot in place of itoa And MANY more See the on line help and the lab programs Generic versions of some functions are not provided e.g. memchr - Replacements are in the lab solutions
– 26 – GENERIC CHARACTERS (3/3) Constant strings in one of three forms (first 2 are ANSI C) The last is a macro "This string uses 8-bit characters" L"This string uses 16-bit characters" _T ("This string uses generic characters") Expands to “T…” if UNICODE is not defined; L”T…” if it is TEXT macro is the same as _T LPTSTR expands to either char * or wchar_t *
– 27 – THE GENERIC C LIBRARY Define _UNICODE consistently with UNICODE This makes available a wide class of string processing and I/O functions _fgettc, _itot, _ttoi, _totupper, _totlower And many more — nearly the complete library Also, locale-specific functions (seven in all): lstrlen, lstrcmp, lstrcpy, lstrcat, … Be sure to #include after Note: Any _ keyword or function is specific to Microsoft Visual C++ and the Microsoft compiler
– 28 – GENERIC CHARACTERS AND THE MAIN PROGRAM Windows main is for ASCII; wmain is for Unicode In place of int main (argc, char * argv[]) or int main (argc, w_char * argv[]) Use #include Use #include /* this is after */... int _tmain (int argc, LPTSTR argv[]) The _tmain macro then expands to main or wmain Depending on definition of _UNICODE This assures correct operation in all circumstances and combinations
Standard Devices
– 30 – STANDARD DEVICES AND CONSOLE I/O (1/4) Both UNIX and Win32 have 3 “standard” devices for input, output and error. Unix uses first 3 file descriptors (0, 1, 2) Win32 requires handle and provides a function to get standard device handlers from integer constants HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle) Return: A valid handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE for failure In order to redirect a standard device, use BOOL SetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle, HANDLE hHandle) Return: TRUE or FALSE indicating success or failure
– 31 – STANDARD DEVICES AND CONSOLE I/O (2/4) nStdHandle must have one of these values: STD_INPUT_HANDLE STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE STD_ERROR_HANDLEhHandle Specifies an open file that is to be the standard device Two reserved pathnames for console input (the keyboard): " CONIN$ " output (the display): " CONOUT$ "
– 32 – STANDARD DEVICES AND CONSOLE I/O (3/4) BOOL SetConsoleMode (HANDLE hConsole, DWORD fdevMode) Return: TRUE if and only if the function succeeds hConsole must have GENERIC_WRITE access fDevMode : How characters are processed ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT ENABLE_LINE_INPUT ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT... Equivalent UNIX function: #include int tcsetattr (int fd, int optional_actions, struct termios *termios_p);
– 33 – STANDARD DEVICES AND CONSOLE I/O (4/4) BOOL ReadConsole (HANDLE hConsoleInput, LPVOID lpvBuffer, DWORD cchToRead, LPDWORD lpcchRead, LPVOID lpvReserved) Return: TRUE if and only if the read succeeds lpvReserved must be NULL BOOL WriteConsole Same as ReadConsole Other functions: BOOL FreeConsole (VOID) BOOL AllocConsole (VOID) (GUI) Applications with no default console need AllocConsole before WriteConsole or printf
– 34 – EXAMPLE: PrintStrings (1/3) #include "envirmnt.h" /* UNICODE is defined here */ #include #include BOOL PrintStrings (HANDLE hOut,...) /* Write the messages to the output handle (hOut) Use WriteConsole (to handle Unicode & console Use WriteConsole (to handle Unicode & console processing) first, as the output will normally processing) first, as the output will normally be the console. If that fails, use WriteFile. be the console. If that fails, use WriteFile. hOut: Handle for output file. hOut: Handle for output file.... : Variable argument list containing TCHAR... : Variable argument list containing TCHAR strings. The list must be terminated with NULL. */ strings. The list must be terminated with NULL. */
– 35 – PrintStrings (2/3) { DWORD MsgLen, Count; DWORD MsgLen, Count; BOOL Success = TRUE; BOOL Success = TRUE; LPCTSTR pMsg; LPCTSTR pMsg; va_list pMsgList;/* Current message string */ va_list pMsgList;/* Current message string */ va_start (pMsgList, hOut); va_start (pMsgList, hOut); /* Start processing msgs */ while (((pMsg = va_arg (pMsgList, LPCTSTR)) != NULL) while (((pMsg = va_arg (pMsgList, LPCTSTR)) != NULL) && Success) && Success) { MsgLen = _tcslen (pMsg); MsgLen = _tcslen (pMsg); (CONTINUED)
– 36 – PrintStrings (3/3) /* WriteConsole fails if the handle is associated /* WriteConsole fails if the handle is associated with a file rather than with a console */ with a file rather than with a console */ if (!WriteConsole (hOut, pMsg, MsgLen, &Count, NULL) && !WriteFile (hOut, pMsg, MsgLen * sizeof (TCHAR), &Count, NULL)) MsgLen * sizeof (TCHAR), &Count, NULL)) return FALSE; } /* End of while loop - process next message */ } /* End of while loop - process next message */ va_end (pMsgList); va_end (pMsgList); return TRUE; return TRUE;}
– 37 – EXAMPLE: ReportError (1/4) OBJECTIVE: Turn system call errors into meaningful text strings And print the text Terminate the program if the error is fatal Similar to perror(), but it works in the multithreaded Windows environment.
