Nicora Placa January 15, 2014 Helpful Elementary Homework Resources for Parents
Agenda Introduction Changes in the teaching of mathematics Shifting Beliefs and Attitudes Resources Question and Answer
Overview of Changes
Our goal Prepare our students so they are career and college ready
What does that mean in today’s world?
We need to change the way we prepare our children
Focus Depth, Not Breadth Focus deeply on major work of the grade: key ideas, understandings and skills Stresses deep learning
Coherence Across and within grades Making Connections Making Math Make Sense
Rigor does not mean “hard problems.” It’s a balance of ◦ Fluency ◦ Conceptual Understanding ◦ Application. There must be variety in what students are asked to produce. Rigor
How has rigor increased? Examine the two assessment tasks in front of you. How is the common core aligned task different than the previous type of assessment task? What do students need to know to be able to solve the task?
Beliefs and Attitudes towards mathematics
What are your beliefs and attitudes towards math? ◦ One Word ◦ One Phrase ◦ One Sentence
What does the research say? Students’ attitudes and beliefs towards math MATTER! Students who believe math is a series of disconnected rules and procedures often struggle compared with those who see underlying connections and meaning Many students believe you are either good at math or you aren’t. They don’t believe they can change their achievement
Fluency GradeRequired Fluency KAdd/subtract within 5 1Add/subtract within 10 2Add/subtract within 20 Add/subtract within 100 3Multiply/Divide within 100 Add/subtract within Add/subtract within 1,000,000 5Multi-digit multiplication
Fact Family Cards
Mental math: Number Talks The Number of the Day is 12, write all the facts you can that equal 12.
Many possible solutions = = 22 – 10 3 x 4 = = = – – =12 2 x 2 x 3=1236 ÷ 3 = 12
Mental math: Number Talks How many ways can you solve without pencil and paper? =?
Here’s one solution. Why does it work? (498 +2) + (312-2) =810
Mental math: Number Talks Solve 14 x 6 without a pencil and paper. How many different ways can you solve it?
Number Sense
What is it? ◦ Ability to use and understand numbers ◦ Working flexibly with numbers ◦ Estimating ◦ Develop useful strategies
The Game 24
Guess my rule? InOut ? InOut ?
Wuzzit Trouble App by Stanford math professor Free the Wuzzit by figuring out the correct number of times to turn the gears
Estimation days of estimation challenges Students look at a picture, make an estimate and share what context clues they used They can see how close their estimates are.
Go Math! Homework Help
Go Math! Help Videos by grade and topic
Questions to guide students Instead of….Try What is the answer?How did you get your answer? (ask this whether the answer is right or wrong) Prove to me your answer is correct..Why does that answer make sense to you?
Questions for when they are stuck How would you describe the problem in your own words? What do you know that is not stated in the problem? What facts do you have? What does the word ________ mean?
Questions for when they are stuck Would it help to create a diagram? Make a table? Draw a picture? Can you guess and check? What do you already know that could help you figure that out?
Additional Websites Khan Academy ◦ Talking math with your kids ◦ Bedtime math stories ◦ Learn zillion ◦ You cubed ◦
Questions? Comments? Website: