Chapter 8 Support Functions 1-
Introduction Fire department operations can be divided into several areas, which can be further divided into those that are incident focused and those that are not Not all personnel who work for the fire department respond to incidents Without support functions, personnel in the fire stations would not have the equipment, training, and facilities they need to perform Support personnel do not engage in firefighting 1-
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities DISPATCH Receives requests for emergency services Alerts the station crew Police may dispatch fire personnel in small department Volunteers are issued pagers Dispatcher may be firefighter or civilian
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities EXPANDED DISPATCH Beyond immediate capabilities of dispatch center Large or complex incidents Some departments have mobile command post Allows regular dispatcher to be undisturbed Radio traffic switched to a designated channel
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities GEOGRAPHIC AREA COORDINATION CENTER (GACC) Expanded dispatch center Used by federal wildland firefighting agencies Numerous resources respond quickly and efficiently Closest available resource can be dispatched in region Necessary to track availability
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities ALARM BOXES Before 9-1-1, fire alarm box was common EMS TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS Dispatcher can ask about exact problems May train in emergency medical dispatch
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities LANGUAGE-BARRIER ISSUES Many people in the community do not speak English May not be able to translate for them PRIVATE ALARM COMPANIES Alarm is received then fire department is contacted Departments may charge after several false alarms
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities LOOKOUTS Used to report fires in forest areas Early lookout towers: 75 feet high on metal legs Employee stayed in tower morning to dusk Modern lookouts include living quarters Two or three lookouts can give an accurate location
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities MAPS Departments need updated maps on a regular basis New streets added Property ownership Vacant lots Determine acreage burned
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) Maps entered into a computer Tied to databases with required information GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) Can map a fire quickly and easily Helps determine share of jurisdiction’s suppression costs
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONTROL UNIT Ensures compliance with legal and code requirements Maintains business plans and material inventories Can send information to the field Right to Know laws Require filing business plan and inventories
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities INVESTIGATION UNIT Arson Arson bureau Under fire prevention chief or its own unit Arson investigators Cost recovery
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities PERSONNEL Personnel clerk Jurisdiction-wide personnel department Personnel analyst may write job descriptions Involved with active recruiting of prospective firefighters
The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities Learning Objectives 1 through 3 Support Functions The Need, Duties, and Responsibilities INFORMATION SYSTEMS Department manages many types of information Information systems bureau developed Data management personnel Systems analyst maintains the computer operating system for the department
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions BUSINESS MANAGER Usually a civilian position with financial expertise Prepares final budget Tracks all expenditures Versed in laws that govern the fire department Day-to-day accounting activities
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions FIRE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Contracts signed for use of privately owned equipment Contracts for vendors at an incident Helicopters, air tankers, water tenders Equipment time recorders Check-in personnel
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions TECHNICAL SUPPORT Legal services Investigative technical support National Weather Service Hazardous materials Emergency medical services
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions WAREHOUSE/CENTRAL STORES Items needed on regular basis Central receiving facility May make repairs SCBA repair technician
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions U.S. FOREST SERVICE Warehouse at each ranger district headquarters Supplies needs of all personnel Cache of fire tools must be maintained After fire season, staff maintains equipment Plants trees and works on other projects
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions REPAIR GARAGE Civilian employees Specialized knowledge of fire pumps RADIO SHOP Radio technicians install and maintain all radio equipment
Managerial and Technical Support Functions Learning Objective 4 Managerial and Technical Support Functions ADJUTANT/AIDE Assigned to assist chief officer Performs requests made by the fire chief Opportunity to learn more about the department Can help prepare for a promotion
Summary Must be able to receive calls for service and dispatch To control hazardous materials in the jurisdiction, the hazardous materials control unit is set up Responsibility of fire department to investigate all fires Fire department needs to hire, retain, and provide benefits to its personnel Provision of supplies and repair of vehicles is a necessity Fire department requires specialized technical support 1-