XYZ Corporation 2015 United Way of Greenville County Campaign
We all want Greenville County to be a thriving community where everyone has the opportunity to live a safe, stable and successful life. Meeting immediate health and crisis needs is a critical first step, but a short-term fix is not enough.
Using your donations, we’re able to invest in strategies that support important milestones. These milestones are focused on long-term solutions and eliminate barriers, building a Cycle of Success that will strengthen our community for generations to come.
How can I contribute? a percentage of your salary Fair Share level is 1% of annual salary / one hour of pay per month wage Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records!
$____ per pay period any single dollar amount How can I contribute? Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records!
Palmetto Society ($1,000 or more) = ($20 per week) Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records! How can I contribute?
Special initiatives for further involvement: African American Leadership (AALG) Women’s Leadership Young Philanthropists (YP) YP 20s Director’s Circle $1,000 - $1,499 Leader’s Circle $1,500 - $2,499 Executive’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999 President’s Circle $5,000 - $7,499 Chairman’s Circle $7,500 - $9,999 Tocqueville Society $10,000 + Making a Difference United Way Palmetto Society - Leadership Giving LEVELS OF PALMETTO SOCIETY GIVING Donors who contribute $1,000 or more are recognized as members of the United Way Palmetto Society. These donors have opportunities throughout the year to attend networking and recognition events.
Turn in your card today and get the chance to win one of:
Contribute at the Fair Share level of and get the chance to win one of:
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United Way Support Services Whether you need help or want to volunteer. United Way Helpline that links callers with resources that assist with a variety of health and human service issues, including emergency assistance, counseling, adult education and so many more. United Way operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just dial for help. Or, you can also search for resources online at United Way Hands On Greenville Hands On Greenville offers opportunities for people to give back to the community through volunteering. There are opportunities available for everyone. Simply call or search online at