New Initiatives Subcommittee Tuesday, January 4th,
Introductions Name Home Organization AIAA role Anything your interested in working within TAC? 2
Agenda Old Business TC Annual Report Form Status (Nancy Anderson) 2009 Education Workshop Closeout (Halliwell) 2010 Standards Workshop Status Closeout (Arrington/Melanson) Program Committee Updates (Brett Anderson/Tony Gross) TC/PC Health Assessment Closeout (West /Melanson) TAC/NIS Documentation and web storage (Melanson) ABET Structured Programming Project Status(Eberhardt) TC Newsletter Status and Articles Discussion (Melanson/Halliwell) Technology Survey and Recommendations (Williams) Charter update of the Society and Aerospace Technology Technical Committee (SAT TC) New Business SAE Space Environments Committee transition to AIAA - Charter and Proposed PC (Paul McElroy) Cognitive Engineering and Human Performance Working Group Proposal (Amy Pritchett) 2011 Workshop Brainstorm Chair Removal Language in Charter?
TC Annual Report Form Status (Nancy Anderson) TC Annual Report Format in use in Engr. & Technology Mgmt Group TC Annual Report Added a table to the annual report that would allow the TC chair to list all of their subcommittees and the chairs and contact information. The reason is that we often ask the TCs to provide a POC for a specific activity but we generally get poor response (the recent request for info on TC committees on standards jumps to mind). This updated form has been given to Betty for distribution to the TCs. Feedback/possible expansion to TAC Use? 4 Return to Agenda
2009 Education Workshop Status/Closeout – Halliwell 5
2010 Workshop Status Workshop actions are closed Standards has ongoing actions NIS on standby to support Arrington remains the POC Arrington is also TAC liaison with SEC and an ongoing member of SEC 6
PC Report – Tony Gross Deputy Program Committee Coordinator (New) Brett L. Anderson Boeing Defense, Space & Security Space Exploration Program Committee Dr. Christopher Moore, Chair NASA Headquarters Dr. Surendra Sharma, Deputy Chair NASA Ames Research Center
TC/PC Health Assessment (Bill West) Rolled out in late December 2010 for use with Chair Training NIS members were copied on the assessment spreadsheet rollout Chair training feedback Discussed Laura spreadsheet and application at TC chair training. Will resend to Bill West Path Forward 8 Return to Agenda
TC/PC Processes and Procedures Updates and Plan forward (Melanson) Status TAC charter distributed and in place on sharepoint site Document Naming convention in place –All current documents use name convention Suggestion: create a web page with document synopsis and links to help unfamiliar personnel find/use documents Chair handbook needs continued work (ongoing revisions) 9
10 Structured Programming Education – Status Report to NIS AIAA TAC New Initiatives Subcommittee Allen Arrington, Director/ETM Orlando, FLJanuary 4, 2011
11 Structured Programming Education Requirements Study Issue raised within TAC/ASG; concerns about the apparent lack of structured programming education in BSAE programs. Series of surveys to gage the state of structured programming education. AE Department Chairs (2007) –What is being taught. –Importance of programming languages and tools. Employers (2008) –What languages and tools are used. –What skills are needed in an aerospace engineer. Young Professionals (2008). –What were you taught –What are you using in your professional career.
12 Structured Programming Education Requirements Study Data collection completed Data review and analysis completed fall Final report on the project has been completed. Paper reviewed by NIS (West and Keenan), D. Krausche, and some folks at NASA GRC (J. Haas, J. Van Zante, J. Stephens). AIAA paper presented at the ASM “Structured Programming Education Requirements for Aerospace Engineering” – AIAA Conclusions: Employers want these skills. Schools are providing the education. But the students are missing the importance/relevance.
13 Structured Programming Education Requirements Study Recommendations: Schools need to integrate structured programming into the mainstream aero courses to show how the skills are applied. Employers need to do a better job of communicating requirements to the schools. White Paper drafted by NIS and currently under review. Eberhardt made the first pass; Arrington completed the draft. Forwarded draft to Academic Affairs Committee Chair, Jeff Forbes. Joint paper from TAC and AAC (Signed by VP-TAC and Chair AAC ). Next Steps: Finalize White Paper working with AAC. Develop best course of action jointly with the AAC. Merge efforts with Software Engineering efforts?
