Ch5 Process Paragraphs A. Underline these phrasal verbs in the writing model.
B. Form phrasal verbs using the particles from the box. up down out through in
Write topic sentences for four of the topics.
A. Circle the time-order signals in the writing model.
B. Use the time-order signals to complete the paragraph. Choosing classes Choosing the right classes each semester can be stressful, but you can reduce your stress with a commonsense process. The first step is to become familiar with the graduation requirements for your major. It is a good idea to meet with an academic advisor, but do not depend entirely on others to give you correct information. Instead, use your school’s website to find out what the requirements for your degree are, and memorize them. Second plan, plan, plan. Write out a program for each semester when you talk to your advisor so that you can be certain you have all the courses you need for graduation. Be aware that some classes have prerequisites-classes you must pass before you can register for them. The third step is to talk with as many older students as you can. Ask them which courses are good and which ones are not. Do not waste your time or money on bad classes. Finally register each semester as soon as you can. Waiting even an hour may mean that the classes you want or need are filled. To sum up plan ahead to avoid missing any required classes, to steer clear of bad classes, and to graduate on time.
Read and number each group of sentences in time order. 2 7 4 6 5 8 3
Read and number each group of sentences in time order. 1 6 8 3 2 5 4 7
Write a concluding sentence for each of the four topic sentences you wrote for Practice 2.
A. Reread the writing model. Who is the intended audience? Write two sentences to explain your answer.
B. Read the paragraph. Who is the intended audience? Check(✓) your answer. Then circle any clue words that helped you figure out the audience. ✓
A. Underline three complex sentences with time clauses in the writing model.
, , B. Underline the independent clauses and double underline the dependent clauses. Circle the subordinators. , ,
, , , , B. Underline the independent clauses and double underline the dependent clauses. Circle the subordinators. , , , ,
A. Combine Column A and B to make complex sentences. Then write the sentences in order as a paragraph. You will not be late for early morning classes if you follow several time-efficient steps. Begin the process by deciding what to wear the next day before you go to bed at night. Then get out of bed in the morning as soon as your alarm clock rings instead of sleeping an extra five or ten minutes. You should keep your alarm as far from your bed as possible because it will force you to get up and stay up. Then when you are in the shower, stick to a two-minute limit to save not only water but also time. The final step requires you to bring your breakfast to class unless your professor has rules against food in the classroom. f a e d b
B. Choose a topic from Practice 2. Write six complex sentences about it. Use different subordinators.
Write a sentence for each how-to topic. Use the phrasal verbs.
Write a sentence for each how-to topic. Use the phrasal verbs.