1 San Diego County Combined Federal Campaign 2014 Pledge Forms “Give a little. HELP A LOT.”
MAKING A PLEDGE The Pledge Card Ensure to fill out entirely and legibly No Cash or Checks this year! – Cancelled because it costs more to handle and process than what’s usually donated Blue Copy to Payroll Office (in Keyworkers’ Blue Envelopes) White Copy to CFC Office (Up to 25 in Keyworkers’ White Envelopes) Pink Copy to Donor Ensure number amounts in Blue Envelopes match the same amount in the White Envelopes
Blue Copy to Payroll Office (Will go in Key Worker’s Blue Envelopes)
White Copy to CFC Office (Up 25 Copies will go in Key Workers’ White Envelopes)
Pink Copy to Donor
Blue Copy (Top Half) D O E, J O H N A. 1. Print Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial C o D, 1 s t B n, R T R, M C R D 2. Military Command or Federal Agency, office 3. Work Phone: Where you can be reached during the work day 4. Circle in: MILITARY or CIVILIAN 5. Select Donation Amount for 1 of the 4 circles provided OR… Write in Monthly Donation Amount and Total: Ensure Total is divisible by 24 or 26 MINIMUM DONATION IS $1 PER PAY PERIOD (NOT LESS THAN $24 ort $26 ANNUALLY) Use Ball Point Pen PRESS HARD!
Blue Copy (Top Half cont’d) D O E, J O H N A. C o D, 1 s t B n, R T R, M C R D Select a Charity Organization from Charity List Booklets, find 5-Digit Code 7. Enter 5-digit code; may choose more than one charity Enter Annual Amount to Each Charity Enter Total, Should Equal Total Annual Donation 48 00
10. Information Release to Charity Organization :(OPTIONAL) Blue Copy (Bottom Half) 123 Home St. Hometown IL Fill in Full Social Security: payrollrequirement (USPS can use EIN) Signature and Date John A. Doe 15 Sep Select Recognition Item if eligible and desired ( $ CFC Coin) ( $1200+ CFC Eagle)
D O E, J O H N A. C o D, 1 s t B n, R T R, M C R D N/A Home St. Hometown IL John A. Doe 15 Sep Ensure Pledge Form is Completely Filled Out Ensure These Amounts Match
N/A D O E, J O H N A. C o D, 1 s t B n, R T R, M C R D Home St. Hometown IL John A. Doe 15 Sep Thank & Give Pink Copy to Donor
16. Ensure White Carbon Copy information filled out. Hand write in if illegible.
Co D, 1 st RTBn, RTR Capt I. M. Awesome Place Blue Copies into Blue Envelope 2. Turn in Envelopes to Coordinator or as directed 3. Coordinator ensure blues get to appropriate payroll office 4. USPS (only) turn all blues into CFC office with white copies
DOE, J O H N A Place up to 25 White Copies in Tally Envelope ALLEN, MARCUS A BROWN, J EFF C. COOPER, MATT F FLETCHER, J ACK C X SMITH, JOSEPH S X Ensure amounts are divisible by 24/ Add Annual Totals at the Bottom
DOE, J O H N A Do not add Intranet / Online Pledges to Tally Envelope, Online donations are tracked Online ALLEN, MARCUS A BROWN, J EFF C. COOPER, MATT F FLETCHER, J ACK C X SMITH, JOSEPH S X
3. Place up to 50 Pledge Forms inside Tally Envelopes into a Collection Envelope.
4. Fill In Red Box Information Capt I. M. Awesome Fill in your CFC ID # (you can find it on CFC website or ask Coordinator) 7605 RTR, MCRD SAN DIEGO
Questions? Please Call: CFC Office at /5/6/7