TAC Newsletter status Two Issues rolled out Latest was December 23, 2010 Ian Halliwell has now taken on Editor position for continued development Feedback positive thus far 14
TAC Newsletter status Need further ideas for articles and volunteers to write them TAC funds – what they are and how to use them Update your data! ( , interest codes) What drives conference reg fees Membership upgrades Need to investigate AIAA mailing, not magnet mail (informal poll indicates widespread failure to recognize ), or alternate from Betty asking everyone to alter junk mail settings to recognize magnet mail 15
TAC Newsletter status Need to investigate AIAA mailing, not magnet mail (informal poll indicates widespread failure to recognize ), or alternate from Betty asking everyone to alter junk mail settings to recognize magnet mail 16
17 Discussed during several telecoms Technology Survey and Recommendations (Williams)
Charter update of the Society and Aerospace Technology Technical Committee (SAT TC) Charter update of the Charter update of the Society and Aerospace Technology Technical Committee (SAT TC) Although technically a revision, the TC doesn't really have a very detailed charter that is well documented. As part of efforts to update documentation a proposed wording change was made. Prior identified charter purpose: The AIAA Society and Aerospace Technology (SAT) Technical Committee promotes the transfer of aerospace technology and techniques to help solve critical problems in society and improve the general quality of life. Proposed charter wording is: The AIAA Society and Aerospace Technology Technical Committee (SAT TC) focuses on (1) how aerospace technology and techniques help solve critical societal challenges and improve quality of life, and (2) understanding interactions between the aerospace enterprise and broader social and cultural trends. No issues among TCs during review 18
New Business Items Aspects of Aeronautics and Astronautics TC (aka the Legal TC) is getting back on their feet. They have elected new officers and are reworking their charter (since no one could find the old one). NIS will need to review the charter as soon as it is ready (report from Arrington) The Computer Aided Enterprise Solutions TC is shrinking down to oblivion. Working with Kathleen to merge the concepts of the CAES TC into Design Engineering. If that happens, Design Engineering will have a charter change (report from Arrington) 19
New Business Items 20
Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (SESPC) – A Proposal 4 January 2011 Dr. Paul M. McElroy Director, Structures & Materials Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd. Triadelphia, WV
Agenda Introduction and Background Charter, Scope, and Objectives Why is it a PC and not a TC Ongoing Activity Plan Related AIAA Committees Membership Roster Recommendation
What are Space Environmental Systems? Technical areas of interest related to humans living and working in hostile environments with applications inside or outside of terrestrial or outer space habitats or vehicles Aerospace Human Factors Environmental Control and Life-support System Technology Environmental Monitoring And Controls Planetary Protection EVA System Technology Life Sciences Planetary Habitats and Systems Thermal Control Systems Technology for Both Manned and Unmanned Vehicles
Proposed Charter - Scope The AIAA Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (AIAA SESPC) will develop, collect, and help disseminate information of value relative to the design, manufacture, maintenance, and testing of environmental/ thermal control systems and components for aircraft, spacecraft, planetary and interplanetary missions
Proposed Charter - Objectives The AIAA SESPC will promote the development and use of Environmental Systems technology by fostering understanding of environmental/ thermal control components and systems for aircraft, spacecraft, and planetary missions among policy makers among space systems designers and technologists The AIAA SESPC promotes the encouragement of the improvement of environmental/ thermal control technology by supporting technical interchange among universities, government agencies, and industry The AIAA SESPC committee works to improve education pertaining to Environmental Systems and related technical fields The AIAA SESPC is an advocate for technical excellence in mission analyses, system optimization, trade studies, and economic assessments
Proposed Charter – Organization Chair, Vice-Chair (Chair-elect), and Secretary Subcommittees Conferences and Workshops Subcommittee Education and Outreach Subcommittee External Affairs/Public Policy Subcommittee Publications and Website Subcommittee Membership Subcommittee Awards Subcommittee
PC or TC? A great deal of discussion with TAC leadership has gone into the decision to recommend forming SES as a PC Key rationale supporting the PC recommendation: As an SAE committee, SPACE ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS focused heavily on the systems/systems integration Transition of broad multi-national SAE members to AIAA will be more easily facilitated by the PC model – Move of SES from SAE to AIAA is unique SES has a strong motivation to integrate a variety of technical aspects for several TCs – Will strongly seek out broad TC participation of relevant participants
Space Environmental Systems PC Name Concern has been expressed about possible confusion between “Space Environmental Systems PC” and “Atmospheric and Space Environments TC” Key rationale supporting the name recommendation: While the words space and environments/environmental are contained in both names, there is clearly very key differences between environmental systems for spacecraft and the environment of space – This is similar to the wide use of “propulsion” in the P&E group No suitable alternative was found to eliminate “environmental” term in SES without removing its historical constituency As a PC, there is less likelihood of confusion
