Impact of Personal Development
Set 1 Questions What is your understanding of ‘personal’ development of teachers? Should CPD aim at personal development of teachers? Can CPD have an impact on personal development of teachers? How do we differentiate between the personal and professional elements of teaching?
Whole Person Growth Life long learning of the teacher Personal qualities of a teacher have an impact on the learners. (tolerance, self-awareness, communication skills, social skills, self-esteem, colloboration) Balancing EQ and IQ
Personal and professional development are integrated. Two-way relationship
Set 2 Questions Can a teacher improve him/herself in qualities like : creativity, communication skills, being organized, being inspirational, cooperation, active listening, reflection, patience, flexibility, being tolerant? Personal Development in CPD context is limited to what is relevant to practice and the profession. Do you agree? In what forms can a school support personal development of a teacher?
Teacher’s readiness and willingness teacher’s attitude, being devoted Some of them can be improved not all of them. It is not limited to what is relevant to practice and the profession The institution should support both personal and professional development. Institutional culture and support Learning environment