Miss Estevez’s 3rd Grade Class Welcome Parents!
About Mater Mater Academy earned it’s 12 th Consecutive “A”!!!! We are Title 1 Extra funding from the government Based on amount of students with Free or Reduced Lunch
Welcome to 4 th Grade! Welcome to our 4th grade classroom! Ms. Gilmore’s class is located in Room 212 Miss Estevez’s class is located in Room 216
All About Ms. Gilmore My background I was born and raised in Miami, Florida This is my sixth year as a teacher I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with ESOL Endorsement I am currently attending Graduate School for my Master’s in Educational Leadership.
All About Miss Estevez My background I was born and raised in Hialeah/Miami Lakes, Florida This is my fourth year as a teacher I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with ESOL Endorsement I will be returning to school this Spring to pursue my Master’s degree in Education.
Our Goals To give our students the academic and social skills they need to progress to 5 th grade. To provide our students with strategies to score well on the end of the year State Standardized test. To provide your child with a safe and secure environment and to make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Schedule Speci al Areas Monday: Spanish 2:00-3:00 Tuesday: Spanish 2:00-3:00 Wednesday: NONE Thursday: Art 2:00-3:00 Friday: Music 2:00-3:00 8:00-8:30 Bell Work Morning Procedures 8:30-9:00P.E. 9:00-10:40Reading/ Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, or Science 10:40- 11:10 Lunch 11:10-2:00Reading/ Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, or Science 2:00-3:00Math 2:45Bus Rider Dismissal 3:00-3:15Aftercare//Parent Pick Up Dismissal
Class Subjects The subjects Ms. Gilmore covers are: Reading Writing The subjects Miss Estevez covers are: Mathematics Science Social Studies
Reading We will become familiar with all the State Standardized Test tasks Main Idea, Author’s Purpose, Compare and Contrast, Vocabulary, Cause and Effect, Fact and Opinion, Sequencing, Fact and Detail, and Problem/ Solution We will read fiction and nonfiction text We will learn new vocabulary words to comprehend our stories better.
Writing Respond to readings/analytical writing Your child will write opinion and narrative essays. Does anyone know the difference?
Math, Science, and Social Studies We will demonstrate understanding of all benchmark skills required for 4 th grade. Students will learn place value into the decimal places, multiply multi-digit numbers, how to divide, and reducing fractions. Weekly labs will be conducted to facilitate students understanding of Science concepts. Students will learn all about Florida History.
Grading Scale K-12 Grades Numerical Value A % B 80-89% C 70-79% D F 0-59% I Incomplete 0 ZDid not turn in double 0 Grade Breakdown Tests50% Quizzes/Classwork 25% Projects15% Homework5% Technology5%
Spanish, Music & Art Miss Estevez’s Students: Spanish: Ms. Rojas Music: Mr. Odio Art: Ms. Paula P.E.: Coach White Ms. Gilmore’s Students: Spanish: Ms. Jimenez Music: Mr. Odio Art: Ms. Paula P.E.: Coach Borrell
Instructional Technology It is very important that your child have daily access to a computer with working internet. School is leaning more towards technology than paper based. Students must complete all of the assignments assigned per category on Reading Plus when Reading Plus begins. As of now, please do not have the students log on at home.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our classroom rules are: 1.Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. 2.Be a friend help and share with others. 3.Walk do not run, in or out of the classroom. 4.Listen carefully, respect your teacher and others when they are speaking. 5.Do not leave your seat without permission. 6.No negative comments, facial expressions, or reactions.
Rewards & Consequences Rewards Praise, candy, stickers, and special lunch. Consequences Loss of privileges, detention, parent conference, and referral.
Homework I assign homework everyday including WEEKENDS. Your child’s homework is due daily. If your child misses 3 homework assignments in a week, your child receive a detention. At the end of the week I will check the homework log from the week to give a completion grade.
Tardiness School starts at 8:30 a.m. If students aren’t in the classroom by the time the announcements begin, your child is considered tardy. If you are tardy 10 times, you will receive a referral.
Attendance It is VERY important that your child come to school everyday. If your child is absent, you need to bring a note from home or a doctor. After 3 unexcused absences, you will receive a referral. After 10 notes the rest need to be from a doctor in order for them to be excused. PLEASE try not be absent, important material is taught every day and the student gets behind when they miss.
Uniform Policy 3 rd -5 th Grade students must wear: Khaki Pants with the Mater Academy Logo on the back Gold Polo shirts with Hunter Green trim Belts that are all brown or black (shirts MUST be tucked in) Shoes that are closed all the way around, either all brown or black. Hair ties must be in the school colors: white, yellow, green, or hair color.
Volunteer Hours Parents must complete 30 volunteer hours with their child’s homeroom teacher. If you have more than one child you split the hours evenly between their teachers. Hours can be completed by volunteering for the school or teacher. Hours can be purchased through donations from the teacher’s Wish List. $1 = 1 hour
School Communication Parent Portal School Website ConnectEd Messages Teacher > Assistant Principal > Principal
Lunch Procedures Fill out application to see if you qualify for Free or Reduced lunch. Pay outstanding balances to Nancy in the Cafeteria.
Important Reminders Home Learning is an essential part of your child’s education, skills taught in the classroom are reinforced through homework activities. Homework is to be completed daily. All absences are marked unexcused until proper documentation is received. (i.e. parent or doctor’s note) After 3 unexcused absences, your child will receive a referral. 10 tardies result in a referral. Leaving early 5 times without a doctors note the next day will also result in a referral. A total of 30 volunteer hours per family should to be completed. These may be fulfilled at the school or through wish list donations. Please provide a receipt with your purchase.
Important Reminders We are a mandatory uniform school. Students must wear uniforms to school each day. Friday is Jean Day, students may bring in $1 to wear their jeans and Mater Academy t-shirt Students’ grades may be viewed through the Parent Portal at Early Release Days are now on Wednesday’s. We get out every Wednesday at 2pm.
School Website
Important Websites Reading Plus Reading Wonders (Reading Textbook/Resources) Think Central (Math Textbook/Resources) Pearson Success (Science Textbook/Resources) Gizmo’s (Online Science Labs)
How should you contact us? The best way is via Call the school: (305) and leave a message with the receptionist Send a note with your child
Let’s Have a Great Year! Any Questions?