Computer Networks CSE 434 Fall 2009 Sandeep K. S. Gupta Arizona State University Department of Computer Science The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology November 9, 1998 Hardware and software donations by Research Experience for Undergradautes (REU)
Course Description & Preq Incorrect: Distributed computing paradigms and technologies, distributed system architectures and design patterns, frameworks for development of distributed software components. Correct: The ISO/OSI reference model; applications (HTTP, FTP, e-mail, security); connectionless and connection-oriented transport; multihop routing; internetworking; error handling; flow control; medium access control; physical layer basics; data compression; network reliability; fundamentals of cryptography. Basically the course is about fundamental concepts in computer networking with focus on the Internet Preq: Computer Organization and Architecture (CSE230/330); Knowledge of Data structures, Graph Algorithms, and Operating Systems is desirable.
Computer Network? Internet? “A computer network is a group of interconnected computers” – Wikipedia “The Internet is a standardized, global system of interconnected computer networks that connects millions of people” - Wikipedia
Routes thru portion of the Internet
Course Goals To get insights into the technological trends computer networking technologies including Internet and wireless and mobile networks. To identify (new) applications and paradigms that these technologies enable To understand emerging scientific and engineering challenges in that area To provide application development expertise for network-based applications
Course Goals - Indirect To get you a high-paying job To enrich you with new ideas To train you in systems-oriented thinking To prepare you for research/profession in computer networking
That is … CSE434 Goal 1 “To get insights into the technological trends computer networking technologies including Internet and wireless and mobile networks.” what is Internet, its architecture? Understand protocols and services such as TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP. How do mobile networks work? Reasons for network convergence What is net neutrality and why it is important How to design and evaluate network performance?
That is … CSE434 Goal 2 “To identify (new) applications and paradigms that these technologies enable” Existing and emerging applications FTP, WWW Internet Telephony P2P Social networking Future Applications Internet-enabled automobiles Remote Surgery 8
That is … (Cont.) CSE434 Goal 3 “To identify (emerging) scientific and engineering challenges in that area” Retain Open Architecture Quality of Service Convergence Scalability Internet of Things
That is … (Cont.) CSE 434 Goal 4: “To provide application development expertise for networking protocols and network based applications” Socket Programming Distributed Client-Server Programming Wireless Sensor Networking Mobile computing
Course/Reference Book(s) + Material “Computer Networking”, Kurose & Ross, Addison Wesley, Fifth ed. Fourth and Third editions will mostly work. Links for materials from other sources will be provided
Course Mechanics Homeworks+Exams+Quizzes Quizzes – many will be un-announced Exams – one mid-term Homeworks – may involve programming In-class and online discussion Term Project Group or Self-defined (with help of instructor) Involves design and implementation Term Project presentation and demo Presentation, Demo, critiquing, summary
Class Cyberpresence class assignments Solutions Slides reference material Visit regularly for latest information
What can you expect from this course? Lots of in-class/ on-line interaction Interesting and challenging assignments and exam questions Reading technical papers and magazine articles Technical Writing – critiquing, summarizing Help/Tutorials by instructor on difficult material And lot more!
Contacting me Instructor Email: Office: BY 522 Subject line: CSE434Fall09 Office: BY 522 Phone: 5-3806 Office Hours: M-W 3:15 – 4:45pm Call me || come to my office hrs || Set up an appointment
Contacting TA: Instructor Email: Office: BY 517 Subject line: CSE434Fall09 Office: BY 517 Phone: 5-2794 Office Hours: T, Th 10:30 -noon Call her || come to her office hrs || Set up an appointment
Index Card with your Photo Full Name Short Name – to be called by in class Photo Information you want me to know about you in brief bulleted form: I like …. I am taking this class because I want an A+ grade in the class
What do I do when I am not teaching?
Pervasive Health Monitoring Criticality Aware-Systems IMPACT: Research Use-inspired research in pervasive computing & wireless sensor networking Goal: Protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks Features: Energy efficiency Increased lifetime Data aggregation Localization Caching Multicasting Sponsor: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Goal: Increasing computing capacity for datacenters Energy efficiency Features: Online thermal evaluation Thermal Aware Scheduling Sponsor: Thermal Management for Data Centers Goal: Protect people’s identity & consumer computing from viral threats Features: PKI based Non-tamperable, non-programmable personal authenticator Hardware and VM based trust management Sponsor: ID Assurance Pervasive Health Monitoring Criticality Aware-Systems Intelligent Container Goal: Pervasive Health monitoring Evaluation of medical applications Features: Secure, Dependable and Reliable data collection, storage and communication Sponsor: Goal: Evaluation of crisis response management Features: Theoretical model Performance evaluation Access control for crisis management Sponsor: Goal: Container Monitoring for Homeland Security Dynamic Supply Chain Management Features: Integration of RFID and environmental sensors Energy management Communication security Sponsor: Medical Devices, Mobile Pervasive Embedded Sensor Networks BOOK: Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Dec. 2004
What’s Next? Next Class: Internet History and Future! Start reading: Chapter 1 Join Class Google Group Email: