Making a Difference Through LCIF
Great Achievements in 40 Years LCIF has awarded: more than 8,700 grants totaling $610 million $33.7 million last fiscal year, a record amount $211 million in SightFirst funding and saved the vision of 24 million and improved vision for hundreds of millions If every Lion gave $200, we’d surpass our $200 million challenge goal for CSFII $158 million raised for CSFII as of March 2008
What is LCIF? The Foundation provides financial support for humanitarian service projects around the world. It is Lions helping Lions help the world. The Foundation receives no club dues, and 100 percent of all donations go directly toward humanitarian projects.
LCIF Highlights for SightFirst Grants US$17.6 million for 71 projects to fight avoidable blindness throughout the developing world Standard Grants US$8.8 million for 181 humanitarian service projects Emergency Grants 159 grants for US$1.57 million Core 4 Grants 37 grants for US$1.8 million International Assistance Grants 47 grants for US$673,695
Highlights Total grants in : 587 for US$33.7 million Total donations to LCIF in : US$54.4 million (new record)
Highlights Total grants in as of March: 312 for US$17.1 million Total donations to LCIF in as of March: US$39.6 million
SightFirst Int’l Assistance Emergency Major Catastrophe Core 4 Standard Types of LCIF Grants
LCIF Grant Programs -- Overview (Non-Disaster Grants) Standard Grants: Matching grants of up to US$75,000 for local humanitarian service projects. Core 4 Grants: Funds special projects in eyesight, disability, health and youth (1 per district). Grants up to US$200,000. SightFirst Grants: Blindness prevention and sight restoration projects in neediest areas International Assistance Grants: Supports club twinning projects; Up to US$30,000 (one per district)
Leonard Penner, age 66 Retired File Maintenance Clerk Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Canada
Lions received a standard matching grant to purchase equipment to upgrade the hospital where Penner received the surgery. Last year, LCIF awarded 181 standard grants for US$8.8 million. Standard Grants
Standard Grant Review and Approval Applications due 60 days before board mtg; but earlier submission is recommended Staff pre-reviews applications; clarifications and changes may be requested LCIF Exec. Committee reviews applications that meet all preliminary requirements. Applications are either approved (sometimes with conditions), tabled (pending further information) or denied LCIF grant money is not disbursed until local funds are collected
Standard Grants: Key Criteria Funding parameters Primarily capital funding only (bricks and mortar) Funding is for specific projects (not general operating support) Must address important humanitarian need Serves a large population Cost must be beyond local fundraising capabilities Cost-effective Key Rules: Several clubs need to be involved (minimum 2-3) Local Lions must raise at least half of required local matching funds Application must be endorsed by district cabinet Project must have a strong Lions identity and Lions volunteer involvement
Ivar Knag, 12 Moss, Norway
“ Lions Quest is fun, and I’ve learned a lot. Absolutely, I will never use drugs after learning of the dangers from Lions Quest!” ~Ivar Knag ~ Lions Quest Student
Since 1984, 11 million youths have taken part in a Lions Quest classroom and more than 330,00 educators been trained to implement the programs. Lions Quest is active in over 46 countries and materials have been translated into 24 languages.
Core 4 Grants Narrower focus than Standard grants Supports special initiatives under the four primary service commitments of Lions: 1 to 2 funding priorities adopted under each of the 4 areas on a rotating basis Grants are given on a 3-to-1 matching basis in most instances (25% local funding) Preserving Sight Promoting Health Serving Youth Combating Disability
Current Core 4 Funding Priorities Preserving Sight Low Vision Projects Preschool Vision Screening Program (formerly Photoscreening) Combating Disability Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Partnership with Special Olympics “Opening Eyes” Promoting Health Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Serving Youth Lions Quest Program
Example of Lions Quest Core 4 Grant Financial Assistance- Core 4 Grants: - Initiate or expand programs - Commitment of MD/district funds - US$100,000 available to Multiple Districts - US$25,000 for sub-districts
International Assistance Grants (IAG) Smaller grants to support international twinning-type projects Need Lions club in at least 2 countries to partner (a sponsor and host club) Sponsor club/district raises some funding and applies for grant; host club helps implement Grants are between US$5,000 and US$30,000; grants US$10,000 and under reviewed continually 47 grants totaling US$673,695 in
Typical IAG Projects Eyeglass and medical missions Clean water and wells Equipment for Blind and Disability Rehab Centers Environmental Protection Rural Development
“It's very hard in some parts of Slovenia, and we are to get more heavy rain. People will be some months without any drinking and sanitary water; in lot of houses it's about half a meter of mud. I am in contact with one store that we can buy food and drinking water in their shops with some discount (about 30%), so money from LCIF will be well used. Thanks to all of our Lions friends and LCIF!” ~Lion Lorena Hus~ District 129 Received an Emergency Grant
Emergency Grants LCIF’s first-line response to disaster situations $10,000 available to districts affected by natural disasters 159 grants totaling US$1.6 million in Lions purchase supplies to meet immediate needs: food, water clothing, bedding medicines hygiene products
Regulations for Emergency Grants Disaster must be large in scope, displacing or affecting many people (100 or more) LCIF funds Lions-led relief activities Grant must be requested within days of disaster Funds must be spent within 60 days One grant per disaster
Hilario Chiapas, Mexico
Through SightFirst, Lions have provided 114 million Mectizan prescriptions to prevent river blindness.
