Basic Math Pre-Algebra Algebra Room 60
All about me… Born and raised in Springville (Yes, I had classes from some of the teachers still here) Graduate of BYU Fourth Year of Teaching Speak Bulgarian Game Fanatic Smile even if you don’t love math as I do
Together Everyone Achieves More A coach isn’t successful without a team, nor is a team successful without a coach. They can only be successful together by following the rules of the game. So what are the rules of the game?
1. Be Prepared. Math Book Pencil/Pen Pencil is suggested, but not required Math Notebook Paper Assignment Calculator
2. Stay in your assigned seat.
3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Don’t interrupt others (teacher and students) Don’t be afraid to ask
4. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.
5. Always try and do your best. Ask questions Help others Work all period Don’t Cheat
Consequences Verbal Warnings Moving or Removal of Student South Pole Night School Writing Assignment Phone Call Home Skill Building Contract Created
Rewards Praise Positive Notes or Phone Calls Home Stickers/Stamps High Five/Smile In-class Work Time Shortened Assignments Activity Days Less work over weekends Weekly drawings Story Time Happy Teacher Enjoyable Class Great Learning Atmosphere Deeper Understanding of Math Good Grades Various Other Ways