– 38 – EXAMPLE: ReportError (2/4) #include "envirmnt.h" #include #include #include "support.h" VOID ReportError (LPCTSTR UserMessage, DWORD ExitCode, BOOL PrintErrorMsg) DWORD ExitCode, BOOL PrintErrorMsg) /* General-purpose function to report system errors. Obtain the error number and turn it into the Obtain the error number and turn it into the system error message. Display this information system error message. Display this information and the user specified message to the standard and the user specified message to the standard error device. error device. UserMessage: Message to be displayed to UserMessage: Message to be displayed to standard error device.*/ standard error device.*/
– 39 – ReportError (3/4) ExitCode: 0 - Return ExitCode: 0 - Return > 0 - ExitProcess with this code > 0 - ExitProcess with this code PrintErrorMessage: Display the last system error PrintErrorMessage: Display the last system error message if this flag is set. */ message if this flag is set. */{ DWORD eMsgLen, ErrNum = GetLastError (); DWORD eMsgLen, ErrNum = GetLastError (); LPVOID lpvSysMsg; LPVOID lpvSysMsg; HANDLE hStdErr = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); HANDLE hStdErr = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); PrintMsg (hStdErr, UserMessage); PrintMsg (hStdErr, UserMessage); if (PrintErrorMsg) { if (PrintErrorMsg) {
– 40 – ReportError (4/4) eMsgLen = FormatMessage ( eMsgLen = FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, ErrNum, NULL, ErrNum, MAKELANGID (LANG_DFLT, SUBLANG_DFLT), MAKELANGID (LANG_DFLT, SUBLANG_DFLT), &lpvSysMsg, 0, NULL); &lpvSysMsg, 0, NULL); PrintStrings (hStdErr, TEXT ("\n"), PrintStrings (hStdErr, TEXT ("\n"), lpvSysMsg, TEXT ("\n"), NULL); lpvSysMsg, TEXT ("\n"), NULL); HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, lpvSysMsg); HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, lpvSysMsg);} if (ExitCode > 0) ExitProcess (ExitCode); elsereturn;}
File Pointers
– 42 – 32 bits vs 64 bits Win32 can handle 64 bit addresses, even though it is a 32 bit OS Most Unix systems have “large files“ support (64 bit file addresses) and some systems are 64 bit OS. Linux, based on 32 bit Intel platforms, is mainly a 32 bit system. Supports large files (> 2 GB) by means of the Large File Interface (available since kernel 2.4)
– 43 – FILE POINTERS (1/4) Most operating systems (and C library) support pointers to open files, to refer actual locations within files Read and write operations start from the file location referred to by a file pointer, and increment the pointer A file pointer can be modified by C library: »int fsetpos( FILE *stream, fpos/t *pos) »int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int whence) Linux/Unix: »off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int whence) whence is the reference point from which to evaluate a displacement (allowed values: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END) lseek returns current position, ftell(FILE *stream) in C library
– 44 – FILE POINTERS – WIN32 (1/4) DWORD SetFilePointer (HANDLE hFile, LONG lDistanceToMove, PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh, DWORD dwMoveMethod) Return: The low-order DWORD (unsigned) of the new file pointer. The high-order portion of the new file pointer goes to the DWORD indicated by lpDistanceToMoveHigh (if non- NULL ). In case of error, the return value is OxFFFFFFFF. Note: The file pointer is associated with the HANDLE, not the file. The pointer advances with each read and write.