Awarded US$211 million for 896 projects in 90 countries Provided 7.3 million cataract surgeries Prevented serious vision loss for 24 million Improved eye care services for hundreds of millions Provided 114 million treatments for river blindness Built or expanded 300 eye hospitals/clinics/wards Upgraded 337 eye centers with equipment Provided management training for 115 facilities Trained 345,000 ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, other professional eye care workers and village health workers Launched world's first-ever initiative to combat childhood blindness in partnership with the World Health Organization. Thirty pediatric eye care centers have been established. Overview of SightFirst Achievements
Blindness from trachoma and river blindness can be controlled as a public health concern within 10 to 15 years ½ of all children who need glasses do not have them Childhood blindness is increasing Many under-served regions still need your help to meet basic eye care needs to prevent millions from needless blindness Why a Second SightFirst Campaign?
Campaign SightFirst II Update US$158 million raised for CSFII “Year of CSFII” Minimum Goal is US$150 million Lions are now looking to the US$200 million challenge goal
Tips of the Trade Contact us before applying Submit application ASAP No funding for completed projects Background information on beneficiary organization Lions financial contributions and involvement Full contact information Multiple correspondence is possible Consult past international leadership
Tips of the Trade (cont’d) Clearly lay out the project’s objectives, including number of beneficiaries Fill out the application in its entirety Ensure all grant paperwork is signed by correct district leaders An income and expense budget is needed; the more income collected, the better What meets the higher humanitarian priorities of LCIF?
Melvin Jones Fellowships Did you know? MJF Donations support grant programs 70% of all LCIF donations MJF Donations cannot be restricted unless board authorized Recipient can be named later Partial payments possible - $100 min. Memorial MJFs 100% MJF Club Banner when all members become MJF NEW! Donate online
Melvin Jones Fellowships Did you know? 192 = total 100 percent Melvin Jones Fellow clubs 261,881 = total Melvin Jones Fellows 46,682 = total Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow
Contributing Memberships What to know? Annual Program New pin each year 3 Levels of Support Basic - US$20 Silver - US$50 Gold - US$100 Entire clubs can easily become LCIF Contributing Members – cost of a dinner out 100% clubs receive a club banner patch for that year Basic - US $20 Silver - US$50 (silver tab) Gold - US$100 (gold tab) *(not eligible for CSFII donations)*
New Way To Support Your Foundation: LCIF LEGACY PROGRAM LEGACY PROGRAM offers new “Planned Giving” options that allow you to support LCIF through estate plans and annuities…often with tax benefits. LCIF Charitable Gift Annuities give a guaranteed investment return for life, with the principle coming to LCIF upon death
How to Track Donation Activities? Each quarter, LCIF issues reports to each district governor and district LCIF chairperson showing: Donations processed during the past quarter from district Clubs in a district with available donations towards future Melvin Jones Fellows List of all Melvin Jones Fellows in district
Promote LCIF During Club Meetings Preparation: Check club’s donation history and any current balances toward next MJF and un-named MJFs Check Web site for new information to share with club Ideas to promote LCIF donation and pride in club PowerPoints, press releases and other promotional materials available free online For clubs with limited resources, challenge them to become a 100% contributing member club Educate the club about LCIF: Show the LCIF video or use materials from new LCIF CD Rom
LCIF Videos LCIF: Local Service, Global Impact Overview of LCIF's major initiatives with a special focus on SightFirst, Campaign SightFirst II and grants for humanitarian projects more local in scope. The Year of CSFII A look at what Lions have accomplished to date through SightFirst and why all Lions need to act now to save sight through CSFII. The Faces of SightFirst Personal stories of people around the world helped through SightFirst. **The videos can be viewed and ordered online. Available in all languages.
Need more info? Publications, Presentations & Reports Visit to download grant publications and other brochures; read current news releases and program Brochures in all official languages for reports on donations and grants by district Provide your address to receive the Chairperson’s electronic newsletter
LCIF Staff Can Help As you serve your local and world communities, LCIF staff is here to serve you.