1.1 Identify security issues that might threaten system performance. Charlie is aware that having a slow computer can be incredibly irritating, especially when it takes a long time to complete even the simplest of tasks. Charlie will be using his computer a lot for his college work, so he is keen to ensure that its performance is not compromised. Identify common security issues that could affect the way Charlie’s computer performs. Explain to Charlie how the following risks may have an impact on a PCs performance: Risk Explain what the risk is to the machine how it may slow Charlie’s PC. Unsolicited Email (SPAM) Spam is irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, The risks to the machine is that a virus might pop up on your computer, also worms. By lots of spam coming through it slows down the computer. It will also take up data and memory. Also virus can link up with SPAM. Viruses The risk of a machine for the virus is that it might damage or corrupt your data or software. Also you might download virus to your machine. when you have a virus and it takes away your files, which you cant access anymore. It slows down your computer because it corrupts your data. Adware adware is where popups appear on the main screen, these download pop ups to the machine to advertise certain companies which will inconvenience the user. It might send popups which directly slow down rather than the computer. Difficult for others programs to load. this will take up valuable processing power. Trojan Horses it’s a programme disguised as something else, so users are more likely to use it. It may contain a virus within the programme. It isn’t dangerous but causes inconvenience by copying itself all the time. It takes up a considerable amount of space. it if have a virus then it would slow his computer down, it can course lots of popups you wouldn’t want. If it keeps on copying itself all the time then it will also slow down his computer and he will have to constantly delete it. Worms this is a security issue which is quite malicious which can really harm your computer. This could cause a big company problem. if worms harm your computer then it will slow it down, they copy themselves which takes up valuable storage space. Rogue Diallers Rogue diallers are programs which attempt to replace your original dialler settings with a premium rate number, allowing unlawful third parties to make a profit each time you connect to the Internet. they slow Charlie's computer by giving you spam, if you click in them they will send you emails which you don’t want or you might get a virus. Hackers A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. They may hack into all your personal things on your computer and delete all your work. they slow Charlie's computer down by getting into your computer, they can delete work and files. Web browser advertising and Pop ups. when they popup you may download a software which you wouldn’t want and it may put a virus on your computer. popups will slow the computer down, they will constantly be coming on your computer screen. if you accidently click onto it, it may harm your computer by getting a virus
1.2 Taking appropriate security precautions to protect IT systems and data. It is important that Charlie shows practical capability and a responsible attitude in relation to basic security in his everyday life at home and college. Explain to Charlie the risks or dangers of the following: Swapping passwords with others…. Person can go onto you system and delete your work. They can copy your work and put it into their system. They can send inappropriate emails and read your emails. They can buy things and it would be in your name. They can share your password so other people can go on to it. Failing to keep his passwords secure…. - someone can hack into your system, they may delete files, things which were private is no longer now private. It is the same as swapping your password. Using ineffective passwords (e.g. the word "password" or a single key stroke)…. - people can guess you password and hack into it, they can delete files and things which were private are not longer private. - The risk is the same as swapping your password. Downloading or attempting to download information that is either against local policies or is not known to be secure…. If you download inappropriate documents such as how to kill yourself of how to build a bomb you can have your internet taken off you or blocked and the police will be informed.
Very weak Weak good Password How strong do you think it is and why? b) It is essential that Charlie has a suitable password. Complete the 2nd column below say how strong (difficult to guess) you think each password is (very weak – weak – good – strong – very strong) Password How strong do you think it is and why? Actual strength using website password Very weak because its lower case letters Very weak password1 Weak because its only little letters with a number at the end £pasSword1 Strong because they have mixtures numbers, letters and characters Weak pa$word1 Pas$word1 Pa5$word1 good c) Now go on the website http://www.yetanotherpasswordmeter.com/ and find out if you were right – complete the 3rd column. What things have been used to make the passwords stronger? the password is more stronger because I added in mixtures numbers, letters and characters. I have used different numbers and letters, such as lower case followed by upper case. I have included things such as symbols, these allow me to enter the password effectively without anyone hacking in.
