New Strategy and Teacher Training toward 21 st century Hiroyuki Kuno, PhD Aichi University of Education, Japan NIS International.


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Presentation transcript:

New Strategy and Teacher Training toward 21 st century Hiroyuki Kuno, PhD Aichi University of Education, Japan NIS International Conference, December 4, 2012

1. Objective (Summary) This presentation describes current Japanese Teacher Training vision from two different perspectives. On the first topic: the presenter focuses on the latest national Teacher Training strategy that is proposed by “National Central Council for Education” in August 2012 (new Challenges) On the second topic: “Lesson Study” that is bottom-up approach of nationwide spread traditional Japanese School In-service training (Traditions) These two different perspectives: national- and bottom- up approach make clear new strategy and its implementation process of Japanese Teacher training and education in the 21 st century

2. Framework National Approach: Report for Teacher’s Professional Development by “National Central Council for Education” in August 2012 (Strategy & Challenges) Bottom-up Approach: “Lesson Study" nationwide spread traditional School Based In-service training (Implementation & Tradition) Dialogue Prefecture Municipal /city School MOE/National Institute of Ed.

3. Background (Challenges) New Learning Tool & Methods New Learning Tool & Methods Global Competition School Life Social Change Problem Solving Learning, ICT Facilities & Skills, Communication Skills, Social Skills PISA Research, Key Competences, Global challenges, English Communication Skill Special needs Education, Disaster Prevention, School Bullying & Suicide etc. Problem Solving Learning, ICT Facilities & Skills, Communication Skills, Social Skills PISA Research, Key Competences, Global challenges, English Communication Skill Special needs Education, Disaster Prevention, School Bullying & Suicide etc. Redesigning & Raising Quality of Teachers’ Professional Development Redesigning & Raising Quality of Teachers’ Professional Development

4. Initiative from National Institutions (top-down Approach)

4. National Initiative (top down) National Report: “Comprehensive Strategies for Raising Teachers’ Capacities with Perspective of Teachers Whole Life” Reported by “National Central Council of Education” Referring to Council: June 2010 Report from Council: August 2012

4.1 Teachers’ capacities in 21 st Century (i) Professional Fundamental abilities: Responsibilities, Inquiring mind, self-learning (ii) High Qualified knowledge & skills on: a)Subject/Contents b)Lesson designing/ pedagogical skills c) Classroom & School Management (iii) Comprehensive Human nature: - R ich humanity - Social communication, -Collaboration with colleagues & society

4.2 Three Keywords for redesigning of Teachers’ Development Keyword 1: Individual/Team/Management Keyword 2: Teachers Life Course Keyword 3: Collaboration with Stakeholders

4.2.1 Keyword 1: Individual/Team/Management (i) Professional Fundamental abilities (ii) High Qualified knowledge & skills (iii) Comprehensive Human nature Wider concerning & deep professional Individual - Communication with others - Collegiality among teachers (help each other, share experience) -Find new idea through discussion Establishing Mutual Learning Culture Team - Establishing Vision & Mission of School - Ensure opportunity of teachers professional development - Leadership for Lesson Study at school for all teachers To develop & manage Teachers/School Recourses Management

4.2.2 Keyword 2: Teachers’ “Life Course” Teacher Education in university Teacher Education in university Training for new teacher (Initial training) Training for new teacher (Initial training) Training for middle/skilled Teacher Training for School Management Degree Programme “Master of Education” at University Degree Programme “Master of Education” at University High Quality Lesson & Classroom Development High Quality School Management Basic skills for Lesson & classroom Development Teacher Recruitment Age Age Age

4.2.3 Keyword 3: Collaboration with Stakeholders Teachers Professional Development School based In- service Training “Lesson Study” Teacher Training Center MOE Local Board of Education MOE Local Board of Education NPO Local Citizens NPO Local Citizens University

5. School-based Teacher Training (bottom-up Approach)

5.1 Lesson Study: traditional bottom-up Teacher Training Lesson improvement activity originated in 19 th century in Japan, and now spread nationwide Skills for teaching : to raise lesson quality Skills for lesson development: implementation of new curriculum  since 2000’s spread in the world: Japan  US  Asian countries +Europe(UK, Sweden)  WALS: World Association of Lesson Studies worldwide teachers network for lesson improvement

- Lesson Plan - Pre-check Lesson Plan - Research Lesson - Post-Lesson conference - continual Lesson improvement “Lesson Study Cycle” = cycle for Lesson & Teachers Professional Development

5.3 Procedure of Lesson Study Plan: to plan the Lesson collaboratively Do: to observe Research Lesson together with colleagues Check: to discuss at Post Lesson Conference in that all/group teachers give their comments (findings) and to reflect the Research Lesson Action: to implement their findings in each class and to improve their own lesson

5.4 Example: Research Lesson of Mathematics in Elementary school  Aim of the Research Lesson: - creating mutual communication & mutual support atmosphere  required National Curriculum: oral communication, reflective thinking, mutual learning culture  Mathematical topic: “multiplication of 2-digits by 2-digits”  Grade: Elementary 3 rd Grade

1) Introduction of the lesson: Show the today’s topic “multiplication of 2-digits by 2-digits”

2) Solving problems (12X23) individually and find many ways of solution (multiple thinking)

3) After individual Solving, students move to find someone who had different solution and exchange their ideas (free discussion & mutual support)

4) Teacher invites some student who has different types of solution, to write their solution on chalkboard in order to compare them.

5) Teacher calls all of student to discuss and find difference among students’ solutions those answers are correct but different ways of culculation (to understand different way of solutions by classmates)

Research Lesson In Indonesia Research Lesson In Japan 5.5 Photos from Research Lesson in the world

5.6 Futures of Lesson Study self-initiative by school for Lesson improvement small step improvement (not following academic theory) whole school/subject groups participation setting aims according to daily needs of school qualitative assessment (not evaluation test, nor teacher evaluation) establish a culture and mind of teachers’ collaborative learning Bottom-up Approach for Lesson improvement

New Strategy and Teacher Training toward 21 st century Hiroyuki Kuno, PhD Aichi University of Education, Japan NIS International Conference