Online support for people with gambling issues Dr Richard T. A. Wood GamRes Limited Responsible gaming research and consultancy
How does a forum work? Support rather than therapy Provides a text based opportunity to talk to others in similar situations Messages are posted so that others can respond Sub forums Archived Moderators Available online 24/7
Example Dealing with problems: Brian: Hi there, I recently gambled too much money and I’m worried that my gambling is getting out of control. I don’t know what to do or where to get some help. Emily: Hi Brian, there are many of us here who have been in your situation. I found that talking to others here really helped me to understand why I gambled so much. What/where do you gamble on? Steve: Welcome Brian, I had a problem for many years but recently things have been getting much better. Have you spoken to anyone about what has happened yet?
Do forums work? Evaluating UK gambling support forums (Wood, 2009) Study funded by The Responsibility in Gambling Trust (RiGT) Two national forums in the UK: GamCare & Gambling Therapy Three studies (content analysis, online survey, online interviews)
Typical content of forum for gambling issues (Wood, 2009) 8% Introduction by new forum member 10% Personal statement such as personal view of gambling and/or gambling operators 24% Requests help or advice, either specific question or general request 25% Personal story 37% Supportive statement from one member to another or to all members generally 38% Gives advice or information to another forum member Percentage present in posts (n=60) Category
Nationality of members N=126
Perceived benefits of the forum N=126
Help for a problem 1% 15% 2% 34% 32% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Help for someone else RecoveredExperiencing problem Male Female 1% 15% 2% 34% 32% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Help for someone else Previous Problem Experiencing problem Male Female
What members experiencing problems get out of the forum N=83
Other support services N=83
Interview themes Details of the benefits members received from the forums N=19 (10 male, 9 female)
Feeling less alone “As this is called the hidden addiction, talking to others and finding out you are not alone in this addiction has helped me so much. I feel their pain when I read their stories. We are from different walks of life, different countries, their story is my story..” (Helen, female) “It is vital as the wife of a compulsive gambler. I didn't know where to turn when I found out the extent of the problem/illness. When you find out, you feel a mixture of emotions and it helped me so much to find that my mixed up hurt and pain was shared by others and was 'normal'.” (Dancer, female)
Community support “Many life issues connect back to gambling which is why the diaries on here work so well. You can visit people you feel a little more connected to in their diary space and vice-versa.” (Bill, male) “You may not know them by face but a lot of times you get to know them better than their family do. You can feel their pain when they first post and being a gambler yourself your heart goes out to them.” (Marg, female)
Self discovery and insight “Posting gives me a real opportunity to 'see' what I am thinking. I often have difficulty in sorting out my thoughts if I am just 'thinking' them so by posting I can take my time to sort out my thoughts. Essentially, it’s very therapeutic for me.” (Bin, female) “Reading so many personal testimonies has changed my perception about my own relationship to gambling and allowed me to be more objective about my approach to recovery. I am very heartened and grateful for the sharing that takes place here.” (Bill, male)
Reminders (of how bad it can get) “Hearing others share THEIR stories is a deterrent...sharing MINE is healing.” (Jill, female) “Writing about my experience and how I actually felt after the latest binge was a lifesaver. Compulsive gamblers forget how they felt when at the bottom of each cycle of binging. Having a permanent record has been extremely helpful.” (New Me, male)
Resisting urges “When I have the urge to gamble I log on read the postings, and I feel like I have friends who understand and don't judge, and by the time I have done that the urge is gone.” (Mel, female)
Choices and the option to try different approaches and strategies “Perhaps in a way this site assesses your personality for free by offering lots of different types of motivation and lots of different types of suggestions and maybe that’s why it has helped me.” (One step, male)
Anonymity “Being anonymous, you can't get that anywhere else. People are a lot more honest here. Not that they lie in group meetings but you don't always feel comfortable when it’s live and in person.” (Bruce, male)
Convenience and accessibility “To some of us there is no other support available, the forum is all I have living in a rural area.” (Marg, female) “I am supported at anytime day and night and I don’t need babysitters.” (Sparky, female)
Overall benefits of forums Online gamblers and traditional gamblers Mobility, access, geographical issues Popular with women Stigma and those who have never sought help Filling the void Can be used in addition to other support Not just about problems (Cooper, 2004; Wood & Griffiths, 2007; Wood, 2009)
“Canada’s first national online support forum for gambling issues” Founding sponsorship provided by: Launched October 2008
What is GamTalk? A free 24/7 opportunity for people with gambling issues to support each other and exchange ideas A source of information Moderated and structured Run as a non-profit organization supported through donations An accessible service that can be linked to a gaming operators responsible gaming web pages
The story so far 230 members and 2 or 3 new members per day Approx 150 (different) people visit the forum every day Lurk before you leap “I actually was watching the site for about 2 weeks before I had the courage to post, and quit gambling the same day. I think a lot of people monitor the site without actually posting. That's usually about the time they are willing to admit to themselves that they have a problem.” (Anon)
Developing GamTalk Linking with other forums internationally Self help materials Alternative activities Member blogs “GamParle” a French language version Sponsor GamTalk?
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