Math Enabler By: The Flying Pandas For kids & By Kids
Steps 2 success “a math board game” Steps 2 success “a math board game” Our Goal: How to improve Math… Share ‘n’ Challenge is a online game that is educational & fun. Flying Pandas tries to make use of latest technology like internet, iOS & Android device to make the Math more intersting Twist the number is a toy used by parent & childrens Flying Pandas build a toy for elimentary kids who learn add, subtraction, multiplication & division. Steps2Success is a board game that is educational & fun. Flying Pandas approach board games, so they are perfect for kids who struggle in math, and will make them smile at the next pop quiz. Share ‘n’ Challenge “a online game” Share ‘n’ Challenge “a online game” Twist the number ”a math toy” Twist the number ”a math toy”
Steps 2 Success 7 players at a time Basic Rules to play Open Steps 2 success for desired math unit (different mat each player) Place all pieces at start Roll dice by taking turns Play begins with the person who rolls the highest number 1 st player rolls dice Move # of spaces on the dice Solve the problem in the square Next person’s turn. Repeat Benefits: 1: You can learn MATH in a fun way. 2: You learn while competing - Coopertition 3: Working in teams 4: You can learn the basic patterns 5: Improve social skills while in a minute gameScoring Accumulation of points: Every correct question = 1 point Answer wrong = -1/2 point Peek at how to solve = -1/2 point Peek at answer = -1 point Rules: 1: When you get one wrong, just try again. It costs only ½ a point per mistake ! 2: NO CHEATING! Flying Pandas are watching you… 3: Do not violate Rule 2! (ha ha…Is it really a rule?)
Are you sure it’s only $ 14.99! Mom: Julia,carl do you want to to buy a NEW Board game! What do you want?? Julia: Mom, can we please get Twister, I played it at my friend’s house Mom: Sure!! Just check with carl Carl : No way! We are getting Monopoly! Julia : Twister Carl : Monopoly Julia: TWISTER!!! Mom: GETTING BOARD Games are so HARD! Mom: What other board games like this exist and how much do they cost? Julia: I don’t know….. Mom: Julia, Carl, do you want to buy a new board game! What do you want?? Julia: I want… Carl: Me wants.. Both: STEPS 2 SUCCESS! Mom: What!! You guys want the same board game??!! When did getting board games become so easy? And You guys actually want to get a MATH... educational board game! I am in mom heaven!! Mom: What other board games like this exist and how much do they cost? Julia: Square by Square for $15, Blokus $30 Scramblitz $20, GeoGems Poly Real-Life Scenario
Steps 2 Success: Cost vs. Margin Box Cost$0.88 Box Printing Cost$0.15 Booklet for rules & instruction$0.07 Labor & packaging costs$ sets of cards for Order of Operations, Algebra, Geometry $0.85 Dividers(built into box)$0.50 Game Pieces$0.37 Ground Shipping$ % margin at selling price of $14.99 $9.17 (includes everything you’ll need in this board game)
Share ‘n’ Challange a fun way to explore new problem Enter the world of Math A fun way to meet new people and learn new tricks and tips Doing math in a fun WAY! Share the problem with your group Make them puzzled and confused with your super math skills Points: Share the problem and get a thumbs-up Challenge your group a problem Give them an ‘expiration date’ for the problem Points: Challenge the problem and trick everyone so no one can solve it Solve a challenged problem For 30 players at a time Welcome to Share n’ Challenge! This website domain is so simple. Only 3 steps required: 1.Register as a new member 2.Join or create a group 3.You’re on your own!
Share ‘n’ Challange
Share ‘n’ Challenge : Cost Development Cost$TBD Advt. Cost$TBD Web site registration$10.00/yr Web site maintenance$10.35/yr $0.85/yr
Twist the Number Basic Rules: Slide the bars up and down, move the placers left to right Find as many operations as you can (+, -, etc) Have your Math Play Pal join YOU Math Play Pals: -Cute, stuffed animals that come with a code -Put the code on the following website and play the GAME Benefits: Taking a simple thing and engaging kids with it Interesting kids Steps: Challange a problem in the team, specify the time limit Share a problem w/ expire date
Twist the Number with you
Field Trip-1: Dartmouth Middle School Purpose : To present “Steps 2 Success” and get feedback. Place : 5575 Dartmouth Drive San Jose, CA Date & Time October 30 th 2014, 3:30PM to 4:00PM Audience Ms. Rissman is a 7 th grade math teacher and an 8 th grade elective teacher at Dartmouth Middle School. She currently has been recognized for continuing Project Lead The Way in the newspaper.
Statistics | How many kids are there that can benefit from this game? In fall 2014, about 49.8 million students will attend public elementary and secondary schools in USA. Of these, 35.1 million will be in PreK- grade 8. Lets say 10% of US kids are helped. That’s 3.5 Million! World over, its 1.8 Billion kids. If 1% benefit from this, its 18 Million !!!
Is it… you know, 5 star rated? Review/Feedback Good deal at $14.99 “Useful game” Mrs. Rissman, Dartmouth Middle school - A blue ribbon school, Union School District www. Released on: Dec 1 st 2014 ORDER ONLINE