– 45 – FILE POINTERS – WIN32 (2/4) Note: NTFS is a 64-bit file system, so file pointers are 64 bits long. The file pointer is specified with two 32-bit parts. Large files are increasingly important in many applications But many users will only require “short” (< 4GB) files SetFilePointer Parameters hFile — Handle of an open file with read and/or write access lDistanceToMove — LONG signed distance to move or unsigned file position
– 46 – FILE POINTERS – WIN32 (3/4) * lpDistanceToMoveHigh High-order portion of the move distance Can be NULL for “small” files dwMoveMethod — Specifies one of these modes: FILE_BEGIN — Position from the start of file FILE_CURRENT — Move pointer forward or backward FILE_END — Position backward from end of file SetEndOfFile () function resizes the file based on the current file pointer
– 47 – FILE POINTERS – WIN32 (4/4) Use the LARGE_INTEGER data type (union) for 64-bit file positions Example coming up Members: LONGLONG Quadpart Do the 64-bit arithmetic here DWORD LowPart LONG HighPart
– 48 – Alternative Direct File Access Using the Overlapped Structure (1/2) Example: Use the Offset fields in the overlapped structure OffsetLow order 32 bits OffsetHighHigh order 32 bits hEventMust be NULL. This field is used with asynchronous I/O Two reserved fieldsDo not use!! The example shows how to update a record in a file
– 49 – Alternative Direct File Access Using the Overlapped Structure (2/2) OVERLAPPED ov = { 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL }; RECORD r; /* Includes “reference count” field */ LONGLONG n; LARGE_INTEGER FilePos; DWORD nRd, nWrt;... /* Update reference count in the n’th record. */ FilePos.QuadPart = n * sizeof (RECORD); ov.Offset = FilePos.LowPart; ov.OffsetHigh = FilePos.HighPart; ReadFile (hFile, &r, sizeof(RECORD), &nRd, &ov); r.RefCount++; /* Update the record. */ WriteFile(hFile, &r, sizeof(RECORD), &nWrt, &ov);
File Locking
– 51 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING (1/5) Lock all or part of a file Lock can be read-only (sharable) or read-write (exclusive) Lock belongs to a process Any attempt to access part of a file (using ReadFile or WriteFile ) in violation of a lock will fail You cannot create conflicting locks on a file Specify whether you should wait for a lock to become available, or thread can return immediately, indicating whether it obtained the lock
– 52 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING (2/5) BOOL LockFileEx (HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) Locks a byte range in an open file for shared (multiple readers) or exclusive (one reader-writer) access
– 53 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING (3/5) Parameters hFile — Handle of an open file which must have at least one of GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE access dwFlags — Determines the lock mode and whether to wait for the lock to become available LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, if set, indicates a request for an exclusive, read-write, lock; otherwise, it requests a shared (read only) lock LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY, if set, specifies that the function should return immediately with a FALSE if the lock cannot be acquired; otherwise, the call blocks until the lock becomes available
– 54 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING (4/5) dwReserved must be zero lpOverlapped — Points to an OVERLAPPED data structure containing the start of the byte range The OVERLAPPED structure contains two data members that must be set (the others are ignored), namely: DWORD Offset and DWORD OffsetHigh A file lock is removed with a corresponding UnlockFileEx call, using all the same parameters except for dwFlags
– 55 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING (5/5) BOOL UnlockFileEx (HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
– 56 – FILE LOCKING IN WINDOWS 9x Exclusive locks only BOOL LockFile (HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwOffsetLow, DWORD dwOffsetHigh DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh) BOOL UnlockFile (HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwOffsetLow, DWORD dwOffsetHigh DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh)
– 57 – WIN32 FILE LOCKING CONSIDERATIONS The unlock must use exactly the same range as a preceding lock Locks cannot overlap existing locked regions in a file You can lock beyond the range of a file’s length Locks are not inherited by a newly created process
