© 2001 by Prentice Hall 16-1 Workplace Safety and the Law The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) u OSHA imposes three major obligations on employers: To provide a safe and healthy work environment To comply with specific occupational safety and health standards To keep records of occupational injuries and illnesses The Occupational Safety and Health Administration u Has the primary responsibility for enforcing OSHA develops occupational standards conducts workplace inspections issues citations and penalties
© 2001 by Prentice Hall 16-2 Violence in the Workplace Does Co have right to discipline Ee who has gun in vehicle in parking lot? u Note: Possession of weapons prohibited on USI property Several U.S. companies, including Whirlpool*, Williams, and Conoco-Phillips, are fighting to ban guns from the workplaces in Oklahoma u New Oklahoma law allows ees to bring guns to work so long as they’re locked in car (passed in response to Weyerhaeuser’s termination of 12 ees) OK Chamber of Commerce usually supports NRA, but has joined this lawsuit opposing gun law *Whirlpool withdrew from case –Worried they might be punished by pro-gun rights consumers? u 38 states now issue permits to carry concealed weapons Some states, such as Ohio, specifically allow Ers to ban firearms at work if they post appropriate signs –Source: Workforce Week, 11/23/04, Wall Street Journal, 11/26/04
© 2001 by Prentice Hall 16-3 Wellness Programs A complete wellness program has three components: u It helps employees identify potential health risks through screening and testing. u It educates employees about health risks such as high blood pressure, smoking, poor diet, and stress. u It encourages employees to change their lifestyles through exercise, good nutrition, and health monitoring.
© 2001 by Prentice Hall 16-4 Wellness Programs ~41% of companies have incentives aimed at encouraging healthy behavior, up from 34% in 1996 American Cast Iron Pipe Co (Birmingham AL) spends $266/ee for on-site gym and bonuses to ees who keep blood pressure, cholesterol, weight within healthy limits u Co spends ~$600k/yr for wellness, estimates savings at $1.2m (savings in productivity, health care costs, onset of chronic illness) –Source: USA Today, 7/31/05 When health-assessment and maintenance programs combined w/ financial incentives, participation rates soar u When no incentive offered, participation rates may be 20% or less; w/ incentives, as high as 90% or more 75% of Ers say that workers who don’t make reasonable effort to manage their health should pay more for health insurance u “Stick of choice” is health-insurance surcharge on ees who smoke –Source: Wall Street Journal, 10/27/05
© 2001 by Prentice Hall 16-5 Key Components of OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standards