No 9 10 th February 2010 Dear Parents/ Carers Here we are at the end of another busy half term. The children and staff have worked hard and so I think they all deserve a rest! It is also nice to report on what our children achieve in their leisure time so I thought it would be interesting to report these to our school community. Jack Jack in Year 1 is now the proud owner of his white/yellow belt in martial arts. He belongs to a group called the Little Ninjas and he enjoys learning about a range of martial arts disciplines including karate. He took his grading before Christmas and he is now working towards his next goal. Well done Jack and keep working hard. Grace Grace in Year four was the Coventry City mascot and she had a wonderful time. I saw her on television and nearly fell off my seat! Grace attends training sessions for the under tens at the city academy. Well done Grace you might be the next England women’s captain. IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:- February Thursday 11 th Non Uniform day Friday 12 th Teacher Day w/c Mon 15 th Half Term Wednesday 24 th 3.45 – 5.30pmMovie & Munchie night organised by the PTA Thursday 25 th 3.45 – 5.30pmMovie & Munchie night organised by the PTA Friday 26 th Final Session Y6 Cycling School restarts on Monday 22 nd February Class Assemblies Thursday 4 th MarchY3/4B Thursday 11 th MarchY3/4R Thursday 18 th MarchY5/6E Non Uniform We are holding a non uniform day on Thursday 11 th February in support of our local charity, Mercia MS Therapy Centre. If you would like to participate in the non uniform day please send in 50p with your child. Thank you. Cakes will be supplied by the MS Centre through Claire Jenkinson, Darren's Mum is also baking some of them! Cost 10p each.
Yours sincerely Mrs N A Starritt Head Teacher Lunchboxes The lunchtime staff have noticed that an increasing number of children are trying and sometimes succeeding to throw their lunch in the bin. We are encouraging all the children to take home uneaten items especially those they don’t like so that you know how much they actually are eating. Some children are particularly slow to eat and we are now setting a time limit for eating so that individuals do get time to play. Some of the younger children are eating for an hour! Attendance Well done to all for their increased attendance. The trophy has so far been won by Reception, Year 2,Year 5/6 W, 3/4R. We have some great prizes for 100% attendance so keep up the good work. Donations to the school A big thanks to Mr and Mrs McLaren for saving my life! Our water heater broke down and without their morning coffee the staff here are dreadful! Mr McLaren negotiated a good deal for us and fitted the new heater for free. He really did save my bacon! A big thank you also to Wendy Hoffman for her monthly contribution to school fund. It is much appreciated and always gets used on the children. Science Week Mrs Evans has some great activities lined up for Science Week during the week beginning 14th June. Our Chair of Governors has also arranged for some environmental activities to take place. If you are keen on science and have any contacts that might interest the children please contact Mrs Evans here at school. MSN/ Facebook We have spoken to the older children about the use of the Internet and about the risks associated with its use. It is clearly a very useful and educational tool and it provides us all with a limitless amount of information. However there are occasions where inappropriate conversations can take place both with friends at school and those who the children may meet online. Please be vigilant and keep a check on what your child is accessing. I have reminded staff that they must not chat with pupils online as some children have been asking staff to do so. Have a lovely half term. We all return to school on Monday 22nd February Happy Birthday to all our children who celebrate their birthday during February Reception -. Joseph, Benjamin B, Ben L, Year 1 – Ellie-Mae, Ronan, Year 2 – Zach, Ben H, Milly Year 3/4B – JJ, Kieron, Year 3/4R – Emily G, Year 5/6E – Karly, Sam, Ellie, Daniel YF, Year 5/6W – Nathan, Matthew S, Charleigh, Daniel, Maya, Sten