– 58 – LOCK REQUEST LOGIC Requested Lock Type Existing LockShared LockExclusive Lock None GrantedGranted Shared Lock GrantedRefused (one or more) Exclusive Lock RefusedRefused
– 59 – I/O Operation I/O Operation Existing LockReadWrite None SucceedsSucceeds Shared Lock Succeeds. It is notRefused (one or more) necessary for the calling process to own a lock on the file region. Exclusive Lock Succeeds if the calling process owns the lock. Fails otherwise. LOCKS AND I/O OPERATION
– 60 – WIN32 FILE LOCKS—SUMMARY (1/2) A failed read or write may take the form of a partially complete operation if only a portion of the read or write record is locked Read and write operations are normally in the form of ReadFile and WriteFile calls, or ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx Diagnosing a read or write failure requires calling GetLastError Accessing memory that is mapped to a file is another form of file I/O
– 61 – WIN32 FILE LOCKS—SUMMARY (2/2) Lock conflicts are not detected at the time of memory reference; rather, they are detected at the time MapViewOfFile is called The LockFile function is a limited, special case which gives exclusive access and returns immediately
– 62 – UNIX/Linux file locking (1/2) “Advisory” and “Mandatory” locks Always use POSIX.1 function fcntl or its interface lockf() int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, struct flock * lock); struct flock { short int l_type; /* Type of lock: F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, or F_UNLCK */ short int l_whence; /* Where ‘l_start’ is relative to */ __off_t l_start; /* Offset where the lock begins. */ __off_t l_len; /* Size of the locked area; zero means EOF */ __pid_t l_pid; /* Process holding the lock. */ };
– 63 – UNIX/Linux file locking (2/2) 3 possible values for cmd: F_GETLK, F_SETLK, F_SETLKW 3 values for whence: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
– 64 – fcntl is used for 5 purposes duplicate an existing descriptor (cmd=F_DUPFD) obtain/define close-on-exec flag for a file descriptor (cmd=F_GETFD or F_SETFD) obtain/define file status flag (cmd=F_GETFL or F_SETFL). Possible flags: O_NONBLOCK, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC. obtain/define ownership for asynchronous I/O (cmd=F_GETOWN or F_SETOWN) obtain/define record locks (cmd=F_GETLK, F_SETLK or F_SETLKW)
File and Directory Management
– 66 – FILE AND DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT BOOL DeleteFile (LPCTSTR lpFileName) You cannot delete an open file in Windows NT (You can in Windows 9x)
– 67 – FILE AND DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT—RENAMING (1/2) BOOL MoveFile (LPCTSTR lpExisting, LPCTSTR lpNew) Source and target files must be on the same drive BOOL MoveFileEx (LPCTSTR lpExisting, LPCTSTR lpNew, DWORD dwFlags) Source and target files can be on different drives Note: There are no links as in UNIX Neither soft links nor hard links Shortcuts are not the same thing; they are only recognized by the visual shell
– 68 – FILE AND DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT—RENAMING (2/2) Parameters lpExisting — The name of the existing file or directory lpNew — Cannot exist with MoveFile Must be on same drivedwFlags MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING To replace an existing file MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED Copy then delete
– 69 – DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT (1/4) BOOL CreateDirectory (LPCTSTR lpPath, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) BOOL RemoveDirectory (LPCTSTR lpPath) lpPath Points to a null-terminated string with the directory name
– 70 – DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT (2/4) BOOL SetCurrentDirectory (LPCTSTR lpCurDir) lpCurDir The path to the new current directory There is actually a current directory maintained for each drive SetCurrentDirectory (TEXT("C:")); Will set the C: drive directory to its current value
– 71 – DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT (3/4) DWORD GetCurrentDirectory (DWORD cchCurDir, LPTSTR lpCurDir) Return: The string length of the returned pathname The required buffer size if the buffer is not large enough This includes the space for the null string terminator Zero if the function fails
– 72 – DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT (4/4) Windows uses this technique whenever the result’s length is not known ParameterscchCurDir Character length of the buffer for the directory name cch - “Count in characters”lpCurDir Points to the buffer to receive the pathname string