e) Explain to Charlie why it is important to take the following precaution to protect data? Updating anti-virus software and make regular checks It is important so your computer doesn’t get any viruses this wouldn’t happen if you have regular check-ups. Every time we open a document we open a virus. Back up data and ensure backups are in a physically separate Just in case work gets lost. We have a old copy to go back to, it may not be a completed copy but we can always add to it. keep it away fro the original you may lose the work if your computer brakes. Install and Adjust firewall settings it stop hackers getting onto our computer, stop software being installed without your permission and stop hackers. We change the setting because we want some sites to access our system. Download security software patches and updates; To make sure that our computer works how it should and makes sure any issues are covered. When a area is found they have a patch to cover it so it isn't venerable so you wound get any viruses and no hackers can get into the system. Adjust internet security settings We need to stop our machines from being weak and hackers getting through. We download it so the system isn’t weak, also stop popup windows on your screen which may cause problems. Access levels We use it to control your computers and not access certain sites for different kinds of people. Charlie needs to check levels so he understands what processes are being used in what way.
f) Explain to Charlie why it is essential to take the following precaution to protect IT systems? Locks on doors we lock doors to stop people coming in to hack and steal the computer, they also cant damage it, if we lock the door nobody can come in apart from the person with the key. Physical controls Having a strong password stops hackers, also finger prints. Having a padlock on the machine means you cant use it unless you have the key, this stops people from stealing the computer. Report security threats or breaches if you report things which are bad or something which has happened. things can get fixed and stop happening again. Fire safety equipment in IT Rooms So the computers don’t explode. In it rooms they have water sprinklers and fire extinguisher to stop it. Cables It is very important that the pugs which go into your computer are safe, they should not be tangled. It is good to use cable clips because they keep all the cables together. Other? Extension leads and plug sockets need to be tested for safety. Seats will also need to be adjusted to make sure they meet relevant safety measures.
1.3 Identify threats to information security associated with widespread use of technology. Help Charlie identify some specific key threats relevant to his circumstances. a) Within college Charlie will use MS Outlook. Explain why Charlie should take care when using Email? in case of being sent a email link which is a virus and when you open it it’s a phishing account, which it just phishing for your details, this will be a major threat to your computer hard-drive email accounts and passwords. b) Explain to Charlie what SPAM is and what he should do about it? Irrelevant messages sent over the internet, typically to large number of users for the purposes' of advertising, phishing, spreading malware. Explain why Charlie should not leave his computer logged on in public places e.g. the open access areas in college? Because someone can just easily walk past and see that it is logged in and hack your account they can delete work and important files. d) Why is it important that Charlie has a strong password for all his IT accounts? So no body guesses it and so his account wont get hacked, if his account gets hacked then all of his work and files will get deleted. Why shouldn’t Charlie store his user name and passwords in public web browsers? Charlie needs to be aware that there are people who pretend to be trusted entities in order to get personal information from users. (Phishing). Explain how Charlie can spot Phishing scams and avoid them? Stay off websites he is unsure of, make sure he regularly changes his password and has relevant soft ware that can protect his computer. Why shouldn’t Charlie provide personal information on a public network (e.g. the college network) that could enable criminals to access individuals' personal data? Because if a criminal got into your access they can look onto everything, you shouldn’t put personal data such as your number or address because they can hack you down. Its always good to be safe then sorry.
1.4 Taking appropriate precautions to keep information secure. There are many threats to information security. Explain these to Charlie: Threat What can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat? Theft Always log off, Lock your machine and to have safety check on your files, you need to ensure that every single files and accounts have secure passwords with capital letters and numbers. Unauthorised access Accidental File deletion Email document to yourself or backup on a memory stick which would help.to also save it on a external hardrive or cloud storage. You could even send it to yourself. Malicious Software Anti- virus software and keep it up to date and scan all new things that go on to your computer. Hackers set your fire wall setting high and only give access to sites you know are safe and applications and let others only have access to your machine with your permission.