Proposed Charter - Activities We are an existing group and trying to integrate into AIAA Sponsoring or co-sponsoring the yearly International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) conference sessions and student poster competitions The SESPC supports the concept of strategic alignment of ICES with other AIAA conferences and will work with our ICES partners and other appropriate conferences to determine potential arrangements for future conferences that are held in the United States Encourage technical interchange among companies, government agencies, and universities to advance Environmental Systems technology, standards, and systems integration
Proposed Charter – Activities (con’t) Establish liaisons with other technical societies with related interests Ensure an active membership that is representative of the Environmental Systems community Honor technical contributors through awards, nominations for AIAA Fellow, and recommendations for member upgrades Bring together the appropriate technical disciplines represented within various technical committees within AIAA Facilitate the review and publishing of Environmental Systems articles Conduct educational and public policy outreach activities to further promote interest in Environmental Systems science and engineering
Ongoing Activity Plan for 2011 – Annual ICES Conference AIAA SESPC Responsibilities: Assist the development of sessions for the AIAA ICES (See guidelines noted on AIAA SESPC website) Organize committee for selecting the best Environmental Systems paper presented at the ICES conference, and notify AIAA Honors and Awards focal of selection (See Selection Criteria document on AIAA SESPC website) Organize Environmental Systems Student Poster Sessions at AIAA ICES conference Conduct one or two AIAA sponsored short courses at AIAA ICES conference Space Environment and its Effects on Space Systems – July 16-17, 2011
Ongoing Activity Plan for 2011 – Short Course Key Topics Space Environment and its Effects on Space Systems Jul 2011 Conference (sessions) Registration Included!! Portland, OR Held in conjunction with the AIAA International Conference on Environmental Systems, Instructor Led Training Key Topics History of spacecraft failures and overview of risk management, failure analyses, and reliability and quality assurance Overview of the near-Earth and interplanetary environment Overview of the risks due to sputtering, atomic oxygen, ultraviolet degradation, space plasma, neutral atmosphere, radiation, meteoroids and orbital debris, charging, surface contamination, effusion, and planetary protection Several online programs are illustrated that can be used to perform some of the assessments
Related AIAA Organizations Groups that Support ICES Conference: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Life Sciences and Systems Technical Committee American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Environmental Systems Committee American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Crew Systems Technical Committee ICES International Committee (INT) Program Committees: AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft PC Technical Committees: ThermoPhysics Atmospheric and Space Environments
AIAA SESPC - Membership Roster McElroy, Paul (Chairman) Adamson, Gary Alloca, Robert Behrens, Burkhard Birur, Gajanana Chambliss, Joe Delil, Ad Ducas, William Farmer, Jeff Gasbarre, Joseph Hall, Jack Holladay, Jon Juhasz, Al Killough. Brian Leimkuehler, Tom McBarron, Jim Ousley, Wes Pin, Olivier Roman, Jose Stephan, Ryan Szigetvari, Zoltan Tan, Gijsbert Teti, Nicholas Thomas, Julian Wasson, David Winton, Dale
Proposal Approve and move proposal to form Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (SESPC) to TAC for review and approval
Cognitive Engineering and Human Performance Program Committee Dr. Amy R. Pritchett November 10, 2010 Rev 0
38 Agenda What is Cognitive Engineering and Human Performance? Why Now for a CEHP Program Committee? Proposed Charter for a CEHP Program Committee Proposed Scope -Goals and Activities Proposed Objectives Immediate Action Plan and Products – 2011 & 2012 Initial CEHP Program Committee Membership Recommendation
39 What is Cognitive Engineering and Human Performance? Human performance is integral to all aerospace operations Adding automation doesn’t eliminate the human contribution – it makes the human contribution more supervisory and cognitive (and less understood) Cognitive engineering is the domain developing rigorous, systematic design approaches that integrate the technical and cognitive components of joint human-machine systems
40 CEHP Focuses on Inter-disciplinary Design Design of joint human-machine systems must integrate the theories and methods of several domains: Flight dynamics – what are the dynamics of flight? Intelligent systems – what autonomous behaviors does the vehicle seek? Cognitive science and human factors – how do humans work with complex systems? Software and digital systems – how is the interface established? Operations – what is (or should be) the operating context? Logistics and operations research – how are operations controlled across multiple vehicles and locations? No Focused AIAA Effort Across Important Cognitive Engineering Activities
41 Representative CEHP Studies Defining role of robots and human controllers in space exploration Establishing robust UAS ground control systems with mixed human/vehicle-autonomy control mechanisms Defining roles and responsibilities of pilots and controllers in the Next Generation Air Transportation System – and then designing to support them! Building flightdecks that support the human contribution to safety – without promoting human error
42 Proposed Charter for the CEHP PC The purpose of the Cognitive Engineering and Human Factors Program Committee is to serve as the AIAA Focal Point for: Disseminating rigorous cognitive engineering research findings and methods through AIAA conferences and publications. Coordinating shared interests in cognitive engineering across AIAA technical committees and technical activities. Coordinating with other organizations advancing cognitive engineering relevant to aerospace.
