Welcome to Mrs. Sisock’s Second Grade Class in Room B105
Welcome Parents: On the index card on your child’s desk please write –Your child’s name –Your name –Your home phone number and cell phone number –Your address if you have one –Anything else you would like me to know about your child. –Hand it in at the end of the night
Paper Work Check Bus Slips – If anything is incorrect fix it with the office before you leave tonight. Classroom Distribution List (blue paper) –Please fill out tonight and hand in at the end of the night.
Mrs. Sisock This is my 8 th year teaching 2 nd grade at Bermudian Springs. I graduated from Shippensburg. I live in Dillsburg with my husband and our Brittany Spaniel named Jasmine. I have a niece and nephew that I adore that live in Virginia.
Curriculum Subjects taught: reading, spelling, English, writing, math, handwriting, science, and social studies We have a new series that we are using in reading called “Wonders”. This will include reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. We are using an updated “Everyday Math” which is aligned to the Common Core Standards. There is an internet and Ipad piece to it that I will send home more information on as it comes available.
Reading and Math We will be following the “Wonders” and new “Everyday Math” series. Parent letters will be sent home at the start of a new unit. Four units: Matter, Sun and Moon, Plants, Animals/Habitats Students will be graded on activities and worksheets completed during class time as well as quizzes. Science
Spelling We will be using the lists that come with the “Wonders” series. Students will be given a pretest and given challenge words if they score well on the pretest. The spelling words follow a pattern and include some high frequency words Tests will be every Friday. Children will be working on print and cursive throughout the year. Handwriting
Social Studies Students will learn about communities, government, geography, and history. Reviews will be sent home to complete as homework and checked at school Review questions will be found in the book and answers will be written on a worksheet.
Report Card and Grading Assignments and tests will be given a 1, 2, 3, or 4 instead of a percentage or letter grade. Please keep in mind that 3 is where students should be achieving. They will only receive a four if they are consistently completing assignments and tests a grade level above. All subjects will be graded this way except for specials (art, library, music, and gym)
Homework Homework folders – go home every night, returned every day -Anything your child needs to do (or you need to return) will be in the “Return” pocket; items in the “Keep” pocket stay at home. Please check the folders each night. -Math homelinks will go home almost every night -A reading log will be sent home on Fridays and should be returned the following Friday signed with reading documented. There will be a weekly minute goal not nightly. -Spelling homework will be assigned Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
3 Strike Homework Policy I keep track of homework and it is very important that your child keeps up with their homework. I understand emergencies come up and it doesn’t get done. Please send me a note. Students get 3 strikes and then stay in from recess to do their work.
Discipline System Class Dojo –This is a behavior management app that is available and is also web based. – In addition I do use a card system Cards: –Green – Good where everyone starts –Yellow – Needed a warning –Orange – Lose 5 minutes of recess –Red – Lose a whole recess and get a note home
Jungle Theme This year we have a Jungle/Safari Theme –A tiger was adopted in the name of this class. –Goal: to help students understand the reality of endangered species –At the end of the year we do jungle themed activities!
Student of the Week TOP CAT OF THE WEEK Every student will get one turn. They will fill out the poster. It is a way for kids to get to know each other. The TOP CAT will also get to be in charge of the stuffed tiger for the week. Core Kid lunches –Wear the color of the month Consists of several lessons each month discussing the monthly character trait Core Essentials
Class Website Sisock.wikispaces.com –Here you can find each night’s homework, upcoming events, weekly newsletters, resources and more. –I also include pictures of the students in different activities. A permission slip will be sent home asking permission to put your child’s picture on the website.
Snacks and Treats I do allow for a snack time in class after last recess, but I do not provide the snacks so donations are greatly appreciated. Birthday Treats are also fine, but please let me know ahead of time if you will be sending something in and when.
Book Orders You can order online using the code H44KW Checks only payable to Scholastic Book Clubs
Parent Volunteers Parent volunteers are welcome. –Volunteers: read with students, do learning centers, staple, paper cutting, etc. Please indicate your interest and availability on the back of your index card. Please indicate your interest even if you can only volunteer sporadically.
Important Information For the first week bring in the following: –4 quarters –10 dimesin a marked bag or –10 nickelsenvelope –15 pennies –An old clean sock to clean white boards Other items to consider: –Pencils, dry erase markers, washable markers
Papers on the Kidney Table Birthday invitation sign up list Helping Hands
Or contact me at the school’s number my extension is 4205 Thank you for coming. I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year. Have a great night!