1 Internal Displacement A Global Environmenal Health Challenge Reference: Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2007 (98 pages)
A Global Issue
3 UN Definition UN Definition “Persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognised State border.”
4 Comparison: The Refugee and IDP Refugees Have crossed an international border; Have crossed an international border; Have lost the protection of their own country; Have lost the protection of their own country; Have a special status under international law. Have a special status under international law.IDPs Are displaced within their own country; Are displaced within their own country; Causes of flight: violence, war, human rights violations, disasters; Causes of flight: violence, war, human rights violations, disasters; Country still in charge of their protection; Country still in charge of their protection; Do not have a special status under international law but should enjoy same rights as other citizens. Do not have a special status under international law but should enjoy same rights as other citizens.
5 Issues of Concern 26 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) seeking shelter after being forced from their homes. 26 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) seeking shelter after being forced from their homes. 9.3 million in 10 countries whose governments are indifferent or hostile to their protection needs 9.3 million in 10 countries whose governments are indifferent or hostile to their protection needs 2.7 million IDPs in Europe 2.7 million IDPs in Europe A great many denied physical security and integrity, basic necessities of life, economic, social and cultural needs and living under environmental conditions destructive to human health A great many denied physical security and integrity, basic necessities of life, economic, social and cultural needs and living under environmental conditions destructive to human health From iDMC 2008 Report: Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2007 From iDMC 2008 Report: Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2007
6 IDPs outnumber Refugees 25 million 13.2 million million 16 million million 14 million million 9 million 1970IDPsRefugeesYear Sources: UNHCR website for refugee figures and NRC/Global IDP Project for IDP figures
7 2007
8 Internal Displacement Overview for 2007 Conflict-related IDPs Worldwide Conflict-related IDPs Worldwide 26 Million 26 Million Most affected continent – Africa Most affected continent – Africa 12.7m in 19 countries 12.7m in 19 countries IDPs in Europe IDPs in Europe 2.7 million in 10 countries 2.7 million in 10 countries IDPs faced with governments indifferent or hostile to their protection needs – IDPs faced with governments indifferent or hostile to their protection needs – 9.3 million in at least 10 countries Source: Norwegian Refugee Council Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
9 European Region
10 Conflict Related IDPs in Europe Total: 2,691,390 Armenia11,000 Azerbaijan690,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina132,000 Croatia3,200 Cyprus210,000 Georgia 1 233,000 Macedonia790 Russian Federation 2 89,000 Serbia247,000 Turkey 1,075,000 Internal Displacement in Europe in 2007
11 Kosovo
12 Conflict-related IDPs December 2007 Countries affected – at least 52 Countries affected – at least Countries where most IDPs 10 Countries where most IDPs were exposed to serious threats to security & integrity were exposed to serious threats to security & integrity faced obstacles to access the basic necessities of life faced obstacles to access the basic necessities of life 21 Countries with Govs or occupation forces involved in deliberately displacing people 21 Countries with Govs or occupation forces involved in deliberately displacing people IDPs IDPs without any significant humanitarian assistance from their governments million in at least 13 countries without any significant humanitarian assistance from their governments million in at least 13 countries faced with governments indifferent or hostile to their protection needs- 9.3 million in at least 10 countries faced with governments indifferent or hostile to their protection needs- 9.3 million in at least 10 countries
United Nations World Summit 2005 State Sovereignty Duties & Responsibilities to Protect its own People World Community International Responsibility to Protect against state-sponsored or state tolerated atrocities Denial of EH Conditions Supportive of Life - Crime Against Humanity -
14 Human Right Council (HRC) Universal Periodic Review Universal Periodic Review NGO Input NGO Input HRC Advisory Committee – 18 Experts HRC Advisory Committee – 18 Experts Thematic Special Procedures Thematic Special Procedures Provide Advice & Research to Council Provide Advice & Research to Council Establish Interaction with Establish Interaction with States, National HR Institutions, NGOs States, National HR Institutions, NGOs Confidential Complaint Procedure Confidential Complaint Procedure Gross and reliably-attested violations Gross and reliably-attested violations
15 Internal Displacement Deng Principles Deng Principles
16 International Court of Justice Primary Judicial Organ of UN Primary Judicial Organ of UN Established 1945; Established 1945; Began Work 1946 Began Work 1946 War Crimes; War Crimes; Illegal State Interference; Illegal State Interference; Ethnic Cleansing Ethnic Cleansing International Criminal Court International Criminal Court Began Operating 2002 Began Operating 2002 Most Serious Crimes under Most Serious Crimes under International Law War Crimes & Genocide War Crimes & Genocide
17 Environmental Health Sustainability Develop pattern of human relationships informed by - Develop pattern of human relationships informed by - pattern disclosed in nature pattern disclosed in nature Relationships between Relationships between Individuals families, representative bodies and State AND Individuals families, representative bodies and State AND the community of the whole family off humankind the community of the whole family off humankind Based on Based on environmental health ‘science’, and environmental health ‘science’, and International Principles of Human Justice International Principles of Human Justice
18 HEALING CYCLE Bone Break Earthquake Blood Flow Communication Damage Response Tsunami Communication Damage Response Cells with Genetic Code Act Humans with Caring imprint Act Healing Process
19 Sylvia Cloutier, Nunavut, Canada, 2 nd from right; bones healed