Discrete Mathematics I 暨南大学 信息科学技术学院 计算机科学系 黄 战 副教授 离散数学 I (全英)
Discrete Mathematics provides an introduction to logic and proof techniques, basics of set theory, elementary number theory and cryptography, combinatorial enumeration, discrete probability, and graph theory, with a view towards applications. It is designed for majors in mathematics, computer science, statistics, and other related science and engineering disciplines.
The purpose of this course is to understand and use discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 7th Edition,Kenneth H.Rosen, McGraw-Hill Higher Education Website:
TypeWeight Attendance, Assignments40% Final Test60% Your final grade in the course will be determined as follows:
There will be weekly homework assignments. The assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the day specified on the assignment. In general, no extensions will be granted.
What is Discrete Mathematics? The study of discrete, mathematical objects and structures. “Discrete”--Composed of distinct, separable parts. (Opposite of continuous.) “Structures”--objects built up from simpler objects according to a definite pattern.
Discrete Structures We’ll Study IntegersAlgorithms Orders of Growth (Discrete) Functions SetsPredicatesPropositions TreesGraphsRelationsCombinationsPermutationsSummationsProofs
Why Study Discrete Math? The basis of all of digital information processing: Discrete manipulations of discrete structures represented in memory. It’s the basic language and conceptual foundation of all of computer science. Discrete concepts are also widely used throughout math, science, engineering, economics, biology, etc., … A generally useful tool for rational thought!
Uses for Discrete Math in Computer Science Database management systems Computer security Error correction codes Graphics & animation algorithms, game engines Just about everything! Algorithms & data structures Programming language compilers & interpreters. Computer networks Operating systems Computer architecture
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