Jeopardy Start Click the Start button to go to the Category Board and begin the game. On the Category Board, click the button of your choice to select your question. On each question card, click the button with the answer you wish to select. After you select your response, the game will let you know if you are correct. Clicking the Next button on your response screen will take you back to the Category Board to continue playing. After you select a button on the Category Board, it will disappear from the board. You only have one attempt to respond to each question in this game.
Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400
Write a problem or question for the $100 level. incorrect response correct response incorrect response
Write a problem or question for the $200 level. incorrect response correct response incorrect response
Write a problem or question for the $300 level. incorrect response correct response incorrect response
Write a problem or question for the $400 level. incorrect response correct response incorrect response
Write a problem or question for the $100 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $200 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $300 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $400 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $100 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $200 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $300 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $400 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $100 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $200 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $300 level. incorrect response correct response
Write a problem or question for the $400 level. incorrect response correct response