u Computer Engineer/Systems Analyst u Computer Operator/Programmer u Computer Technician
Computer Engineer Systems Analyst
Computer Engineer Systems Analyst Computer engineers coordinate the construction, maintenance, and future growth of a company's computer systems.
Computer Engineer Systems Analyst All computer engineers must be good with details and know how to approach structural problems logically. But practical experience is the most important credential. Certifications: Certified Systems Professional (CSP) Certified Quality Analyst (CQA)
Computer Engineer Systems Analyst Two Years Out: hectic pace, limited input, and a high degree of personal accountability. Five Years Out: upgrade existing information systems, and have significant input on future purchases and system architecture. Ten Years Out: Many ten-year computer engineers open their own consulting firms.
Computer Engineer Systems Analyst Career Profile # of people in profession: 177,090 % male: 90 % female: 10 average hours per week: 45 average starting salary: $ 39,000 average salary after 5 years: $ 70,000 average salary after 10 to 15 years: $ 90,000
Computer Operator/Programmer
Programmers write the code that tells computers what to do. System programmers must be familiar with hardware specifications, design, memory management, and structure, while application programmers must know standard user interface protocols, data structure, program architecture, and response speed.
Computer Operator/Programmer Academic requirements are gaining in importance for entry-level positions in the field of programming. Coursework should include basic and advanced programming, some technical computer science courses, and some logic or systems architecture classes. Long hours and a variety of programming languages--PERL, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, C++--are essential tools.
Computer Operator/Programmer Programming right now is understaffed and the field will continue to grow for the next five years at a fast pace. Many industries are just now realizing the benefit of having tailored and modular code written to address their specific needs.
Computer Operator/Programmer Two Years Out: work under the supervision of established programmers. Pay is average. Five Years Out: Salaries rise, and hours increase significantly. Duties include defining programming architecture, coding, and debugging more junior programmers' codes. Ten Years Out: Ten-year professionals have often begun their own businesses as independent programmers.
Computer Operator/Programmer Career Profile # of people in profession: 537,000 % male: 95 % female: 5 average hours per week: 40 average starting salary: $ 39,000 average salary after 5 years: $ 70,000 average salary after 10 to 15 years: $ 90,000
Computer Technician
Technicians work with their hands, they solve problems, and they rarely take their work home with them. They analyze problems, run tests, and then, where possible, repair the item. They are "gadget doctors,” as one put it, who understand the principles of electronics, equipment testing, and tools.
Computer Technician Technicians do not need a college degree; instead, most attend a technical or vocational school that offers them general training and elective courses in various specializations.
Computer Technician Technicians experienced unparalleled demand for their services during these decades. The future looks good for technicians given the seemingly endless variety of electronic, computer- based, and sophisticated products.
Computer Technician Two Years Out: Salaries are average, and many use these first years to learn how to apply their technical-school skills to real-life repair situations. Five Years Out: Satisfaction levels begin to pivot for both careers. In-house technicians find that supervisory jobs--the most common step up--are in great demand and limited supply. Ten Years Out: Most ten-year technicians have become sole-technicians.
Computer Technician Career Profile # of people in profession: 500,000 % male: 90 % female: 10 average hours per week: 40 average starting salary: $ 24,000 average salary after 5 years: $ 32,000 average salary after 10 to 15 years: $ 41,000