Cities that Care, Cities that SHARE The SHARE Project Co-financed by the European Commission a european resettlement network for cities and regions
Co-financed by the European Commission Lead SHARE city SHARE PARTNERS… European networks & institutions Partner cities CréteilMünchen International organisations National networks National NGOs
Co-financed by the European Commission Sheffield Paris Créteil Bradford Aachen Hull Munich Greater Manchester SHARE Partner Cities & Regions Bonn Dusseldorf Bzenec Krefeld Tampere Oulu Utrecht Gavleborg Sittard Geleen Bollnäs Nantes Faxe Bavaria Jyvaskyla Ommen Loures Lyon Grand Lyon Lisbon Rovaniemi Carlow County Faaborg-Midtfyn Sandviken Vasterbotten Ovanåker Genoa Rome Vienna The Hague Alesund Nuremburg Ljusdal Norsjo Limburg Groningen Podebrady Schleswig Holstein … Growing SHARE Network THE SHARE NETWORK… 13 countries …
Co-financed by the European Commission THE SHARE PROJECT… - Network building - City Exchange Visit Programme - Housing - Humanitarian cities & welcoming communities - Local profile in the national & European contexts
Co-financed by the European Commission DATEMEMBER STATEDELEGATION OctoberNorth Rhine-Westphalia regionAachen, Dusseldorf, ‘Save Me’ FebruarySpecialist Media Visit12 delegates - NGO Press Officers & journalists (5 Member States & EU-level) MarchSwedenGävelborg, Västerbotten & Jämtland AprilCity of MunichGreen Party, city refugee services, ‘Save Me’ & Diakonie MayFinlandTampere, Oulu & Finnish Red Cross JuneCzech RepublicKutna Hora, Bzenec & Podebrady; Burma Centre Prague 4-5 JulyAustria & PolandVienna, Steyr, Lublin, Austrian Red Cross & Caritas Poland 5-6 SeptemberBelgium & the NetherlandsUniversity Assistance Foundation, Dutch Refugee Council, Sittard Geleen, Caritas International (BE)… 2013 EXCHANGE VISIT PROGRAMME… Hosted by the city of Sheffield:
Co-financed by the European Commission CITY EXCHANGE VISIT PROGRAMME…
Co-financed by the European Commission WHAT WE KNOW… - European cities face common challenges - Housing is often the most concrete expression of a city's commitment to protection - Locally specific 'selling' of resettlement and effective integration - Cities as advocates - Importance of coordination & civil society partnerships at local and regional levels - Peer exchange builds capacity