Mrs. Farrington& Ms. Garrastazu Welcome, parents!
Parent Involvement Parent Pin / Student ID Bookmark
Our Goals To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to fifth grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment.
Attendance * One of the most important things you can do for your child is to be sure that he/she is in school each day and on time. * If your child is absent, it is required that you send a letter to the teacher stating whey he/she was absent within 3 days. * 5 unexcused or excused absences, parents will be contacted and have to attend a meeting with administration to discuss the absences.
Behavior Our classroom behavior plan consists of rules that the students can understand, consequences when rules are broke, and rewards when rules are followed. * Each student starts on A every day. If a rule is broken they are asked to change their pin to the next grade. * If student receives a conduct grade lower than a C parent will be contacted with a red alert, note, , or phone call home.
Grading Scale * Students receive grades for all subjects every week. *Weekly grades are not only based on tests but also on class work. *The effort number reflected on their report card is based on class participation, home learning and work neatness. * The following is the grade scale: % A % B % C % D % F
Reading I will be targeting reading skills that will help your child understand what they are reading and how they can better comprehend their reading. This is done through several different ways which include: Text Book reading/ Homework/Classwork Workbook Reading Plus Success Maker Reading Small Group Instruction Library Visits
Reading Cont… It is encouraged that your child reads at home every night!
Reading Plus Reading Plus will be assigned for home learning at least 3 nights a week, 30 minutes per each session. If you do not have internet access, it can be accessed at a public library and also our school library.(Opened-Wednesday’s from 2:00pm-6:00pm) Reading Plus can be accessed directly through your child's student portal.
Writing Your child will be learning two types of writing which include: Narrative and Expository Writing. There are many ways in which I will prepare your child to excel in writing and prepare for the FCAT Writes. These include: In-class instruction as well as reinforcement through Home Learning assignments. In-Class Essays One-on-One meetings to review/revise essays Writing Centers
Homework * Home Learning is designed to facilitate your child's learning. It reflects what has been taught that day in class. *Home Learning is assigned and checked daily. *Each student will be expected to write his or her home learning in their agenda everyday.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Be prepared for class. Respect others. Raise your hand to speak. Always try your best!
PTA Membership Show support and join the PTA!!! Membership Highlights Career Day End of Year Celebration Reading Under the Stars
Math Textbook online (parent portal) Homework Workbook
Science/Writing Textbook online (parent portal) In class experiments
Parents, Please Turn In… Open House Parent Survey Title 1 Form
Donations Hand sanitizer Anti bacterial soap Baby wipes Tissue Paper Treats Copy Paper
Let’s Have a Great Year!