– 73 – TESTING GetCurrentDirectory FOR CORRECT OPERATION /* pwd: Print the working directory. Similar to the UNIX pwd command */ Similar to the UNIX pwd command */ /* This program illustrates: 1. Windows GetCurrentDirectory 1. Windows GetCurrentDirectory 2. Testing the length of a returned string */ 2. Testing the length of a returned string */ #include "EvryThng.h" #define DIRNAME_LEN MAX_PATH + 2 int main (int argc, LPCTSTR argv []) { /* Buffer to receive current directory allows /* Buffer to receive current directory allows CR/LF at the end of the longest possible path. */ CR/LF at the end of the longest possible path. */ TCHAR pwdBuffer [DIRNAME_LEN]; TCHAR pwdBuffer [DIRNAME_LEN];
– 74 – GetCurrentDirectory (2/2) DWORD LenCurDir; DWORD LenCurDir; LenCurDir = GetCurrentDirectory LenCurDir = GetCurrentDirectory (DIRNAME_LEN, pwdBuffer); (DIRNAME_LEN, pwdBuffer); if (LenCurDir == 0) if (LenCurDir == 0) ReportError (TEXT ReportError (TEXT ("Failure getting pathname\n"), 1, TRUE); ("Failure getting pathname\n"), 1, TRUE); if (LenCurDir > DIRNAME_LEN) if (LenCurDir > DIRNAME_LEN) ReportError (TEXT ReportError (TEXT ("Pathname is too long\n"), 2, FALSE); ("Pathname is too long\n"), 2, FALSE); PrintMsg (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), PrintMsg (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), pwdBuffer); pwdBuffer); return 0; return 0;}
– 75 – FILE ATTRIBUTES AND FILE SEARCHING (1/2) HANDLE FindFirstFile (LPCTSTR lpSearchFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpffd) Return: A “search handle” INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE indicates failureParameters lpSearchFile — Points to directory or pathname. Wildcards are OK ( * and ? ) lpffd — Points to a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
– 76 – FILE ATTRIBUTES AND FILE SEARCHING (2/2) typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA { DWORD dwFileAttributes; /* see CreateFile */ FILETIME ftCreationTime; /* 64-bit int */ FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; DWORD nFileSizeHigh; DWORD nFileSizeLow; DWORD dwReserved0; DWORD dwReserved1; TCHAR cFileName [MAX_PATH]; /* file name */ TCHAR cAlternateFileName [14]; /* 8.3 name */ } WIN32_FIND_DATA;
– 77 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (1/5) BOOL FindNextFile (HANDLE hFindFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpffd) FALSE when no more files satisfy the search pattern BOOL FindClose (HANDLE hFindFile) Exception: This is an example of a HANDLE that is not closed with CloseHandle.
– 78 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (2/5) File attributes can be obtained individually Usually from the HANDLE rather than file name DWORD GetFileSize (HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpdwFileSizeHigh) Return: The low-order component of the file size 0xFFFFFFFF indicates a possible error; check GetLastError
– 79 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (3/5) DWORD GetFileInformationByHandle (HANDLE hFile) Use GetCompressedFileSize to test for an empty file if you have the file name but do not have an open handle
– 80 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (4/5) BOOL GetFileTime (HANDLE hFile, LPFILETIME lpftCreation, LPFILETIME lpftLastAccess, LPFILETIME lpftLastWrite) BOOL FileTimeToSystemTime( CONST FILETIME * lpFileTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime) LPSYSTEMTIME has WORD members for the time components: wYear, wMonth, …, wMilliseconds FILETIME (64 bits) is elapsed 100 ns units since Jan 1, 1601 More than 60,000 years can be represented
– 81 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (5/5) DWORD GetFileAttributes (LPCTSTR lpFileName) Return: The file attributes or 0xFFFFFFFF in case of failure The attributes can be tested for the following values: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARYSetFileAttributes Allows you to change attributes in a named file
– 82 – TEMPORARY FILE NAMES (1/2) UINT GetTempFileName (LPCTSTR lpPath, LPCTSTR lpPrefix, UINT uUnique, LPTSTR lpTempFile) Return: A unique numeric value used to create the file name uUnique if uUnique is non-zero On failure, the return value is zero.
– 83 – TEMPORARY FILE NAMES (2/2) lpPath Directory where you want the temporary filelpPrefix Prefix of the temporary nameuUnique Normally zero to generate a unique four-digit suffixlpTempFile Points to buffer for the temporary file name
– 84 – FILES AND DIRECTORIES (UNIX & Libc) Directory scan functions in UNIX opendir, readdir, closedir,… No directory handling functions in Libc