Review 1-minute exercise: Find the open ports on you own VM [Good] nmap [Better] netstat -lpunt
SSH Intro At its highest level, ssh provides secure (encrypted) communications between user accounts on two machines. There were several other non-secure communications protocols popular before ssh: telnet (port 23) rsh (Remote SHell, port 22) rexec (Remote EXECution, port 512) Two problems with insecure shells: Sniffing data Sniffing login passwords
Telnet Developed in 1969 with RFC 15 Before the popularity of ‘login accounts’ and ‘passwords’ Useful for closed networks where everybody was trusted From kali or your personal VM: telnet username: msfadmin password: msfadmin This establishes a telnet session with the metasploitable VM. You can enter any command and it will run on the remote machine. e.g. whoami ifconfig netstat –lpunt
User types ‘C’ host ACKs receipt of echoed ‘C’ host ACKs receipt of ‘C’, echoes back ‘C’ Host B Host A Seq=42, ACK=79, data = ‘C’ Seq=79, ACK=43, data = ‘C’ Seq=43, ACK=80 Telnet Comms – 1 keypress per packet Start tcpdump to watch your messages: sudo tcpdump –n –X
SSH Intro Cryptographic network protocol (Layer-7) Remote login ssh Remote command execution ssh cmd Secure data communications scp
SSH Intro Requires SSH server (sshd) on remote machine Defaults to port 22 Requires ssh client (ssh) on local machine
SSH Intro User logs in with use credentials of remote machine. Assume each machine maintains its own /etc/passwd file The two ‘owner’ accounts are not related – just same name Any user on MachineB can ssh to ‘owner’ on Machine A. user:owner password: user:smith password:password user: owner password: trustno1 MachineAMachineB
SSH Examples Remote login ssh ssh Remote command execution ssh ifconfig ssh cat /etc/shadow
SSH Examples Secure data communications scp (“Secure CoPy”) scp /local/dir/ scp /local/file.txt scp –r /local/dir/... # Copies dir recursively Try copying a file in both directions from your personal VM: scp cat echo “hello” > yourlastname.txt scp yourlastname.txt ssh cat /home/owner/yourlastname.txt
SSH With Public/Private Keys You can set up ssh to use stored keys instead of a password Password == private because only one person knows it Private key == private because it is in a user’s home directory and can only be accessed by that user (*This is a lot of trust) ‘owner’ can ssh from B to A without a password: ssh MachineA user:owner ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # Contains owner’s public key user: owner ~/.ssh/id_dsa #Contains owner’s private key MachineAMachineB
How to set up SSH with keys 1. Create personal user account on the webserver: ssh sudo useradd –m yourloginname sudo passwd yourloginname exit 2. Create keys on your personal VM ssh-keygen –t dsa #Press at each prompt cd ~/.ssh ls –al #Two new files: ida_dsa,
How to set up SSH with keys 3. Copy public key to webserver: ssh-add # Loads your new key into the ssh agent ssh-copy-id # Appends to :~/.ssh/authorized_keys 4. Login to the webserver ssh # No username or password required cd.ssh ls -al cat authorized/keys