NAMIWalks on the Web: The Basics Presented by: Annie Folks, NAMIWalks Program Assistant Contact:
What we’ll be talking about today… How to Access the Walksite Manager Admin Page – The “back side” of the web for Walk Leaders only Stat Reports The Registration Process – For team captains and walkers Quick tips on sharing walk info on social networking sites Q&A – Last 15 minutes of session
Your NAMIWalk Webpage: Your NAMIWalk Webpage: Shortlink: “The front door:” Promotes the walk, introduces logistics. Provides Walk details/updates Provides tools/resources Registration and donation links
The Walksite Manager Admin Page o The “back door” – Needs Walk Admin code to access o Accessed by clicking “Walksite Manager” link at the bottom of your NAMIWalk front page. Click here to access Walk Manager side
The Walksite Manager Admin Page Click here to edit front page -walk date, location, goal, contact info, etc Sponsorship Detail: View past sponsor info, add sponsors to front page with logos, etc View Teams and Team Captains, contact info for team captains, add/edit teams Send to all team captains Add/View Super Teams
Registering for a Walk Common Registration Problems: Multiple Registrations Help! I didn’t create a walker page/team page/etc Watch this YouTube Video: How to Sign Up! (also available on NAMIWalks webpage) Try the Knowledgebase!
Accessing Walker Tools and Team Captain Tools Sign in to Click on Walk listed in myEvents
Team Page Management Communication between Walk Manager and Team Captain is key Walk Managers may create team pages for team captains, but team captains should do it themselves to create a sense of ownership and commitment to the team goals Team Captain sets the tone and expectations for the Team Team Pages cannot be deleted, only “deactivated” Unless a Team Captain creates a Team Page – no one can see the activity on that page, including you as Walk Manager SUPER TEAMS can be created by Walk Managers only. Super Team Captains are designated after signing up for the walk.
Team NameCaptainStatus Capital High Crusaders Capital High Crusaders NAMI Montana Kristin Basinger ActiveEdit Carly's Crew Carly's Crew NAMI Helena Judy Griffith ActiveEdit Cellular One Cellular One NAMI Montana Rosie Serna ActiveEdit CIT-COPS NAMI Helena Dennis Nyland ActiveEdit County Health Cares County Health Cares NAMI Montana Jayce Cox ActiveEdit Crowley Fleck Crowley Fleck NAMI Montana Sandy Kuntz ActiveEdit D. Carlson Woodworker D. Carlson Woodworker NAMI Helena Stephanie Kindt ActiveEdit East Valley Middle SchoolActiveEdit Family First NAMI Helena Joan Higgins-Smith ActiveEdit Fat Kid Coneys NAMI Montana Sue Chisholm ActiveEdit Identifying Teams with Team Pages
NAMIWalks Online Reports Number of Walkers Registered Online NAMI Montana - September Donations Received by Those with Personal Pages NAMI Montana - September 2009$18, Number of Walkers With Personal Pages NAMI Montana - September Walkers WITH Personal Pages raised $18,250 - Average $129 Per Walker from these 141 Donations Received by Those without Personal Pages NAMI Montana - September 2009$1, Walkers WITHOUT Personal Pages raised $1,285 - Average Raised by Walker: $18 MISSED OPPORTUNITY POTENTIAL: - 71 Walkers x $129 = ALMOST $10,000!!!! Total Amount of Online Donations Received NAMI Montana - September 2009$19, Can you see the difference between walkers with personal pages versus those who do not have webpages? The QuickStat Report -Online donations -Online sponsorships -Top 10 Fundraisers/Teams -Use for Final Accounting report post-walk Other Reports: Teams Report Walkers Registered Online Online Donation Detail Overview
Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Walk Facebook: Create events, groups, Community “fan” pages, post links to personal walker webpages, update contacts on your walk progress Twitter: Rapid updates on your walk, direct communication #, RT MySpace: Post links to walker webpages, blog about walk progress
Let’s focus on Facebook… Over 300 million users worldwide – Most popular social networking site to date With Facebook, you can….. Create an event for your walk – NAMI NoVA Awareness WalkNAMI NoVA Awareness Walk Create a group for your walk – NAMIWalk Delaware GroupNAMIWalk Delaware Group Create a community fan page – NAMIWalk NYCNAMIWalk NYC
Facebook Tips & Tricks - Encourage walkers to share the link to their walker webpage in Facebook updates and statuses and invite others to your event - Become a “fan” of NAMIWalks or NAMI and “Share” an update to raise awareness - Facebook Videos – Get your message out to your social network “in person”
Q&A Please “raise your hand” on the webinar panel if you have a question.