MEASUREMENT Teachers, click here and read me first! The Metric march Using a full sheet of paper, make five dots arranged in the “M” pattern seen below: Start.. Finish
MEASUREMENT The Metric measurement march First, predict where along the “m” pathway will you be at the end of the game. Will you have your entire “M” drawn? Or perhaps will you only be halfway into your M? the winners of the game are those who come closest to their actual prediction, and not those who complete the “M”. Your teacher will now ask you questions. For example, If you rode your bike to school today, go 5 mm. You will then estimate 5mm along the line from start toward number 2. Using a colored pencil, make a mark at that estimated spot. Now take a ruler and measure 5mm and make a mark with your lead pencil. The game continues until all questions are asked. Good luck!
MEASUREMENT Inch Your Way to Measurement 1. What is the average of all boys' smiles? 2. What is the average of all girls' smiles? 3. Who is the tallest person in our class? 4. Who is the shortest person in our class? 5. Find the difference between the tallest and shortest person in our class. Read me first! MORE QUESTIONS
MEASUREMENT Inch Your Way to Measurement 6. How tall are _______ and ________ when added together? 7. Find the difference between your height and your foot. 8. Find the difference between the widest class smile and the shortest class smile. 9. What size foot is most common in our class? 10. Do you think that a bigger smile means that person is happier? Why or why not?
Estimate the number of times you can write your first and last name in one minute. Write your estimate in your math journal. Click the timer button to begin the timer CLICK TO BEGIN TIMER ESTIMATION
Time’s Up!
HOW MANY INCHES TALL DO YOU THINK YOUR TEACHER IS? Write your estimate in your Math Journal and then measure his/her height!
MEASUREMENT THAT’S ALL FOLKS! HOPE YOU ENJOYED OUR ACTIVITIES. Inch-by-inch you’re measuring up to math!
TEACHERS We have included buttons on this page that will get you to each section of skills. Just click on the button and it will take you directly to the first page of the section. The last page of each skill section will bring you back to this page. Just click on the little house button. PATTERNS GRAPHING GEOMETRY FRACTIONS measurement PROBLEM DECIMALS SOLVING
MEASUREMENT Inch Your Way to Measurement This activity will involve students by having them measure their feet, smiles and height. Clarify whether the students are to use metric or standard measurements. With a partner, students should take turns tracing each others foot on a piece of construction paper. Each student should then measure the length of their own foot. Have students record this information in their math journal. Next, students will hold a piece of string up to their widest smile and then cut the string to the smiles length. After measuring the length of the string, students should record this in their math journal. Next page please
MEASUREMENT Inch Your Way to Measurement Using four or five long pieces of butcher paper taped to walls, have small groups of students mark off each others height with a small tick mark and their abbreviations. (You can use the other side of this paper for making class graphs) Each student should then measure their own height in the desired units. Generate a class graph of each of the three measurements. Students may record the information with an individual graph at their own seats if you desire. After the graphs are complete, students should answer questions about the data in their math journals. It's always best to have the students come up with the questions on their own, then combine all group questions for the class to answer.
MEASUREMENT *Metric March- There are three slides for this activity. This activity encourages children to feel comfortable with the units millimeter and centimeter on a ruler. As the students answer teacher-initiated questions about everyday activities, they estimate the distance given by the teacher and mark with a red pencil, then they measure with their rulers and compete with others in class to complete an M first. Next page please
MEASUREMENT *Metric March: Using a full sheet of paper, make five dots arranged in the M pattern seen below: Start.. finish Tell the students that they will be able to move the amount in centimeters or millimeters that you as their teacher decide depending on their answers to certain questions. For example, If you rode your bike to school today, go 5 mm. If you got to school any other way, move 1 cm. The students would then draw a red dot on the path, estimating the distance, then use a regular & ruler to measure and draw the actual length. Next page please
MEASUREMENT *Metric March: Before beginning the game, ask students to predict in yellow crayon where they will end up when the game is over. Will they have their entire M drawn? Or perhaps will they only be halfway into their M? Students should know that the winners of the game are those who come closest to their actual prediction, and not those who complete the M. (Unless you decide to change the rules)