Real Basic Spelling and Punctuation, basic Content, and Structural soundness Checks > > > Improving your essay At more than one point in the writing process, you will need to recheck the spelling, grammar and punctuation of your essay as a type of “quality control” of the overall work.
Draft one may have been composed in pieces (each paragraph having its own page), but Draft 2 brings it all together into one paragraph after the other, each indented and serving a specific purpose) From this: To this: Intro Paragraph S. T. A. R. T. ® Body 1 Paragraph Body 2 Paragraph Body 3 Paragraph Conclusion Paragraph
Now it is time to start checking on the basic structure and content. Structure: solid intro, two to three supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion that reflects the thesis and the opening. Content: concrete opening, stays on target, clear thesis, parallel topic sentences that clearly expand one supporting point each, and a conclusion that reflects the essay WITHOUT ADDING ANY NEW INFORMATION.
Check the Intro – If it is not at least “effective,” then it shows the writer is lost. Starting with the opening sentence, is it “general” (moving the intro from general to specific – the thesis)? Does the next line offer types and examples of the GENERAL topic? Does the Anecdote (or Argument of Your Opponents) add to the topic, expanding upon it without losing track? Does the anecdote reduce down towards the Intro Paragraph S. T. A. R. T. ® thesis using an effective transition? Does the thesis clearly state two to three points IN ONE SENTENCE?
What’s Next? Take each of the following aspects to check for a “basic” effectiveness. If these are not yet included in the essay, MAKE THE NOTATION OF SUCH ON THE PAPER. The writer will then include those edits in the next draft \ revision.
Step 1: Obvious Formatting Indentation Each paragraph of an MLA formatted essay REQUIRES an indentation before beginning Do not use double spacing between paragraphs AND indentation Each paragraph of a BUSINESS letter AVOIDS indentation, but rather uses a double space before beginning the next section
Step 2: Presentation Legibility: If handwritten, make it legible (similar slant, decent spacing, consistent and reasonable sizing, clarity of shape, and contrast – meaning AVOID using a light pencil if ink is available) If electronically processed, use either Times Roman font or the Arial font, no smaller than 10 no larger than 14 AND double spaced for easier editing
Step 3: I, as in me (and Proper Nouns, too) Capitalization Starting each sentence with a capital Capitalizing the personal pronoun, “I” Capitalizing the proper nouns (people by name, places by name, or titles of books and films) The above is especially important to double check in any accompanying citations, quotations, or bibliographies
Step 4: No BIG BUTS Appropriate Conjunction Use Conjuntions are to CO-JOIN two phrases or clauses, NOT TO BEGIN A SENTENCE! No sentence should begin with But… (the same for “And,” “Or,” or “Because.” There are rule breakers, but learn to follow the rules first.
Step 5: “In my opinion….” Statement of the Obvious AVOID stating, “…in my opinion…” because the paper has YOUR name on it (or had better have it), so everything that is on the paper is in your opinion. Again, there are times to break the rules, but learn them first.
Step 6: Spell Check, please! Use the tools you have available! If your word processor has a Spell Check (which most do), USE IT! You may not know it, but improperly spelled words get squiggly underlines. Fix them. Many processing programs also include Grammar Check. Use it. If you doubt the accuracy of the suggestion, do not “accept” (or ‘change’) it, but make note of it and ask your instructor what is wrong.
Bonus: What is a Fleisch-Kincaid? “Readability Statistics” are helpful If you are using Word, you can set your Spell Check to run a passage diagnostics. This would cover Number of words Number of sentences ABOVE ALL, the “Readability Statistics” which offers an approximate “grade level” at which your essay is written. Don’t like it? Raise the level with more sentence combining and higher level vocabulary.