Open House Term 2 (February 11th, 2015) Creativity & Service Open House Term 2 (February 11th, 2015)
Events - February Thursday February 19th : Teacher In-Service (no school) Friday February 20th : Magic Years Holiday (no school) February 24th – February 26th : Kids Photo (details to follow)
Events - March Wednesday March 4th : Makha Bucha Day (holiday) March 9th - 11th : Book Week Thursday March 12th : Parent Teacher Conference (no children) Friday March 13th : Teacher In-Service (no school) Monday March 16th : Magic Years Holiday (no school)
Events - April Thursday April 2nd : Creativity & Service Assembly Monday April 6th : Teacher In-Service (no children) Thursday April 10th : Songkran Celebration April 11th - 19th : Songkran Break Monday April 20th : School Resumes April 21st - 24th : Earth Week April 27th – May 8th : Student Led Conferences (regular days)
Events – May & June April 27th – May 8th : Student Led Conferences (regular days) Friday May 1st : Teacher In-Service (no children) Tuesday May 5th : Coronation Day (holiday) May 18th - 22nd : Year End Show (details to follow) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday June 4th : Year End Assembly (whole school) Friday June 5th : Last Day of School (half day)
The PYP Program Is defined by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored in concepts using knowledge and skills derived from the six subject areas, with a powerful emphasis on inquiry-based learning. Is a transdisciplinary program designed to foster the development of the whole child, relating to social, physical, emotional and cultural needs as well as academic well-being. Focuses on the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the outside world.
5 Essential Elements
Transdisciplinary Themes Knowledge Areas Language Social Studies Mathematics Arts Science Persona, Social, Physical Education Who We Are Where We Are in Place and Time How We Express Ourselves Sharing the Planet How We Organize Ourselves How the World Works
Key Concepts
Skills Thinking Skills -acquisition of knowledge -comprehension -application -analysis -synthesis -evaluation -dialectical thought -metacognition Self-Management Skills -gross motor skills -fine motor skills -spatial awareness -organization -time management -safety -healthy lifestyle -codes of behavior -informed choices Social Skills -accepting responsibility -respecting others -cooperating -resolving conflict -group decision making -adopting a variety of roles Communication Skills -listening -speaking -reading -writing -viewing -presenting -non verbal Research Skills -formulating questions -observing -planning -collecting, recording, organizing and interpreting data -presenting findings
Action “An explicit expectation of the PYP is that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action, initiated by the student as a result of the learning process”
The Learner Profile
Teacher Provocations: Subject Focus: Science Unit of Inquiry #3 Air Transdisciplinary Theme – How the World Works Central Idea – Air has many properties which we observe and use Inquiry Into: Using air in our daily lives The properties of air Finding out more about air through scientific processes Teacher Provocations: What link is there between air and our daily lives? What are the properties of air? How are we able to use scientific processes to uncover a deeper understanding of air? Subject Focus: Science Related Concepts: sustainability, gases, properties and uses of air Strand: materials and matter Subject Focus: Arts Related Concepts: imagination and technique, interpretation Strand: responding and creating Key Concepts: Form Connection Skills: Thinking Research Attitudes: Appreciation Cooperation Curiosity Learner Profile: Inquirers Thinkers Open-Minded
effective ways to communicate Teacher Provocations: Unit of Inquiry #4 Passionate Communicators Transdisciplinary Theme – How We Express Ourselves Central Idea – Sharing our feelings and ideas drives us to develop effective ways to communicate Inquiry Into: Ways in which we express our feelings and ideas Sharing our feelings and ideas Communicating our thoughts successfully Teacher Provocations: In what ways can we express our feelings and ideas? How do we choose what ways to share our feelings and ideas with others? How will we know when we have communicated our thoughts successfully? Subject Focus: Art Related Concepts: communication, conflict, responsibilities Strand: interactions Subject Focus: PSPE Related Concepts: communication, self-expression, audience Strand: creating (drama, dance, music, visual arts) Key Concepts: Connection Perspective Skills: Social Communication Attitudes: Confidence Creativity Enthusiasm Learner Profile: Communicator Risk-Taker Reflective
Lovely Letters The Jolly Phonics Songs Letters Song Visual Experiences Formation Sensory Sounds Writing Flash cards Letter cards
Morning Meetings Co-Collaborative Perspective Sharing Practice Cooperative Extending Learning Symmetry
Today's Classroom
Today's Learner
The power of ummmm... By: Kath Murdoch “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Albert Einstein
Our Class Blog
Before you go... I see… I think… I wonder… Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions Wonderings? I see… I think… I wonder…