There are many threats to information security. Explain these to Charlie: Threat What can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat? Phishing it is an email trying to scam you and know your details, don’t give your bank card details because your never sure if it’s a fake website. Unsecured and public networks don’t go on your banking site or buying site where you give confidential information, if a criminal saw this then they could see where you live and could use your banking details. Wireless networks the password needs to be protected otherwise wireless networks can connect to you, nobody can connect unless they have the password. If lots of people connected if you didn’t have a password then it could cost you money and you wouldn’t know who's connected. Bluetooth secured with password if it is uncertain don’t give confidential information because you don’t know who it is and you wouldn’t want a stranger knowing your personal details. Other? always make sure it is on a secure site if you are uncertain do not give confidential information such as bank details, also the connection password needs to be protected.
When Charlie goes to college he is likely to carry sensitive information on discs, laptops and memory sticks. Such physical devices can be lost or misplaced. What can he do to avoid losing the information on them if they lost/misplaced? To prevent Charlie by loosing his information he needs to back it up onto his computer , email it to himself, or put it on cloud storage. There are variety of software programmes that can be downloaded to give to give more back up storage an example of this is I cloud, this is an effective backup storage software in which you can store files.
1.5 Following relevant guidelines and procedures for the secure use of IT When in college Charlie must follow their security guidelines and procedures. These rules are made by the college and state how its IT systems should be used. The rules generally cover privacy, security and legal requirements. Each time Charlie logs on to the college network he is greeted by an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) screen. Briefly explain to Charlie what the purpose of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is and why he should obey the policy? Charlie should take care when using a machine, when he sees damage he should report it straight away so he wont get into trouble. He should read the policy and act upon those rules as he wont get banned from the internet. Charlie should never log into another persons account because there will be consequences. He shouldn't tell anyone his password to keep it safe, so nobody can hack into it.
1.6 Explain why it is important to backup data securely Charlie is aware that all his work and other data on his PC is important. However he is not convinced about the importance of backing up his data. a) Explain to Charlie what is meant by the term “Backing Up” and why it is important? The term backing up is a way you can protect your data using a memory sick, hard drive etc, there at lots of way you can backup your data such as, emailing yourself documents or saving documents on other computers. One of the easiest ways of backing up data is a memory stick, buts it bad is you lose your memory stick. List some ways in which Charlie could lose his data (e.g. fire, theft etc.) People could steal data by logging onto their system and stealing it through memory stick or email. Hackers can hack into your computer and delete it. There could be a fire where your computer is located. The table below shows different ways Charlie could “Back up” his data. Explain what each method is and list any advantages or disadvantages. Method Explain what it is? How much data it can store? Advantages Disadvantages Memory Stick A memory stick holds data and work, if your computer doesn’t save your work then the memory sick will always have the work you have saved onto it. it backs up your data so its secure and it’s a easy process. You may only be limited to a little bit of storage. External hard drive an external hard drive is a portable device which can be plugged in a USB. This can store high data it is an advantage because it stores high capacity of data. it is a disadvantage because it does take up a lot of storage. Cloud Storage cloud storage means “the storage of data online in the cloud” this means the company's data is stored in a accessible from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise a cloud. a advantage would be is that it is not taking too much storage on your computer, you can also access backups anywhere. A disadvantage would be that you need to be online, you sometimes have to pay for extra storage. DVD DVD is a type of compact disk to stay using the web. It can store up to 20gb of data. an advantage is that it holds large amounts of data and can be easily inserted into a DVD player. a disadvantage is that you could lose the disk and it can also get scratched, this means it wont work. CD a CD is much similar to a DVD compact disk, it can also store lots of data. An advantage would be that it holds a lot of data and can be easily inserted into a DVD player. A disadvantage would be that you can lose the disk and it can get scratched easily this means it wouldn’t work. Other?
1.7 Demonstrate how personal data is backed up to appropriate media Show Charlie how to “back up “work effectively from your college computer onto a USB/Memory stick a) Show a printscreen of files on your college computer, paste the printscreen below. b) Show a printscreen of the files saved on your USB/Memory Stick, paste the printscreen below. Charlie isn’t aware that the college backs up all school data (full back up) regularly. Find about what happens and write a short paragraph why it is done. data every night is kept on the collage servers so there is scheduled data, they do this for 6 months. The whole system is backed up every month, which you need to pay someone and they store it on their servers. They only do it once a month because it costs a lot of money and cant afford to do it more regularly.