MACHC ECC Working Group 1 Report Katie Ries, NOAA
Progress Report Gulf of Honduras 2009 Training LCDR Chris van Westendorp, NOAA Elliott Arroyo, NAVOCEANO
Belize Lessons Learned (Phase 1 Training) Logistics planning Vehicle availability BNCG detainment duties Equipment Deployment / Control Troubleshooting methodology
Belize (continued) (Phase 1 Training) In-survey plan modification Emergency / safety planning Coxswain and Hydrographer duties / communication
Honduras: Basic needs for successful program (Trainer assessment from Phase 1 Training) X Vessel dedicated for hydrographic survey Assigned survey personnel (i.e. electronics technician) Permanently installed vessel hydrographic equipment Increased IT proficiency (i.e. basic Microsoft operations) Coxswain proficiency for driving survey lines Culture: Basic survey needs and logistics (i.e. not typical office hours)
Guatemala: Basic needs for successful program (Trainer assessment from Phase 1 Training) Vessel dedicated for hydrographic survey Assigned survey personnel (i.e. electronics technician) Permanently installed vessel hydrographic equipment Increased IT proficiency (i.e. basic Microsoft operations) Coxswain proficiency for driving survey lines Culture: Basic survey needs and logistics (i.e. not typical office hours) X X X
Plans for Phase 2 Training (All Countries) Conduct Quality Assurance Checks Reference from 2009 training Conduct a Field Hydrographic Survey to IHO Standards Collect data Process data Conduct quality assurance Be ready/able to transmit survey deliverables to UKHO for chart updates
Customized Phase 2 Training (Belize) Practice basic surveying principles Side scan / single beam echosounder acquisition / analysis Data post-processing Tides Calculate tidal datums from time series data & compare with existing vertical control network information Practice benchmark network establishment / leveling
Customized Phase 2 Training (Honduras) Practice & Theory: Sidescan Sonar Operation / data collection / analysis Target detection & interpretation Tides Bottom to top review Geodesy Using dual-frequency receiver Establishing geodetic control point Linking horizontal / vertical control networks
Customized Phase 2 Training: (Guatemala) Survey Planning 100% versus 200% coverage Harbor versus Approaches Boat operations & safety Steering survey lines (coxswain training) Single beam / side scan sonar acquisition and processing operations Hypack / Imagenex Bathymetry & Target analysis / investigation
Action Items… Travel arrangements communicated to IHO Bureau for Phase 2 training: 30 November 2009 GoH country representatives participating in NOAA February 2010 Hydrotraining (Belize / Guatemala / Honduras) 2010 In-country trainers (NOAA/Navy hydrographers) Honduras: 11-25 April 2010 Guatemala: 25 April – 9 May 2010 Belize: 28 February – 14 March 2010
Action items (cont)… GoH countries identify one (1) English-speaking participant for NOAA February 2010 Hydrotraining: 23 November 2009 Introductory hydrography course (not for experienced or prior-trained personnel) NOAA / GoH Project send letter to GoH countries: 11 November 2009 Invitation to NOAA February 2010 Hydrotraining Announcement of intent for in-country Phase 2 training
Action items (cont)… NOAA / Navy explore possibility of focused tide station installation and water level analysis training and/or support: 31 January 2010 GoH countries ensure preparations made for in-country training: Prior to NOAA/Navy trainer arrival Vessel & personnel Equipment installation
Action items (cont)… GoH countries to document hydrographic activity in-kind contributions using format provided by GoH Project Director: 31 December 2009 GoH countries produce progress report and results of Phase 1 Training for MACHC Chair to submit to IHO CBC: 31 January 2010
Action items (cont)… GoH countries and ECC WG1 Chair generate & submit request throuch MACHC Chair for 2011 hydrographic training & support from IHO CBC: 15 March 2010