43 Primary Objectives for the CEHP PC Work with relevant AIAA journal editors to encourage increased submission of papers advancing the state of the art in cognitive engineering in aerospace And provide a pool of reviewers competent in the area Work with relevant AIAA conferences to encourage increased submission of papers and presentations advancing the state of the art in cognitive engineering in aerospace And provide a pool of track/session chairs, tutorial instructors and reviewers competent in the area Provide a forum for coordination amongst (and dissemination to) interested members of relevant AIAA TCs Coordinate with other organizations involved in cognitive engineering, human performance and human factors, contributing the AIAA’s unique focus on engineering design in aerospace Other activities as supports proper integration of cognitive engineering into the activities of the AIAA community
44 CEHP PC Immediate Action Plan and Products – 2011 & 2012 Meet formally at InfoTech 2011 or other major AIAA conference Meet with journal editors and conference organizations Define appropriate scope for each journal/ conference Aid in solicitation of high-quality submissions Establish mechanisms supporting rigorous reviews and, as appropriate, providing track/session chairs Write Annual Article for “Aerospace America” Pursue Coordination with Other Professional Societies Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Royal Astronomical Society IEEE SMC / CogSIMA / Aerospace Systems
45 Proposed Initial CEHP PC Members Dr. Amy Pritchett (Chair)Georgia Tech – also HFES liason Dr. Steven YoungNASA – also AIAA Digital Avionics TC Dr. Michael FearyNASA Prof. Dr. M. MulderTUDelft Ella AtkinsUMich -- also AIAA Intelligent Systems TC Alan JacobsenBoeing Randy MumawBoeing Michael VidulichAFRL Dr. Tom SheridanMIT (Ret) Dr. Missy CummingsMIT -- also AIAA Intelligent Systems TC Also invites to ~25 TC’s as to interest (In some cases, specific persons already identified)
Relevant AIAA Technical Committees AEROSPACE SCIENCES Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Technical Committee (Edmund Field?) Guidance, Navigation & Control Technical Committee Modeling & Simulation Technical Committee AIRCRAFT AND ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEMS Air Transportation Systems Technical Committee Aircraft Operations Technical Committee Flight Testing Technical Committee General Aviation Technical Committee Lighter-than-Air Systems Technical Committee Product Support Technical Committee V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Systems Engineering Technical Committee INFORMATION SYSTEMS Computer Systems Technical Committee Digital Avionics Technical Committee Information and Command & Control Systems Technical Committee Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Sensor Systems Technical Committee Software Systems Technical Committee SPACE & MISSILES Life Sciences & Systems Technical Committee Space Automation & Robotics Technical Committee Space Colonization Technical Committee Space Operations & Support Technical Committee Space Systems Technical Committee Space Transportation Technical Committee 46
47 Technical Society Coordination Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Late September / Early October Two Relevant Journals: – Human Factors – Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 2 Relevant ‘Technical Groups’: – Aerospace Systems – Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Royal Aeronautical Society IEEE Relevant Journals: Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Aerospace Systems Related Conferences: SMC, CogSIMA, etc.
48 Recommendation Approval by NIS for TAC consideration for the creation of the Cognitive Engineering and Human Performance Program Committee
Workshop Brainstorm Membership growth and cultivation Revitalizing conferences – ideas, brainstorming, procedures and norms Adding value Drawing more participants Alternate delivery methods and models Linked to membership growth… Funding conferences Exhibits developing and institutionalizing change – how do you change and institutionalize the new ideas. Integration of national TAC and Sections and Regions and Student chapters Ways to tie together the two areas
50 Chair Removal Language in Charter Issue/Concern: We have no formal process or charter language to “replace” a chair in the event that things go badly in a TC/PC Do we need to add language/authority/process in TAC charter to accommodate that possibility?