Module 4-D Managing Students with Special Needs TED 377 Methods in Sec. Ed.
Module 4-D Students will explain types of motivation and behavior management problems presented by Secondary students, including integrated students with disabilities.
Managing Students with Special Needs When dealing managing a classroom, teachers need to be aware of students with special needs (physically or cognitively handicapped, or possess some characteristic that affects classroom performance).
Emotional and/or Behavioral Problems Recommendations for the teacher: –Reinforce student attempts at self-control. –Recognize behavioral cues and anticipate an outburst. –Help students recognize signs of increasing tension and recommend how to defuse before an outburst occurs. Can increase self-control and self-esteem. –Do not take the outburst personally – you are a convenient target.
Asperger’s Syndrome Have limited understanding of information they learn, and inability to apply information. Have extremely poor communication skills: –Stand too close. –Avoid eye contact. –Talk to long and loud. Extremely resistant to change of routine.
Asperger’s Syndrome Recommendations for the teacher: –Use visual cues and prompts, and demonstrate how to accomplish something. –Make instruction concise. –Do not insist on direct eye contact. –Reward students with their favorite activities or interests.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Easily distracted. Short attention span. Inability to organize. High level of movement. Impulsive. Many times academically discouraged by the time they reach high school.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Recommendations for the teacher: –Use a positive, relaxed, well-structure approach to learning. –Ensure you have student’s attention before giving instructions. –Make instructions clear and concise. –Reinforce that accuracy is more important than speed. –For complex activities, provide written as well as oral instructions.
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Recommendations for the teacher: –Use assistive technology devices if used by student. –Face students when speaking, not the board. –Use overhead instead of the board. –Provide written as well as oral instructions. –Repeat student questions to ensure they are heard. –Monitor for student comprehension.
Visually Impaired or Blind Recommendations for the teacher: –Allow students to use audio recording devices. –Read aloud any visual material. –Allow students to walk up to the board or to any displays to view them better. –Seat students facing away from windows to reduce glare. –Help students fit in socially (they may miss visual cues).
Extreme Poverty These students: –Do not want to appear weak in front of peers. –Speak more loudly than average student. –Quick to be defensive. Recommendations for the teacher: –Reprimand these students privately. –Encourage students to achieve. –Teach goal-setting. –Have extra supplies for these students to use.
Limited English Proficiency Recommendations for the teacher: –Creatively use gestures, facial express, and body language to illustrate your message. –Use visual aids and demonstrate. –Speak clearly, using limited vocabulary when helping these students one-on-one.
Review: MODULE 4-D Emotional and/or behavioral problems. Asperger’s Syndrome. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Deaf or hard-of-hearing. Visually impaired or blind. Extreme poverty. Limited English proficiency.